/ What is a good waffle gown?

What is a good waffle gown?

Comfortable clothes have always been and will beto be popular in society. This applies not only to everyday and evening dresses, but also to bathing. To date, the best quality among many options is considered a waffle gown. He has a lot of positive properties, thanks to which a person can feel comfortable in it.

Description and properties

Natural fabrics are always appreciated significantlyhigher than synthetic, due to environmental friendliness and safety. Waffle gown just consists of a natural material - cotton, which does not cause allergic reactions.

What is still good for such bath clothes?Firstly, the gown of waffle cloth quickly absorbs moisture and also instantly dries. Its plus, in contrast to terry dressing gowns, is that moisture does not stay in this tissue, therefore, various harmful bacteria and fungi will not multiply in it.

waffle bathrobe

Secondly, a waffle gown is pleasant to the body bysensations, thanks to freely "breathing" material. Small squares of wafer fabric create an air cushion between the dressing gown and the skin, due to which the body temperature is maintained. At the same time, in such a dressing gown is not cold in winter and not hot in the summer. The skin in this apparel is completely resting.

Thirdly, the robe can be very compactly folded and taken with them to workouts in the pool, fitness center, etc.

Clothing for all

It is noteworthy that clothing in the style of "unisex" isabout the waffle gown. Male and female options for their cut are almost the same. Both are similar in shape to the kimono: loose cut, there are no any fasteners, wide sleeves and belt. That is, this version of the robe is not fastened with buttons or zippers, but is wrapped and tied with a belt. This is much more convenient, because it saves time. Often in the bathrobe is a hood, which allows you not to use a towel to wipe wet hair.

Единственное, чем могут отличаться мужской халат from female, - the length and the sizes. For men, usually sew long - to the heel, and women sometimes prefer a bit shorter - knee-deep. Also, designers have provided dressing gowns of waffle fabric for children, even for the smallest.

Waffle robe for men

Application area

Recently, a waffle dressing gown can be seen inrooms of many hotels, as well as in fitness centers, beauty salons, SPA-centers, etc. This is not surprising, because its practical properties and relatively cheap cost make this product attractive for various organizations.

Traditionally, gowns are preferred heresnow-white color, but there are also blue, beige, pink and other colors, depending on the taste. Some hotels, for example, order a hand-embroidered or embroidered logo on a white background.

Но это не значит, что в домашних условиях Wafer bathrobes are not used. Now many people choose to waffle fabric, which also saves money. This is easily explained: for washing wafer gowns, much less water is required than for their counterparts. They also dry faster and after washing do not lose their original shape. Therefore, the apparel "wafer" saves the family budget and long serves.

wafer bathrobes reviews

Reviews and opinions

Now the demand for waffle dressing gowns has increased,reviews on which dazzle on the pages of many online stores. For the most part, buyers who purchased this bath element of clothing are satisfied with the choice made. In particular, it is praised by athletes who constantly fill the gym bag with things such as uniform, towel, bathrobe, bath accessories, etc. before the training. The bathrobe is practically weightless, easily and quickly folded.

Also, lovers of bath and sauna lovers love it. It's very hot here, and this robe allows the body to relax and feel a slight coolness.

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