/ / How to choose a wedding dress for guests

How to choose a wedding dress for guests

dress for guests for the wedding
If you received a bright card with an invitation toa wedding inside, then one of the first questions that is born in the head: what to wear? Of course, it's easier for guests to purchase an outfit than a bride. However, buying a dress for such a solemn event takes a lot of effort and time. We offer you several recommendations how to choose a dress for guests to the wedding.

Color solution

In the wedding fashion there are two main taboos:dresses of white and black colors. Snow-white apparel is the prerogative of the bride. When choosing a dress in the same color, you run the risk of merging into a single white spot with the hostess of the evening and pulling some of the attention to yourself.

Go to the extreme and choose dark shadesalso do not advise. Black is a classic color for evening dresses, but a dress for guests for a wedding in mourning colors can be regarded as a disrespect to the newlyweds.

Наиболее подходящими цветами являются:turquoise, gold, silver, olive, pink, lilac, beige. Give preference to light and pastel tones, because they go absolutely everything and are incredibly refreshing. However, be careful with shades of champagne and ivory. Next to the white dress of the bride your outfit may seem dirty and untidy. Dresses for a wedding for guests can be of any color, so first of all, build on your own preferences.

dresses for guests photos
dresses for a wedding for guests
Style and cut

В данном вопросе сложно выделить конкретные regulations. Choose the models to suit your taste. As a basis, take the features of your own figure. However, remember that too short dress, as well as an outfit with a straight neckline will look vulgar and inappropriate. The maximum length is also not too suitable for a wedding celebration. The dress in the floor looks great on the red carpet or a social event, but on holiday it will attract unnecessary attention and prevent you from moving around. Ideal length - to the knees or slightly lower.

Dress for guests for the wedding should not havetrain, as it is an attribute of the bride's attire. Assume an asymmetrical bottom with an extended rear part of the skirt. You can also choose models with drapery on the hips to add a figure of femininity.

Presence of rhinestones, beads and flowers is not forbidden, because these are elements of the evening fashion. However, if you plan to supplement the image with jewelry, it is better to choose a dress with a minimum of decor.

dress for a guest for a wedding
Romantic and strict dresses for guests.The photos of the models presented in the article show a variety of styles, textures, fabrics and ornaments. But remember that the main queen of the holiday is the bride, and the guests should be more modest in choosing outfits.

Thematic celebration - a new trend

Today, more and more newlyweds preferarrange a wedding in a certain style. Some even choose the color scheme of the holiday. If you are invited to such an unusual party, then ask the groom and the bride in more detail about the requirements for the dress code.

what to wear for the wedding
dress for a guest for a wedding
For example, if the whole wedding is to be formalizedin purple tones, then the requirements for color are put forward to the attire of the guests. Dress for guests for a wedding in the gangster style can be black and long, also do not forget about the appropriate makeup and accessories. The holiday in the disco theme means riot of colors, lush skirts, bold outfits for the invited. Do not leave a choice and purchase dresses for the wedding on the last day. Appreciate your figure critically and also consider in detail the assortment of stores. The dress of the guest should be modest, but moderately solemn.

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