/ / Precious stones black: characteristics, title and photo

Gems black: characteristics, title and photo

Black stones, like the color itself, are classics. They are used in the manufacture of various ornaments and accessories. Especially beautiful precious stones are black. The list of these minerals is very large.

In addition to beauty, they have magical and healing properties. Many of them are stored in the form of amulets or amulets. Now we describe the most famous gemstones of black color.

Agate is a fairly interesting mineral

This stone is popular.It can be easily processed. Characteristic features that will help to accurately determine such a stone is the striped coloration due to chalcedony (a rare type of quartz). But the very kind of mineral is quite interesting. The composition of chalcedony makes it possible to classify agate in the list of cryptocrystalline quartz. Its feature is the resistance to acids.

precious stones black

This stone is found most often in suchcountries: Russia, Mexico, Brazil, USA, Argentina, India, Australia, Botswana. There is a legend that agate is the favorite mineral of Pomona, the goddess of gardening. As for the origin of the name of this gem, opinions are divided. Some believe that it is of Greek origin and means "happy" in translation. Others say that the name resembles the area where it was mined, namely from the river Akhates. But there is no confirmation of the first and the second version.

Agate Properties

It is interesting that agate is not only blackcolors. Moreover, this stone has more than a thousand species. It has already been mentioned above that it differs from other minerals: strips in color and a layered structure. Agate is found in such colors: gray, green, white, pink, red, mossy. And black is called any mineral, in the structure of which there is a dark impregnation. The brightness of the color is given by various technological treatments. After all, in nature itself there is no black agate.

This stone has magical properties.Many claim that it will help to find love, build family happiness, protect children from evil eye, strengthen health, settle complicated relationships with people, stop quarrels and conflicts, improve financial situation. Choosing black gems, of course, should pay attention to agate.


This is a very famous mineral.The structure is petrified clay. Through millions of years it turned into stone. In Greek, it means "dense clay". There are other varieties of mudstone, which have such names: mud stones and halites.

Структура этого камня тонкослоистая.It is difficult to destroy with water, and it does not have plastic. It can weather, and when humidified, the smell of clay is formed. Interestingly, the argillite was very popular among the Indians, especially the Hyde tribe. They used his pieces as knives and other tools that were used for hunting.

 black gem as called

If you are looking for precious stones, you canpay attention to the mudstone. His homeland is called the Queen Charlotte Islands (Canada). Another claystone can be found in such countries: Ukraine, Estonia, China, Russia, Central Asia. This black gem name has an interesting and unusual. In addition, it has magical properties, helps to concentrate and make the right and intelligent decision in any situation. Also, mudstone helps to protect people from mistakes, soothes them. It is irreplaceable for people suffering from apathy, depression, stress.

Properties of argillite

Древние племена с помощью аргиллита совершали different magical rituals. From them, he was a guide to the world of the dead and helped to summon spirits. This black jewel is often used to create amulets for the home. He helps to keep the home, protect all its inhabitants from disease, evil eyes, envy. Thanks to mudstone in the house will always be prosperity, success, health. From a stone various figures, sculptures, souvenirs are made. Such products are expensive, despite the fact that even untreated stone has a small price.

black gem name

But the work of the master and his product will cost much more. By the way, adornments from mudstone have medicinal properties, but it is very difficult to find such accessories.


If you are interested in black transparent preciousstones, then pay attention to hypersthene. It belongs to the class of silicates. By its nature, this is a rare metal. It consists of iron and magnesium. In addition to black, there is a hypersthene of yellow, green, brown color. There is also a characteristic pearlescent shine. It is rare to find a valuable transparent crystal in nature.

The name "hypersthene" in Greekmeans "very strong." Then the stone was renamed enstatin. People use this name until now. This translates as "shockproof". The homeland of the stone is Kachkanar, Russia. Now it is also found in such countries: Ukraine, India, Canada, Bavaria, Norway, Iran.

black jewel

These black gems are widely usedin the jewelry sphere. Although one of the most popular types of hypersthene is bronzit. This stone has a brownish-green and nutty shade. The jewelers are very popular. It looks great in earrings, rings, different pendants and pendants. It is interesting that the mineral, crushed into powder, is used in the manufacture of powder and blush.

This black gem, whose photocan be seen in the article, often used to create decorative elements of furniture or souvenirs. Even in museums, unique specimens of such a mineral are stored. And collectors are desperate to hunt for unique elements from hypersthene.

Hypersthene properties

Like all stones, this one also has certainmagic properties. He protects from negativity, protects health and protects a person from accidents. Amulets, talismans, protections from hypersthene are recommended for people who have to risk their lives in their profession, for example, the military, the employees of the Ministry for Emergency Situations, the police. This stone is able to maintain the strength of mind, morale. He always helps to get out of a bad mood.

precious stones of black color

Very well-known hypersthene with its curativeproperties. These stones can strengthen immunity, fight against viral diseases, normalize the functionality of almost all vital organs. Many today use this black gem. What is the name of such a mineral, it is not always possible to remember, but its powerful power will be remembered for a long time.


This stone is also known under the namevolcanic glass. The history of the mineral is very interesting. A warrior named Obidius brought this stone to Rome first. In his honor he was named. In the national language, Caucasians call it "fragments of Satan's bones", and Americans - "tears of Apaches". There are also different literary names: Icelandic agate, resin stone, mahogany.

names of black gems

A characteristic feature of obsidian isa variety of colors and patterns. Nature gives rainbow, snow and peanut hue. Black color is characteristic of the snow obsidian. It has crystalline impregnations, which are very similar to snowflakes. Obsidian black is the most popular. In its composition, it has a large amount of such a mineral as magnetite.

Создается в природе обсидиан в процессе freezing of lava and does not have a crystalline structure. It looks like mica. This is what caused the name - volcanic glass. Interestingly, the first such stone was found about nine thousand years ago. Now it can be found in such countries as Japan, USA, Turkey, Ecuador, Ethiopia.


These gems (black) are widelyare used in the manufacture of various ornaments. Preliminary polishing, of them make earrings, bracelets, beads, rings, pendants. They also decorate vases and even glasses. This, of course, gives uniqueness to such products.

black gemstone photo

Among the jewelers, the mineral is popularsince ancient times. He is considered a semiprecious, pliable stone. The whole world knows the works of Faberge, in which obsidian is used. It is widely used in building materials, as it keeps the heat well. They have healing and magical properties. They are used as amulets and amulets.

A small conclusion

Now you know the names of black preciousstones. We also described the properties of these minerals. We hope that the information was useful to you, and you can choose for yourself a strong amulet of black color.

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