/ / What is pure gold? Properties, composition, sample and price per gram of pure gold

What is pure gold? Properties, composition, sample and price per gram of pure gold

Decorate your body with various accessories peoplealways loved. If many years ago, beads, chains, bracelets, rings and earrings were worn primarily as religious amulets and talismans, now it is part of fashion. Time changes tastes and preferences. Organic natural materials, widely used in jewelry, harmoniously coexist with laboratory developments. However, precious metals have the greatest value for people, like many years ago. One of them is pure gold. Particularly popular products of such material received in the territory of modern Russia. A reasonable question: "How does this type of metal differ from the whole group united under the name" gold "?" Let's see.

pure gold

Metric and carat systems

It should start with the fact that throughout the world there are four options, which differentiate the sample of gold. However, the most common and most used are two: carat and metric.

Первая система обрела широкую популярность в European countries, some Asian countries and the United States. The principle of determining the precious metal sample is as follows. The entire volume of material is divided into 24 parts. Depending on the content of gold in the product, it is assigned a carat. If “14K” is engraved on the product, it means that of the 24 parts of the product, 14 is gold. The rest is an additional alloy. Or, as it is called jewelers, ligature. In this system, the product can have one of five samples, ranging from the content in the alloy of nine parts of gold and ending with pure 100% precious metal. Also, objects of jewelry can be samples in ten, fourteen and eighteen carats.

how much is pure gold

In Russia, the metric system is common.That is, jewelers calculate the gold content in one kilogram of alloy. Let us explain by the example of the product 750 sample. Based on the calculation system, in this case, a kilogram of alloy will contain 250 grams of ligature. The remaining share is in the precious metal. There are 6 metric tests, the highest of which is 999. In descending order, 950, 750, 585, 500 and 375 marks are distinguished. Currently, alloys with a different content of ligatures and precious metals are becoming more common.

Polish "red zloty"

An experienced jeweler by eye can determine where and inwhat country was this or that product manufactured? And it's not about gold itself. Precious material is by nature absolutely the same everywhere. However, many years ago, in the territory of modern Poland, the term “red zloty” was widely used, which meant “red hot”. And it is true. If pure gold is heated to a certain temperature, it begins to oxidize and slightly changes its color - it becomes reddish. For a long time, it was on this principle that ordinary people determined the quality of the metal. Hence the name "pure gold", denoting the highest quality material.

price per gram of pure gold

Copper-like ligature

However, our ancient Russian craftsmen stilltried to at least a little, but to deceive the client. Therefore, to create the reddish color required by the buyer, they began to add copper. By its properties, this ligature has a reddish tint, which it willingly “shares” with the base metal. Over time, people began to use the name "pure gold" as a characteristic of a product with a small admixture of copper.

Worms and precious metals - what is the connection?

The history of Russia also has its own answer tothe question is what is pure gold. A few centuries ago, red worms were widely used in Russia. They were used to obtain an organic dark color scheme. At the same time, the similar term “worm” began to be used, that is, to paint in red. Over time, this concept has undergone changes and only the concept of "red" has come to us.

На территории Древней Руси в качестве средства The payment was widely used coins. One of them was chervonets. At the same time it was made of gold of the highest standard. To find out whether the coin is a fake, it was heated. If ligatures were present in the mixture, the round was dark. And if it was the highest test, then the color became only slightly reddish. Therefore, to characterize the best quality of gold, people began to use the term “pure gold,” that is, a genuine, original, precious metal without impurities. Currently, this name is used for the most part only in everyday life.

pure gold sample

Test of pure metal

Almost all masters of jewelry technology inRussia is added to the gold alloy copper. At the same time for the highest quality products the content of ligature is limited by the framework. In the total volume should be no more than 10% of the recycled metal. And only then can we say that such an alloy is pure gold. A sample of a product made from this material cannot be lower than 916. An interesting point is that in its pure form, this precious metal is very soft. A small ring, earrings or other other piece of jewelry work that has 999 samples will be slightly or severely deformed. In order to prevent changes in the shape of products without affecting the integrity and purity of the alloy, craftsmen are forced to increase the weight of the material used, which, in turn, affects the weight of the finished object. So, the usual wedding ring, made of real pure gold 999, can weigh 8 or more grams. In order to reduce the consumption of precious material and reduce the cost of the product, jewelers use impurities.

what is pure gold

Question price

Those wishing to become the owner of products from purethe metal will have to face contradictory answers to the question: “How much does pure gold cost?” And the matter is this. The World Bank has a gold and foreign exchange reserve. Daily stock exchanges hold auctions, where the purchase and sale of cash, securities and precious metals. Depending on supply and demand, final prices are set for a unit of each world currency, a gram of gold, silver, platinum, etc. However, this process is carried out daily. Thus, if today the price per gram of gold is set at 1,500 rubles, then tomorrow it may be lower. Or higher. It all depends on the exchange rate. The price per gram of pure gold is also influenced by this parameter. And, of course, it depends on the alloy sample: the higher the content of the precious metal in the total volume, the greater its value.

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