/ / Lunar calendar, haircut: favorable days

Lunar calendar, haircut: auspicious days

Often we pay little attention to the lunarthe calendar. However, the phases of the moon have a strong impact on our lives. Sometimes we do not notice it ourselves. Women should not neglect the lunar calendar, even in cosmetic matters. Today we will consider the favorable haircut days for the lunar calendar for January and the other months of 2018.

Ancient tradition

Согласно легенде, в стародавние времена еще до the events described in the Old Testament, people did not have hair. The skin on their head was covered with fluff, which is now observed only in newborns. These hairs served as a kind of accumulator through which a person received cosmic energy. Its presence was determined by a halo above the head. Today, we can observe the divine halo only on icons.

However, the tradition says that after the fallThe ephemeral hairs are hard and heavy. But people continue to receive divine energy from the universe through the hair. And they will continue to do this until humanity passes to a new level of spiritual development. Therefore, to treat your own hair you need very carefully.

haircut and lunar days

Hair and energy

In ancient times, people attached great importancehaircutting. The lunar calendar was not then, but everyone knew the period of the growing and waning moon. It was believed that with the help of haircuts, you can get rid of the negative on the biofield, raise your spirits, and sometimes even radically change your life. In ancient times, the process of haircuts was accompanied by sorcery rites and special rituals, which were held in the temples.

Lunar cycle and hair

Many people notice that the intensity of hair growthis different depending on which lunar phase the haircut was made into. If you cut hair on the waning moon, their growth slows down. Therefore, many people try to visit the hairdresser on the rising moon. And then the hair grows much faster.

Scientists say that noconfirmations of communication of the satellite of the Earth with hair growth. However, American psychiatrist Arnold Lieber conducted a study that proved the existence of this connection. The doctor claims that he analyzed the number of suicides in the last 45 years and found that the greatest number of suicides occurred during the new moon and full moon.

Все дело в том, говорит Арнольд Либер, что наш the body consists of 80% water. And the Earth satellite has the same effect on our body as it does on the oceans. That is, it controls the ebb and flow of body fluids. It affects the emotional state of sensitive people. The growing Moon causes also the inflow of blood to the hair follicles, which positively affects the growth of hair.

Haircutting rules

haircut at the master

1.The master you have chosen influences your biofield. Therefore, the choice of a specialist should be approached very carefully. Refer to a smiling and active master who will charge you with positive energy. It is advisable to contact a young specialist.

2. If you have started a series of failures, it makes sense to turn to a very experienced and famous master, even if the haircut at him will cost you very much. It will help you dramatically change your life.

3. Do not cut your hair yourself. After all, the hairdresser heals your biofield. You can hardly cure it with your own hand.

4. During the haircut, the astral, mental and etheric fields change. Therefore, the master can influence your subconscious mind. It is desirable that the specialist was of the same sex as you.

Satanic days of the lunar calendar

Если день стрижки волос по лунному календарю - 9, 15, 23 or 29, meeting with a hairdresser is better to move. These days the energy field is very vulnerable. There is a great danger of "catching" the evil eye or spoiling, even in the form of a rude word, spoken to you. In each of us lives a piece of evil, which these days is very strong. Therefore, there is a possibility of conflict, increased sensitivity, unbalance.

Every Satanic day has a special karma and its symbol. On the 9th lunar day (symbol: bat) there is a danger of deception. Perhaps they will deceive you. However, you can deceive yourself unconsciously.

The 15th day (crocodile) is the middle of the lunar cycle. Sexual instincts are intensifying, lust and emotions will beat over the edge.

The 23rd lunar day (chimera) brings to the light all kinds of human vices. This is gluttony, greed, aggressiveness, anger.

The 29th lunar day (octopus) is considered to be one of the heaviest energetically. In this period, the probability of conflicts is high.

The moon in the sky

Full moon

Полная Луна оказывает сильнейшее влияние на human body. This is a period of sudden decisions and cardinal changes. A surge of negative or positive emotions is possible. It can be oppressive sadness or great joy.

Many doctors working in psychiatrichospitals, note the deterioration of patients during the full moon. In the same period, healthy people can deteriorate their health. There is a risk of heart attacks. Esotericists say that it is impossible to conceive children during the full moon period, as there is a possibility that the child will receive the soul of the killer. Doctors also note: on the full moon the probability of conception increases many times.

Full moon on the lunar calendar - cut hairOr not to shear? This period is suitable for a radical change in the image. Recolour the hair in a different color, change their length or make a perm. If you only want to adjust your hair, it's better to refuse to visit the hairdresser during the full moon.

Women who visit the hairdresser on the full moon, note the cardinal changes in their own lives.

Waning moon

Это период очищения энергетических резервов.The moon takes all energy to return it afterwards renewed and favorable. The body is weakened, its functions are slowed down, mood and energy potential are reduced. Any undertaking is doomed to failure. It is a period of rethinking, analysis, deliverance. Therefore, it is recommended to perform operations only on the waning moon, so that there is no relapse.

At this time it is not recommended to carry out a haircuthair. The lunar calendar marks the days of the waning moon as unfavorable for visiting the salon. There is no scientific explanation for this, but the hair, trimmed "on the wane" becomes dull and lifeless, grows slowly. Even the piling looks sloppy and does not last long.

It is recommended to carry out hair care procedures during the waning moon.

Waxing Crescent

The most favorable period for women who want to grow long hair as quickly as possible. If you cut each growing moon's hair, the hair will grow intensively.

3-4 lunar days are most suitable for women who want to permanently preserve the appearance of their hair and improve the condition of their hair.

Astrologers say that trimmed inFull moon hair also helps to improve well-being, improve mood, remove the negative and even get rid of diseases. It is useful to carry out during the growing moon and cosmetic procedures. Their result will be a pleasant surprise.

full moon

New moon

A new moon is a period when the body is mostrelaxed Reactions are slowing down, so the number of traffic accidents increases. Especially susceptible to new moon men. This is manifested by nervous tension, irritability, which shows the stronger sex.

This is the best time to give up bad habits. The energy of the new moon will support you.

Is it possible to cut hair during this period?The ancient Tibetan astrologers believed that this would shorten the life of a person. But today there is a perception that the energy of the new Moon will improve their growth. However, it is better not to take risks and not to visit the beauty salon during a new moon.

Moon in the signs of the zodiac and hair growth

Astrologers recommend to pay attention to what sign of the zodiac is the moon. This factor also affects the hair.

The most favorable to do haircutlunar calendar), when the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Capricorn. The shag will grow better. The moon in the constellation Gemini will give a hairstyle of airiness. The same effect can be achieved in the period when the heavenly body is in the sign of Libra.

Hair will grow more slowly, but will strengthen, if you cut it while the Moon is in Cancer or Pisces.

It is not recommended to cut hair when the moon passes the constellation Aries and Aquarius. This can cause severe hair loss.

girl with the moon

Interesting Facts

1. If a child has his hair cut during the period of the waning moon, he will have bad hair, sparse and thin.

2. If in the summer, July 18, pluck eyebrows before noon, they will no longer overgrow. Therefore at this time it is recommended to do depilation.

3. Jews considered cutting hair and beards a terrible sin. Baldness predicted disasters and all sorts of misfortunes.

Lunar haircut days in 2018

The lunar calendar will tell you on which days haircut and hair coloring is recommended. The choice of suitable days is influenced by the following factors:

  • zodiac sign through which the moon passes;
  • its phase;
  • day of the week.

Haircut and dyeing in January, according to the mooncalendar, should be held in the following dates of the month: 16, 18, 20, 24, 27, 29, 31. It is also recommended to pay attention to the lunar day and day of the week. These are the nuances we consider below.

In February, the haircut, according to the lunar calendar, is recommended to be held in: 2, 5, 15, 19, 24, 28 numbers.

Favorable days in March: 3, 9, 13, 15, 20, 22, 28, 29, 30.

The lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring recommends visiting the salon on the following April days: 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 17, 19, 23, 27.

Good days to visit a hairdresser in May: 3, 5-6, 8, 12, 14-15, 20-24, 28, 30.

The lunar calendar haircuts and hair dye for June is as follows: 5, 8, 11, 12, 18, 20, 22, 28, 30.

In July, the haircut is favorable in such numbers: 4, 10, 25, 29, 30.

Lunar calendar haircuts for August recommends visiting a hairdresser 4, 7, 13, 19-20, 31.

moon days and hair

In September, haircut and hair coloring will bring positive emotions in 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 18, 19, 21, 28, 30 numbers.

The lunar calendar of hair-friendly days in October is as follows: 4.7, 14, 16, 28, 31.

These days of November are considered the most successful for a hairstyle: 4, 13, 23, 30.

In December 2018, the first days to visit a hairdresser are the 1st, 9th, 10th, 22nd, 28th of the month.

Lunar calendar hair cuts for a year looks a little different, because the above mentioned are the favorable numbers of the month. But the lunar day should be considered.

It is necessary to highlight some lunar days, which are particularly favorable for haircuts. For example, visiting a hairdresser for 5 lunar day will increase your income.

So, what moon days are the most favorable for haircuts?

  • changing hairstyles on the 8th lunar day will give you longevity and good health;
  • The 13-moon day is favorable for a haircut, as it will bring beauty and happiness into your life;
  • haircut on the 14th lunar day is recommended for those who want to increase financial income;
  • visiting the salon on the 19th lunar day will prolong life;
  • having made a haircut on the 26th lunar day, you will attract joy and happiness and your life;
  • changing the image on the 28th day of the moon strengthened the sympathy for others.
    Moon and cat

Days of the week and haircut

Having considered the lunar calendar haircuts and hair coloring, we turn to the days of the week.

Monday. On the first day of the week, you can eliminate all negatives from the biofield and ensure good luck in all your endeavors.

Tuesday. Will protect you from danger and trouble.

Wednesday. A haircut on this day can bring unexpected news. It will help to establish contact with others.

Thursday. Contribute to strengthening your immune system and mental strength.

Friday. It will slow down the growth of your hair, it is better not to visit a hairdresser. Astrologers say that biochemical processes are slowed down on this day.

Saturday. Helps to get rid of loneliness and insecurity in their own appearance. It is also believed that a haircut on this day removes some of the problems that have arisen due to the fault of others.

Sunday. On Sunday, you can not cut any hair or nails. Thus, it is possible to cut the connection with space.

Here such a strong influence can have on yourlife is an ordinary haircut. Be sure to check with the lunar calendar before calling to the master. Otherwise, you can harm the health of your hair and even affect some of the events in your life.

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