Under the brand "Demar" is produced onlyquality shoes. It is intended for adults and small customers. Snowboots, as well as rubberized blown boots with a membrane - these are the main lines that represent the winter footwear "Demar".
Consumer feedback also speaks about high qualitylight rubber boots company. They are made for wearing in rainy weather. Such boots are developed in two variants. There are summer models and autumn. The latter have a warm lining.
The Polish company exists on the market morethirty years old. It specializes in the production of rubberized shoes. The first models of the company were shoes and boots, designed for hunters, workers and fishermen. Subsequently, the production of footwear for children was established.
The Russian market also enjoysthe popularity of shoes "Demar". The customers' opinions of the products speak about its democratic price category. At the same time, all the four lines of the company are used. They are presented by protective footwear for workers, boots for fans of fishing and hunting. Parents and kids are happy with children's models. In the trade network you can buy high-quality and bright rubber boots. For small buyers, the designers of the company "Demar" developed duffers and snowboots, slippers and slippers, which are great for rest and leisure.
Reviews of fans of hunting and fishing recommendmodels of this company because of their high quality and affordability. These shoes are designed for extreme conditions. It is comfortable in the cold and in the rain, as well as during long walking.
Special models are designed for usein winter conditions. They are able to withstand severe frosts (up to minus fifty degrees). Excellent work properties have rubber shoes "Demar". Customers' reviews mark its excellent water resistance and special ease. Special brand models are designed with heat-insulating characteristics.
A special waterproof material thatUsed in the production of shoes "Demar", will forever forget about the problem of raw feet. Fishing in these boots will turn into real pleasure. For hunters, models designed to withstand long walking have been developed. Their quality allows to withstand the negative influence of the environment and to please their master with warmth and comfort.
Not only male, but also children's, and alsofemale models are presented with a special footwear "Demar". Reviews of consumers of this product indicate its high quality. In addition, such products are quite affordable.
Careful parents are necessarily concerned about the issuepurchase of winter shoes for your beloved child. The company "Demar" offers not only bright and beautiful models. The footwear produced to it is of high quality. In it, the baby is extraordinarily comfortable. Children's boots have a number of undoubted advantages.