/ / With what to wear a plaid shirt: tips

With what to wear a checkered shirt: tips

Checkered shirt - an indispensable element of the wardrobeany fashionista. This thing is not only stylish, but also comfortable. It is combined with almost any clothing and has long since withdrawn from the "men's" category. With what to wear a checkered shirt? In any composition, the thing will betray the possessor sexuality and seduction.

with what to wear a checkered shirt

History of appearance

Love of things in the cage came from Scotland.There, this pattern is basic in traditional clothes. And in England for such a print people were declared traitors and sentenced to imprisonment. Gradually this ornament conquered the whole world. At first such shirts were worn exclusively by men. They were very popular in Texas with farmers.

Over time, women wear such shirts.They varied in cut and color range, and increasingly gained popularity among the weaker sex. This thing is compared to a little black dress that should be in the wardrobe of every lady.

With what to wear a checkered shirt?

От кроя изделия зависит, с чем изделие будет to be combined. If the shirt is spacious and without a waist, then it is ideal for jeans or short shorts. Under a shirt with long or partially short sleeves, you can safely wear a white jersey or T-shirt and wear an unbuttoned thing.

The fitted model can be combined with a strict pencil skirt. This shirt needs to be refilled. Not bad this model will be combined with short dresses.

women's plaid shirt with what to wear

Extended options look great in a set.with leggings. Emphasize accent with a wide leather belt. Now extended, long shirts that girls wear as dresses are very popular. Modern women are able to combine things in any style and properly wear a plaid shirt. Photos in numerous fashion magazines have repeatedly confirmed this.

Some common tips

  1. It is impossible to combine several things at the same time with a different variant of the cell. So, in the composition with the shirt should not be clothes with the same print.
  2. Perfectly looks a cage with monophonic elements.
  3. The shade of the cell should match the skin type andhair color. Most often shirts are presented in cool colors (all shades of blue and violet), as well as a bright ornament (yellow, red, green, orange).
  4. In the case of a shirt in a cage can not be usedthe rule is "one size smaller." A thing of this type conceals a figure, so it will look curtailed and awkward. On the contrary, such a shirt should be one size larger.
  5. This print should be combined with other things. For example, any shade of cage will suit black or gray bottom. In the case of bright details in the image, the choice should be approached more carefully.

what to wear plaid shirt girl

Color selection

The most popular colors are the classics.cell combinations. These are white-black and white-red tones. This print goes well with any style and elements of clothing. It can be used as a business and sports style.

"Шотландка" - это преобладание красного в принте.The model is perfect for a dark bottom. The combination of a bright cell perfectly fit into the youth image. This option will look good with torn jeans or leggings.

what to wear with a red plaid shirt

Delicate shades of pink or green are suitable foroffice style. Shirts, made as a blouse, will be an excellent choice for a business woman. What can a girl wear a plaid shirt with? The question will not be unresolved with the right approach to the choice of color.

What can I wear with a red plaid shirt?

This question is very easy to answer.Such a thing fits almost everything. The product is considered a classic of the genre, so a shirt with this print fits into any style. She will look charming with jeans or shorts.

A good solution can be a combination of classic dark pants and a top with a similar print. In this case, it is better that the cell was small and not stand out strongly against the general background.

wearing a plaid shirt photo

Long versions of models with such colors are easy.combined with leggings of any tone. You can decorate the overall image with a black lacquer or leather belt. You can wear these shirts as a dress. The red cell will always provide the owner of things on the general background.

In a shirt in such tones you can safely wear a leather short jacket or denim jacket. In this image, the girl will look both stylish and very feminine.

To pick up shoes for the outfit will be easy.You can use any black or red variants. Under jeans you should choose fashionable sneakers of any color. White loafers or ballet flats will look very stylish.

How to make an image more feminine?

What to wear with a checkered shirt to addan image of femininity? This question is asked by many girls. If it seems that this option is more inclined to the male, then you should follow a few rules:

  1. It is necessary to fill a shirt in jeans or trousers. Top buttons can be left undone. So the girl will be undoubtedly feminine and sexy.
  2. The use of wooden accessories and beads will give the image a zest and complete it. On the neck, you can tie a short solid scarf of lightweight material.
  3. Owners of narrow shoulders such a thing necessarilynecessary in the wardrobe. It can visually expand the upper body and give the correct symmetrical shape. Women with large volumes should try a version of an elongated shirt in a dark, large cell. She will visually hide those extra pounds on her hips.
  4. There is no more feminine option than the thingWorn casually over underwear at home. No man can not resist, so as not to admire such sexuality and insecurity.

This season is very relevant long checkeredshirt. What to wear with this option? This model is considered the most feminine. A priori, men cannot use such a shirt. The model is more close to the dresses and will decorate the girl with any parameters.

long plaid shirt with what to wear

Why not wear this thing?

There are several variations of things with which a checkered print shirt is simply incompatible. First of all, you can not combine such a thing with a long skirt. The image will be coarse and awkward.

Sweatpants or shorts are not the option that combines women's plaid shirt. What to wear is not recommended:

  • evening dresses;
  • wide jeans;
  • colorful skirts;
  • long sundresses.

It is not necessary for miniature girls to choose too spacious models of clothing - they will be “lost”. It is necessary to pay attention to the fitted options.

To not fight over the question of what to wearcheckered shirt, you need a responsible approach to the choice and use the proven rules. The style and color is selected depending on the complexion and skin tone. The correct combination with other elements of clothing will make the image irresistible.

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