/ / How to choose sunglasses for any girl

How to choose sunglasses for any girl

Pick up glasses from the sun is not so simple,it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances. Sunglasses are a very important accessory, in the summer without them and not at all do. The sun in spring and summer is very bright, we begin to squint, which leads to unnecessary wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, from a constant squint often headache. Often, girls wondering how to choose sunglasses, focus only on the advice of glossy publications and fashion experts, while not thinking about the eyesight and eyesight.

The sun's rays adversely affect the retinaand the cornea of ​​the eye, the purpose of glasses is not beauty, but protection from ultraviolet light. So, answering the question, how to choose sunglasses, first of all, you need to pay attention to the color of the glasses. Very often people prefer darker, believing that the darker the coating, the better protection. This is not entirely correct, since the quality of the glass depends not on the color, but on the degree of transmission of ultraviolet radiation. The best are dark gray glass, marked 400 nanometers. Colored glasses in glasses absolutely do not protect from sunlight, and even have a negative influence on the lens and the perception of colors. That is, glasses with blue, green, blue and pink glasses should not be bought.

how to choose sunglasses

Many women are interested in how to choosesunglasses in the shape of a face. The choice of this accessory should be taken seriously, as you will have to wear them for several months, which means that you want the glasses to be not only good quality, but also beautiful, fit in shape. This season in fashion glasses in a thick frame, but they visually make a mistress older, so only fit young girls. Very large glasses make them weary and are not suitable for a small person. The basic rule for those who want to know how to choose sunglasses - they should not be the same shape as your face. That is, chubby beauties do not need to buy round frames and so on. It turns out that absolutely any shape of the face fits the oval frame.

how to choose glasses according to the shape of the face

Girls with an oval face shape go almost anyglasses, but not too large. The shape can be varied, squares, rectangles, ovals and even circles. Such women are very good in glasses "droplets". It is believed that the line of eyebrows should coincide with the line of the frame, and its width should not exceed the width of the cheekbones.

For a triangular face, glasses inthe form of ovals, or semicircular forms of frames. Also look at these girls "aviators" and "butterflies", which sit low on the nose. Now about how to pick up glasses according to the shape of a person for chubby. If the face is not too large, the cat's eye shape will do. In no case do not buy round frames, it is better to give preference to large, rectangular shapes. Also suitable are oval and square glasses. The frame is better to choose from a colored material, it will visually reduce the roundness and add to the image of lightheadedness.

how to choose sunglasses in face shape

It is clear that answering the question:"how to choose sunglasses," I must say that the lens should not be made of plastic, but only of real glass. Since plastic inserts not only do not protect, but also harm the eyes.

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