/ / How to choose a mink fur coat, so as not to regret buying

How to choose a mink fur coat, so as not to regret buying

Today we want to introduce you to somedetails that you need to know when buying a fur coat from natural fur. It’s not easy to choose a quality fur coat - there are many fakes and just low-quality goods on the fur market.

how to choose a mink fur coat

Unable to find a girl who would not dreamThrow a luxurious coat of natural fur over your shoulders. But not everyone knows how to choose a mink fur coat correctly. If you yourself are not too well versed in furs, then such a purchase should be made with a person who is more knowledgeable in this matter.

Mink fur coat is always very feminine, it is not afraid of rain, it does not go out of fashion for a long time. However, now we are talking about a quality product.

For a woman it is very important to choose the rightfur coat model. For example, miniature and low girls should not get elongated or puffy models. Trapeze-shaped fur coats are sewn from diagonal pieces, so they must be worn very carefully and cleaned carefully. And for the sake of justice, I must say that in such a fur coat it will not be too warm in the bitter cold. But the elongated straight models with a hood and under the belt will warm you in the harsh winter days. Although you need to know that the mink is not very warm fur.

If you want to know how to choose a mink fur coat,then remember that in terms of wear, mink is only in fourth place after beaver, otter and sable. On this basis, you should understand that such a fur coat is not intended for everyday wear. Women who drive a car should not buy a long model. They are more suitable short coats.

to choose a mink fur coat

You need to know that to buy such a thing should be in a large company store, and not on the market, where they do not always give you even a cash voucher.

So, you came to a large fur shop, where fromBeauty variety of fur coat just dizzy. Before you a huge selection of products for every taste. But how to choose a fur coat from a mink? First, do not rush, inspect the entire proposed range. By the way, it is necessary to decide on the choice of the model suitable for you even before visiting the store.

Now we need to evaluate the quality of the fur.Palm hold against the wool of the product - high-quality fur should return to its original state in a few seconds. If the fur is creased or stacked, then you have a poor-quality copy. If the height of the fur coat of the fur coat is different, then you are offered a product from another fur.

How to choose a fur coat from mink, so as not to confuseis it with a marmot, which is most often used to fake mink products? The woodchuck has more prickly pile, and a fur coat from it will last from one to four seasons. Mink has a special wool - at the very skin of her there is a fluff that covers her entire coat. Now you know how to choose a mink fur coat and where it is better to do it. We hope that using our advice, you can make the right choice.

mink coats prices Moscow

Today in Russia you can buy various fur coatsfrom mink. Prices (Moscow) for them range from 70 to 250 thousand rubles, depending on the model and quality of fur. Do not be afraid of the high price in company stores, here you can get a guarantee, and therefore any marriage found even six months later, you will be eliminated.

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