/ / Fashion sandals with high heels: models, combination with clothes and recommendations

Fashion sandals with high heels: models, combination with clothes and recommendations

What is the standard of sexy women's shoes?Spectacular sandals with high heels. They can easily supplement any image chosen by a woman, and also become an essential accent in the outfit and give it a stylish look. Next, we'll figure out what to wear sandals with a high heel and platform and how to use this shoe to create a youthful, classical, evening or extravagant ensemble.

high-heeled sandals

High heel and trendy trend

Women's high-heeled sandals make a legmore elegant and elegant. Do not miss a moment when you can show others your beauty. However, do not forget that high-heeled sandals will require from you the ideal pedicure, easy gait, smooth skin, and also a good mood.

Of course, that high heel is the maintrend of the summer season 2016. Not only the classic hairpin is at the height of fashion. Sandals with high heels of different thickness and height - this is something that can be safely worn throughout the summer season. Open models will be appropriate in almost every ensemble, but more closed shoes can be worn in the office.

High-heeled sandals will turn anya girl in a tall, slender beauty, but it's quite difficult to walk in the heat in such shoes easily and freely. Especially in the event that you are waiting for a long working day or you have planned a long walk. In such cases, it is better to give preference to models with a low heel. They are also very popular due to the convenience and greater stability. These shoes will not increase your height, however you will be able to move around freely.

 beige high-heeled sandals

High-heeled sandals: a variety of models

Fashion industry provides modern women of fashion a huge selection of different models of sandals with heels in a variety of colors and made from different materials.

How can they be?

  • Open with straps, straps and beautiful weaves, which will reliably restrain shoes on the foot.
  • Fully open with a few slim little breeches that will hold the feet.
  • Fully closed, fastened with a strap on the heel.
  • Closed, with a slot for the thumb, which are fixed on the heel of the strap.

What unites all these models of shoes? Their common feature is femininity and grace.

Remember that now the latest squeak of fashion ismaximally open, concise and simple sandals. They will be an ideal solution for a summer day. Sandals decorated with feathers, fringes, tassels, remind of travel and adventure. They will make the image more vivid and bring an ethnic touch to the outfit.

Straps on sandals emphasize the beauty of women's legs, as well as perform a practical function of keeping the shoes on the foot.

women's sandals with high heels

What types of sandals are the most popular?

  • A low heel or a complete lack of itsandals will suit a business lady. Such shoes are perfect for driving a car and for moving quickly to offices and offices. Sandals on a low heel allow you to move around freely and feel comfortable throughout the day.
  • Heeled sandals.Those girls who do not really like hairpin, but nevertheless wish to look feminine, stylish and elegant, choose a heel. Its height is about 10 cm, and it can be made of metal, wood or plastic.
  • Sandals on the hairpin.This kind of shoes looks very elegant, and at the same time simple. In addition, the hairpin is a magic wand, which, with one stroke, makes the legs more elegant and slimmer. Many girls prefer to wear this option always and everywhere. If you are one of them, then it is worth remembering that it is better to wear such shoes, combining it with a certain situation and clothes. Forgetting about this rule, you run the risk of looking inappropriately and ridiculously. It is better to leave sandals on the hairpin for special occasions and holidays, if you do not have the talent of Victoria Beckham: she can go shopping, do children and do household chores without taking off high heels.

sandals with high heels and platform

Sandals with heels: materials

Sandals are mainly made from naturalmaterials, for example, leather, patent leather or suede. Looks good models and artificial leather or fabric. All sorts of combinations of textures are also not uncommon.

The last fashion trend is sandals,which are made of natural or artificial skin of a crocodile or snake. Such shoes often cause much controversy, some even consider it too vulgar. Therefore, if you are a fashionista, in whose wardrobe you find such a model, you need to remember - this is a bright accent of the outfit, that is, the rest of the ensemble should be calm and concise. Lushe to give preference to things of soft colors - black, beige, brown, green - from natural fabric.

Actual images

Universal shoes that can be combinedwith things of any stylistic direction, are sandals with heels. They will easily be combined with any ensemble and event. Let's consider the most actual images.

Casual style

Style for every day means comfortable shoes with a wide, stable heel. At the peak of fashion, discreet elegance and sophisticated style, so it's better to give up bright colors for a while.

It is better to choose restrained and laconic models of sandals without volume rhinestones, pebbles, flowers and sequins. But the numerous straps are very popular.

black sandals with high heels

For example, black sandals with high heels with a variety of weave straps will be a successful acquisition. They can be combined with free dresses and shorts.

Sarafans and light dresses of different lengths - this is a wonderful solution for everyday wearing.

Beige high-heeled sandals visuallylengthen their legs and make their figure more attractive and slimmer. They can be combined with summer dresses. In this case, shoes should not be too bulky and weighty.

Sandals will be the perfect complement to shapeless shirts and shorts.

high-heeled sandals

Walking around the city

In this case, you can choose fashionable trousers of a pipe or riding breeches that will adjust the figure, together with an elongated jacket or shortened jacket. Sandals with heels will perfectly fit into this ensemble.

In addition, to such shoes it is also appropriate to choose a sundress of the same tone, and you can safely go for a walk.

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