/ / Choosing the outfit: what to go to the cinema?

We choose an outfit: what to go to the cinema?

Dress for a date or for an ordinary "exit tolight "is always difficult. After all, you want to look beautiful and attractive and feel comfortable at the same time. What to go to the movies with a young man or close friends?

Convenience is the main thing

Where to go to the cinema
Remember that whatever cultural programnor was planned for the evening, about two hours you have to spend in a pose while watching the movie. Accordingly, in search of an answer to the question of what to go to the cinema, be sure to try on all the vending suites, sit down in them and evaluate your feelings. You should not rub or rub anything. It is unlikely that you will be able to charm a guy or watch the movie carefully if the entire session is fidgeting in your chair, trying to find the most convenient position. This rule applies to shoes. If walking is not planned, you can choose sandals or a pair on the middle heel. Heeled shoes - in the movie the thing is completely useless and uncomfortable, but also from the shabby training sneakers it is also worth abandoning, choosing instead something more elegant.

What to put on a movie for a date?

What to wear in a movie
If you go to watch a movie together with a youngman, the choice of attire should be approached with increased responsibility. There is one secret that not all girls know. Even if this is the first date or you go to the movies with a guy you've met only recently, tactile contacts can not be avoided. Accordingly, it is worth choosing clothes that have a pleasant texture, not much to pamper yourself with your favorite perfume and take care of fresh breath. It is advisable not to use cosmetics that have sharp odors, such as hair styling products. Even if you do not want to start a close relationship with this young man, remember that in the cinema you will have to touch each other and talk in your ear. It is for these two reasons that it is necessary to observe these simple rules. What dress to dress in a movie, if you go on a real romantic date? The best choice is a practical model of medium length, designed for daily wear. It can be made from an interesting material, have an original color or additional decorations.

What to go to the movies with friends?

What dress to dress
If you are going to visit a large cinemaa company with close friends and friends, you can approach the choice of attire less critically. Jeans with a sweater or a top on a season or a womanish complete set from a skirt and a cardigan will be pertinent. The most important thing is your comfort. Semisport style is also acceptable. If you do not have some trendy clothes for visiting entertainment centers, and you do not know what to go to the movies, try adding to your everyday set original jewelry or a pair of bright accessories. Even a strict business suit can be revived by putting on it a bright top with sparkles and choosing the original shoes. Do not be afraid to experiment, in cinemas, as a rule, there is no face-control, which means that you can go to the movie to see what you deem appropriate. Respect others and try not to visit cinema halls with voluminous hairdos or in large headdresses, all the others choose to your taste.

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