/ / PDCA-cycle - the philosophy of continuous improvement of business

PDCA cycle - the philosophy of continuous business improvement

PDCA-цикл (цикл Деминга) — одно из основных concepts in modern management theory. It also underlies the ISO 9000 series standards, which are used worldwide for quality management in enterprises of all sizes and types.

PDCA cycle


Deming's PDCA cycle is a continuous technology.process improvements in business and in any other field of activity. The name of this method is an abbreviation of 4 English words, meaning a logical sequence of stages of improvement:

  • P - Plan (plan);
  • D - Do (do);
  • C - Check (check, analyze);
  • A - Act (act).

Everything is logical and simple:First you need to think about actions. Then they are executed in accordance with the plan. The third step is the analysis of the results. And finally, the last stage - the Act - involves the introduction of specific changes to improve the process and / or setting new goals. After this, the planning stage begins again, at which everything that was done before should be taken into account.

Schematically, the PDCA control cycle is depicted as a wheel, which demonstrates the continuity of this process.

Now we will consider each stage in detail.

Deming's PDCA cycle

Plan (Plan)

The first stage is planning. It is necessary to clearly formulate the problem, then determine the main directions for work and come up with the optimal solution.

A common mistake is to develop a plan based onsubjective guesses and assumptions management. Without knowing the root causes of the problem, it is possible at best to neutralize its consequences, and that temporarily. What tools can I use for this?

Method "5 Why"

It was developed in the 40s, but gained popularity 30 years later, when Toyota began to actively use it. How to conduct such an analysis?

First you need to formulate and writethe problem. Then ask the question: "Why is this happening?" and write down all the reasons. After that, you need to do the same for each answer. Then we go in the same way, until the question "Why?" will not be set 5 times. As a rule, the fifth answer is the real reason.

Ishikawa Chart

This method allows you to graphically represent the causal relationships of any phenomena in the business. Named after its creator, chemist Kaor Ishikawa, and is widely used in management.

When plotting a chart, 5 likelysources of problems: people, materials, environment (environment), equipment and methods. Each of them, in turn, may contain more detailed reasons. For example, the work of employees depends on the level of qualifications, health, personal problems, etc.

The sequence of construction of the Ishikawa diagram:

  1. Draw a horizontal arrow to the right, and write down a clearly formulated problem near its tip.
  2. At an angle to the main arrow, draw the 5 main factors of influence that we talked about above.
  3. Use the small arrows to show detailed reasons. If necessary, you can add smaller branches. This is done until they release all the possible reasons.

After that, all the resulting options are written in a column, from the most realistic to minor.


Team discussion with experts and keyemployees, in which the task of each participant is to name as many potential causes and solutions to the problem as possible, including the most fantastic ones.

After theoretical analysis, it is necessary to find the actual factual data confirming that the causes of the problem are correctly identified. It is impossible to act on the basis of guesswork ("most likely ...").

As for planning directly,specifics are also important here. It is important to establish deadlines, write out a clear sequence of actions and measurable results (including intermediate ones) to which they should lead.

PDCA control cycle


The second stage of the PDCA cycle is the implementation of the plan,implementation of changes. Most often, it is more expedient to first implement the decisions taken on a small scale, conduct a “field test” and test how it works in a small area or facility. If there are breakdowns of deadlines, delays, it is important to understand the reason (unrealistic planning or lack of discipline on the part of employees). Additionally, they introduce an intermediate control system, which allows not only to wait for the results, but to constantly monitor what has already been done.

The Shewhart-Deming Cycle PDCA


Говоря простыми словами, теперь необходимо дать the answer to a single question: "What have we learned?". The PDCA cycle implies a continuous assessment of the results achieved. It is necessary to evaluate the progress regarding the goals set, to determine what works well and what needs to be improved. Mainly carried out by checking reports and other company documentation.

For the successful implementation of the Shewhart-Deming cycle(PDCA) in business, it is necessary to organize regular reporting on the work done and discussion of the results with employees. An ideal tool for this is the introduction of key KPI performance indicators, on the basis of which a system of motivation and encouragement of the most productive employees is built.

PDCA Cycle Stages

Take action

The last step is, in fact, action. There may be several options:

  • implement change;
  • reject the decision if it turned out to be ineffective;
  • repeat all stages of the PDCA-cycle again, but make certain adjustments to the process.

If something works well and mayberepeated, this decision needs to be standardized. To do this, appropriate changes are made to the company’s documentation: work regulations, instructions, check lists of performance checks, employee training programs, etc. In parallel, assess the possibility of introducing improvements to other business processes where similar problems may arise.

If the developed action plan did not bring the expected results, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for the failure, then return to the first stage (Plan) and try a different strategy.

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