/ / Plum Blossom - the magic of perfection!

Plum blossom is the magic of perfection!

Сливовый цвет относится к одному из видов purple hue, but differs muffled, which gives him a certain mystery and mystery. If we talk in detail about this color, it is purple with an admixture of burgundy. Refers to warm tones, can be quite saturated or calm, earthy or glamorous.

plum blossom

Color and psychology

Plum color is characterized by a certainconcentration, refers to noble shades. He differs from others in his peculiar majesty and power. He does not tolerate frivolity, so all elements and details of this shade must be carefully thought out and selected. This shade is often associated with power and courage.

The brightness of this color is determined by thepsychological mood of a person. For example, a brighter shade in which an admixture of red can be observed is considered exciting and happy. If a person chooses a more relaxed tone, then this indicates his romantic nature. In general, this color is chosen by bold and energetic people who are not afraid to show their mood and emotions.

plum color in clothes

Clothes plum color

A large number of people chooseplum color in clothes. It is characterized by practicality and nobility. This shade can be worn both in everyday life and at festive events. In any case the plum color will be quite actual to look at its owner.

However, it should not be forgotten that people withlight skin should avoid the excessive amount of this shade in clothes. In this case, the skin will look even paler. Great for girls with red hair, and also with blue eyes. Combinations of these two bright colors will give the refinement and uniqueness of the image.

Plum shoes are perfect for shoesvarious shades - from black to silver. It is always necessary to complement this color with bright accessories that will give the completeness of the image. In cold weather, it is better to refrain from the excessive amount of this shade, it will give a gloomy silhouette. To choose clothes stands in harmony with the inner world.

plum color photo

Dress of plum blossom

Dress color plum is great asRepresentatives with dark skin, and with light. However, the second one should not forget that excessive use of this shade will spoil the entire image, make the skin even paler. In the summer, models with a pencil skirt will look great. In winter it is better to choose bright and rich shades.

A great option is to choose a dressplum-colored in the style of kezhual with a denim vest. The image will be bold enough and fashionable. Instead of a vest, you can use a jacket made of the same material. You can choose bold colors: yellow or canary.

with what color is the plum color combined

What does a plum dress match?

The combination of plum color in clothes should be rather cautious. To this dress will need certain accessories, which include:

  • handbag;
  • costume jewelery;
  • gloves.

All of them should be contrast. You can choose their black, gray or chocolate color. Also, the dress may not be monophonic, but combined with these shades.

Подбирая туфли под такое платье, главное - не forget that it looks great both with closed models, and with sandals. In this case, the main thing is not to make a mistake with a shade. An excellent option will be the following colors:

  • purple;
  • plum;
  • dark-lilac;
  • beige;
  • brown;
  • turquoise;
  • the black;
  • shiny shades.

Драгоценные камни и украшения также прекрасно are combined with plum blossom dresses. In this case, the ideal option is gold or silver. Excellent combination of such precious stones as a diamond, amethyst, sapphire or almandine. They complete the image with elegance and exquisite taste.

plum blossom

Makeup choice under plum dress

Makeup should emphasize the beautyowners, perfectly combined with the chosen outfit. Do not put it too pale or bright, it will spoil the overall impression, it will be inappropriate. When choosing it under a plum blossom dress it is worth adhering to certain recommendations:

  • It is necessary to focus on the lips and eyes.
  • Perfectly suitable for the eyes, the color is better to choose a chocolate-golden, purple-lilac or black and white tone.
  • Use the natural color of the foundation and a gentle shade of blush.

If you use a plum color, the photo shows an excellent combination of make-up to the dress.

The combination of plum color

Plum blossom is not combined with all shades.It is necessary to carefully treat the choice, so as not to spoil the image. It is an excellent option for choosing everyday or festive clothing. However, it is necessary to understand the color of the plum color.

Black and white color are combined enoughnot bad, this is an excellent option for casual wear. The most successful combination is with beige-brown shades, this option gives warmth and comfort, ennobles the image as a whole. Black can be used in addition to the festive image. Also, for this purpose, you can dilute the plum dress with a golden clutch.

Excellent in any variation with red,purple, green, blue-green or green-yellow. In this case, a bold and bright image is obtained. The plum shade is not lost and does not go to the background. Such combinations are relevant in the warm season.

With the other colors, the combination of plum color is not harmonious enough, they are not able to maintain the complexity of the color, the image becomes boring and uninteresting.

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