At all times and in all countries of manmeet on clothes. And only escorted through the mind. Even in America, where people do not fixate on their appearance (with the exception of Hollywood stars and representatives of show business). Any meeting, and even more so familiarity, begins with a fleeting "inspection" of the vis-a-vis and hanging his own label on him: his own, another's, cheerful, tedious, we will not agree ... And clothes play an important role as this label.
Therefore, the selection of clothes again and againcome to the fore. And if the women somehow got used, that everything needs to be measured and evaluated on oneself, then men long shopping trips with fitting are worse than bitter radish. Therefore, for the simplicity of selecting items, tables of sizes for men's clothing have been developed. They help to determine the main dimensions and in the store to spend time only on the choice of style and color. Saving time is obvious. And if we have the opportunity to order clothes via the Internet, then such help is simply a vital necessity.
But first of all, you need to take a centimeter and withoutexcess flattery to measure their parameters. Where and how - look at the hint in the picture. And remember: if your dimensions are "on the verge of size", you need to take into account the style and material of the chosen model.
How many people - so many opinions.Approximately the same can be said about the size. But how then to live in the modern world of mass production? The only way out is to standardize the dimensions. For this, the main categories are distinguished: height and volume (breasts, waist, hips) - and the table of sizes of men's clothes is filled. But here there is confusion. The fact is that as the development of light industry has developed in different countries, their standards and, accordingly, their own dimensional grid.
So, already more than two centuries in Europe and the USA, Russiaand China, the standard dimensions are fundamentally different from each other. The same size M (medium) may differ in length, width and other indicators if the clothing is bought in the US or in China. Average in its parameters, a person in Russia may seem like a giant to the same Chinese.
But even this comparative analysis is notguarantees you an accurate hit. The fact that self-respecting tailors take into account also the type of figure: athletic, lean, full (the presence of a clearly expressed abdomen). This helps to "seat" the clothes so that everyone pay attention to the orderliness of the outfit, and not to that very belly. Therefore, referring to the seller in the store for help, try to convey to him the idea of the type of your figure.
Unlike the "approximate" internationalstandard S, M, L, XL, etc., the Russian system of sizes is based on a combination of breast, waist and hip volumes. Depending on the type of clothing, neck circumference (for shirts), length along the inner seam (for trousers), etc. are added to these parameters. And all these dimensions correlate with growth.
How to determine the size of men's clothing(table)? Russia traditionally considers the average height of men to be 172-175 cm. The bulk of clothing is sewn just for this growth. But do not be upset: firms specializing in the tailoring of men's clothing, almost never sew the bottom of trousers (costumes or analogs). This is done to ensure that in the atelier for a small fee you fit the length just under your height, and the pants sat properly.
United States clothing is so famouscalled larger chambers. This refers to sportswear and casual wear. It is believed that a person in such clothes should be comfortable, Nothing should restrain movement. Therefore, the free fit gives large allowances.
In addition, in the United States, all dimensions are given in inches (not in centimeters). To indicate growth, Latin letters S (short: 163-168 cm), R (regular: 170-180 cm) and L (long: 182-190 cm) are used.
Разобраться в американских мерках поможет таблица sizes of men's clothing. The US is famous for its benign affordable clothing. Therefore, to refuse to itself in its acquisition only because of ignorance of the correct size it is not necessary. The size chart for men's outerwear is very simple. To determine your US size, you need to subtract 10 from the Russian one (the American 44th corresponds to the American 34th, and our 50th is the American 40th).
Unlike the US residents, the Chinese can be calledsmall. Small growth, thin bone and, as a consequence, small volumes - the main distinguishing features. But the possibility of buying clothes online directly from the supplier makes us more used to one more measurement system. Surely everyone was faced with the fact that T-shirts of the same size, sewn in China and in Russia, will be fundamentally different in size.
Therefore, here we need a wand-zashchalochka -table of sizes of men's clothing. China offers so many inexpensive clothes that this can not be taken advantage of at least once a season. But in order to avoid disappointment, do not be lazy to accurately determine your size and correlate them with the size of the selected clothing. After all, to return such a purchase is usually more difficult than writing off everything to a bad producer and never again using the Internet to buy clothes.