/ / Afghanistan - pants for free spirit

Afghanistan - trousers for the free in spirit

Afghanistan - trousers of free cut, not bindingfreedom of movement. They are chosen by people who are confident in themselves, who value individual style more than imposed fashionable stereotypes. And although this wonderful clothing is gaining more and more fans, yet for some it still remains unexplored, incomprehensible and even strange.

Well, we will fill these gaps and talk about how the pants-alladins appeared, what they are supposed to wear, how and from which to sew independently.

History of origin

Afgani pants appeared in the Middle East intime immemorial. The history of this clothing has more than one century, because today it is already impossible to accurately determine the place of their birth, nor the name of the designer who gave the world this wonderful little thing.

afghani pants

But we can say with confidence thatFor the last several years the Afghans have been experiencing a second (and maybe even not the second) youth. Fans of Oriental culture, yoga, representatives of various subcultures are pleased to dress up in this comfortable and beautiful clothes, which is great for walking around the city, for traveling, and for playing sports.

Variety of species

At first glance, it may seem that the cutAfghan trousers are rather uniform. And here not! There are many models, sewn on the most intricate patterns, equipped with laces, cuffs, pockets, kulisks and all sorts of decor elements. However, there are, of course, some common features that determine the species affiliation.

pants of aladdin

These include:

  • free cutting, relatively large width of the product;
  • fixing the edge of the pants (elastic, kulisk);
  • deliberately greater depth, understated groin;
  • decor in ethnic style.

Steady style

Of course, many will agree that afghani - pantsrather ambiguous. To this bright and memorable thing has not turned the owner into a laughing stock, you must follow some rules. Firstly, it should always be remembered that they do not go to everyone, they are far from being appropriate everywhere. It is not necessary to dress up in such pants for going to a parent meeting in school or meeting with business partners. Although, perhaps, you work in a yoga center or an oriental restaurant, and your partners themselves are crazy about this clothes? Decide, of course, you. But even in this case, Afghan trousers require a worthy addition.

As for shoes, it is necessary to observe a specialcaution, making a choice in favor of the heel. He looks good with some models of long trousers, but the Afghan-bridges do not mix with him at all. They are great for Vietnamese, open flip-flops, low-shoes, "assassins" boots, "gladiators", "Crocs" sandals, woven sandals. Preference is given to give shoes from natural materials.

As a top to deliberately catchy trousers, it is better to choose a neutral shirt, tailored to the figure. Quite often with such pants, fine shorts, leather jackets and even leather jackets are fine.

Add an image can be embroidered backpack,"Mochiloy", bag-basket. Ornaments should also be selected in the ethno style: wooden, clay, leather, textile. The main thing is that all components of the kit and accessories create a single whole image.

How to sew afghani

On sale today, many models, the most diverse. But what if the sought after is not found? It remains an old good way - sew yourself.

afghani pants for women

First of all, let's define with the cloth."Classic of the genre": cotton, silk, linen. Perfectly suitable and such fabrics as the nettle and hemp cloth. Do not sweep away and modern synthetic fabrics. The main condition is a small thickness, allowing the folds to flow freely.

Of knitwear, too, you can sew Afghan. Pants made of elastic fabric are perfect for sports and walks around the city. Preference is given to soft flowing tissues.

As for the pattern, in some casesyou can do without it at all. To do this, you need to correctly calculate the fabric. In order to sew Afghan women's trousers, a square piece of cloth with a side of at least 1.45 m is required. It folds in half, the line "hypotenuse" (fold) - this will be the lower end of the pants overhanging the folds. The "legs" of the triangle will turn into side seams. It remains a matter of small: trim the edge of the pants and waistband, stitch the side seams, pull in the kulisks or gum.

afghani trousers

Of course, there are other variants of cut. They will suit those who mastered the most simple pattern. And maybe you wanted to come up with something unusual?

Afghanistan on the screen

Long ceased to be just an attributesubcultural fashion, pants-alladiny boldly stepped even to the world's catwalks. And more than once lit up in the cinema. For example, the heroines of the film "The Magnificent Age", who recently won the hearts of millions of viewers from all over the world, flaunt themselves in the generously embroidered Afghan trousers. And, of course, we can not help mentioning the Alvandin. After all, his reckless image helped to popularize this garment, and one of the most famous names of his pants is due to this character.

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