Direct coat is best to faceRepresentatives of the fair sex, who have a slender, chiseled figure. However, for girls whose body shapes can not be called ideal, such outerwear will simply be indispensable, as it allows you to hide some of the minuses of your physique and pay attention to profitable moments.
Asking the question of what to wear a direct coat,you need to focus on exposure of a certain style. The presence of a coat with signs of a sporting style presupposes the choice of warm everyday things. As shoes, you can use inflated boots or warm sneakers. A direct military coat looks great in composition with things of simple cut, along with high boots on a massive sole without a heel. As for elegant models of a coat, evening dresses are suitable for them.
With a competent accent, selectionappropriate clothing, the direct style of the coat suits the possessor of almost any type of figure. Despite this, it is worth concentrating on several important points:
Choosing a straight coat in a classic styleopens wide opportunities for the formation of universal everyday images. Under such outer clothing, you can safely wear shortened dresses and skirts. The main thing is that their edges are not visible from under the coat.
To get a neat, well-groomed look allowsCombination of the classical model with kapron tights of corporal color, under which it is rational to choose elegant boots or ankle boots on a medium-length heel. A similar image is suitable for all women regardless of age.
Creation of the most creative, original image is promoted by a shortened straight coat. An excellent alternative to trousers or skirts in this case will be leggings.
If the preference is for a monophonic topclothes, in this case it is recommended to give preference to the bright bottom with original prints. To bring additional flirty notes to the image, you can use leggings or tight trousers with animalistic drawings.
Elegantly tied scarf is useful in cases,when the top of the coat should be in harmony with the cut-out of the clothes. But even by themselves, these models look great with bare neck. It is important that the collar of the shirt or dress does not look out from under the coat.
The coat of a straight woman without a collar can be wornIn combination with a thin neck scarf or with a neatly buttoned blouse. This combination is perfectly complemented with beads, which can be worn directly over the outer clothing.
When choosing shoes for a black coat is recommendedstop on ankle boots with a thick heel or on a wedge. If the black model contains a volumetric gate, has folds or patch pockets, to balance the image, you need to pick up a voluminous bag.
Black models of straight cut to the length of the kneeideally look along with narrow pants, midi skirts. Suitable here are tight jeans. As for the selection of shoes for the formation of this image, it is better to pay attention to high boots with a small heel or without it.
Since the coat belongs to the category of outerwear, it can both decorate and completely ruin the image. Therefore, it should be selected according to the features of the figure.
To face most of the girls have direct patterns with an underlined, pronounced waist and knee length. An excellent solution here can be the selection of an appropriate wide color belt and texture.
To acquire a highly stylish andan attractive appearance, it is necessary to select things under the coat that correspond to its tone. Under the straight cut is better to wear a dress that is combined with outerwear according to the shade.
The formation of a strict image is facilitated by the choiceA direct coat with elements of a military style, for example, a shiny belt or metal buttons. This option will be ideal not only as a walking outerwear, but also a good office solution.