/ / Chromium boots - officers shoes and not only

Chrome boots - officers shoes and not only

Сапоги - это один из самых распространенных и favorite kinds of shoes in our country. They came to us from the Turkic nomads and quickly became the privilege of the nobility. Simple people they were not available, but the nobility appreciated their convenience for riding and hunting.

chrome boots
Material for their manufacture at different timesdiffered: cloth, morocco, yuft. The popularity of boots was not the same in different years, but there is no reason to argue about their comfort. Their use was found in the armed forces. The division into classes was typical of the Red Army. So, ordinary soldiers wore trophy shoes because of poor provision of troops, but officers were given new boots: chrome, yalovye, yuft. Despite the shortage of shoes, this tradition was unshakable in the Soviet Army.

In 1916, the curious was connected with the bootshappening. The state at that time set the maximum price of chrome boots, equal to 36 rubles. A certain ensign for state needs bought a pair, but for 45 rubles, which was confirmed by a cash receipt. However, in the account requested by him the amount of 36 rubles was indicated. The ensign turned to the nearest police station. As a result, the store owner and his clerk received a small prison sentence for trading at prices exceeding the state barrier.

Officer chrome boots

Chromium boots combine shoes from differenttypes of skin: chrome pork skin, chrome opaque, semi-leather, yalovka, goat, sprout. All types differ from each other according to the raw materials used, the method of finishing and coloring, color and thickness. It is believed that the chrome lining is the best material for boots. Officer chrome boots are still a success. Although at the moment they are not part of the wardrobe exclusively of servicemen or Cossacks. Now they are used by workers of various industries. This is not accidental. Thanks to the quality of the leather and its dressing, the chrome boots do not let your feet get tired and sweat. They maintain optimal foot temperature and are considered the most environmentally friendly.

chrome boots
Chromium boots are made not only fromchrome leather. The thing is that inside is used a different kind of skin, or fur, depending on the season. Their sole is rubber or polyurethane. The insole is made of leather and fabric or fabric and cardboard. Chromium boots are considered a very reliable type of footwear. After all, their sole is not just glued to the top, but also stitched. The back with the toe is strengthened with additional inserts. For years, the quality has not worsened, but the design has undergone some changes. Now they do not have a standardized length. Current chrome boots can reach the ankles or be high.

Now there is no shortage of shoes.Therefore, to buy chrome boots is not difficult. Many shoes shops, Internet sites offer a variety of options for both autumn models and winter ones. A lot can be found and private ads for sale, where they offer both used and new boots. The cost of such shoes starts from about 2500 thousand rubles. Although it is possible to sew chrome boots to order. In this case, there is confidence that the shoes will fit perfectly on the leg. Naturally, the price for such products will be slightly higher. But convenience, quality and comfort, of course, this is worth it.

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