/ / Hair comes out with a bulb: it's time to panic?

Hair with a bulb drops out: it's time to panic?

Заметив волосы на расческе, многие начинают to panic, promising self-alopecia in the near future. Immediately it is worth noting that their loss is a natural process, with which you do not have to try to fight, because this is how the body is renewed. To understand if you are threatened with baldness, it is enough to find out how much the average hair a day should drop out in people and estimate approximately how this situation is with you.

Scientists have found out that a person canbe from 70 to 150 thousand hairs, depending on their color and region of residence. Daily can fall 0.05 - 0.1% of their total: so, blondes a day can lose up to 150 pieces, and brunettes around 100. Although these indicators are already critical, usually the daily rate of loss should not exceed 30-50. If you see that the hair with the bulb is falling out, do not panic - it's natural, the follicles from which they grew, do not die, but continue to work, and after a certain time, new shoots will appear from them.

Hair falls with bulb

Также не стоит забывать, что длинные волосинки better visible. You will not even notice that you have hair falling out with a bulb, while they are short. But if you only grow a little, how on the comb will be immediately visible bundle, in addition, you will always find them during house cleaning. For your peace of mind, you can periodically examine them: if you see a healthy bulb, and the hairs along the entire length are smooth, without visible flaws, then you should not worry. Another thing if you regularly find hair without bulbs, uneven, with stratified ends. This may indicate their increased fragility, which means that your head of hair needs more careful treatment and careful care.

Stop hair loss

Если же вы видите, что ваша прическа существенно thinned or the number of hair found increased noticeably, then it's time to sound an alarm. It is possible that you have hair with a bulb, due to the fact that the body has some kind of failure and the follicles have become less nutrients. Accordingly, they began to perform their functions worse, and after the loss of the hair, a new one does not appear in them. There are many ways how to stop hair loss, but before you start treatment, it is better to consult with specialists.

How to stop hair loss

Perhaps the cause was some kind of hormonalfailure, prolonged illness, nervous load, malnutrition or even inappropriate working conditions. After all, you first need to figure out why the hair falls out with the bulb, and eliminate the cause that led to this problem.

But in any case, it will not be superfluous if yourevise your diet, start eating fresh vegetables and fruits, change the shampoo and regularly make strengthening masks. This will help to establish the work of the follicles, hair will less often fall out and grow faster. But do not forget, whatever measures you take to stop hair loss, if the cause is not eliminated, everything in the end will be useless. Of course, complete baldness threatens only men, but also in women, hair may noticeably be smeared.

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