/ Spider Tarantula. Exotic beauty

Spider tarantula. Exotic beauty

Since ancient times people have considered tarantulas as one of the mostthe most dangerous and poisonous creatures on Earth. These animals have always been treated with distrust. Until now, the spider tarantula causes fear of its own kind. But much about him is exaggerated and unreasonable. Let's see who the tarantulas are and how dangerous they are.

spider tarantula
Exotic threat

By its name, the tarantula-spider is obliged to the cityTaranto in Italy. It is in its vicinity that the Apulian tarantulas live - the largest of all their relatives, reaching a length of 6 centimeters. The name of the famous Italian dance tarantella has the same roots. Since it was previously believed that the bite of a tarantula makes a person mad to heal, people danced in a frenzied rhythm of the tarantella. In general, the spider tarantula is not very poisonous, in any case, for a person its bites can end tragically only with the development of a sharp allergic reaction. Thus, for people it does not pose a mortal danger and never attacks first, but can only bite for the purpose of self-defense.

Where does he live?

The habitats of tarantulas are steppes, semi-deserts andthe desert. These arachnids are thermophilic, so they are found in Italy (Apulian), Spain, Portugal and in the south of European Russia (South Russian spider tarantula, photo below).

Tarantulas living in Russia are called mizgiris.Their color varies depending on the habitat and is designed to serve as a good disguise. That is why the color spectrum of the color of the mizgyrs begins with light brown tones, under the color of the soil, and ends in dark shades.

 spider tarantula pictures

Spider Life

On the slopes of the mountains, the spider tarantula is in the habitdig holes, the depth of which reaches fifty centimeters. There he rests in the daytime, and at night he goes hunting for insects. Winter time spider tarantula spends in its mink, previously insulated its entrance with dry plants and cobwebs.

These dangerous arthropods are very beautiful in their own way.No wonder they have so many fans. They fascinate and attract the eye thanks to their long, fuzzy legs and bright color. These are practically the largest spiders. Moreover, female tarantulas are much larger than males and reach a length of 4 cm.

Spider Weddings

Female tarantulas are very severe.After the act of mating, which traditionally takes place at the end of summer and lasts about ten hours, the male must quickly retreat so as not to be eaten. At the end of spring the female lays eggs in a cocoon from a web and steadfastly guards it. As soon as the offspring are born, for a while the female wears young spiders on its back. Then they begin to live independently and apart, breaking out for themselves a separate mink, and the circle of life repeats itself again.

tarantula spider

Who are the spiders afraid?

The enemies of the tarantulas are the wasps of the genus Pompilus,mantises, scorpions and scolopends. Of domestic animals for tarantulas are a danger of sheep, as they can eat tarantula without experiencing any discomfort. In addition, spiders often engage in battle with each other, sometimes both fighters perish.

Thus, the tarantula spider is a bright representative of the family of wolf spiders. He lives in a warm climate, leads a nocturnal life, is a poisonous predator.

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