/ / Valery Bolotov: the whole truth about the former governor of the LC

Valery Bolotov: the whole truth about the former governor of the LC

Valery Dmitrievich Bolotov - famouspolitical and public figure, promoting the independence of the South-Eastern region of Ukraine. The face of Bolotov is familiar to everyone who keeps abreast of the world, as his actions directly influence the fate of Donbass. And yet, where did Valery Bolotov come from? What is his life path? And what does he want to achieve?

Valery Bolotov

Bolotov Valery: biography

Valery was born on February 13, 1970 in the cityTaganrog, in the Rostov region. However, soon, due to circumstances, his family was forced to move to Ukraine. Here they settled in the city of Stakhanov, which is located near Lugansk.

In 1988, Valery Bolotov was called to serve inthe army. He was assigned to the Vitebsk division of the airborne troops of the Soviet Union. It should be noted that during the service, Valery Bolotov repeatedly took part in the hostilities. In particular, he was in Yerevan, Nagorny, Tbilisi and Karabakh.

Upon returning home, began to re-build hispersonal and professional life. He entered the Lugansk Institute, thanks to which he received two higher educations in the specialties of "economist" and "engineer-technologist."

Unfortunately, accurate information about hisThere is no professional career in the public domain. At the moment, it is only known that Valery Bolotov worked for a long time for Alexander Efremov, the current member of the Region party. According to the documents, he was listed as a full-time driver and security guard for the son of a deputy.

In the ranks of the Army of the South-East

The change of power in Ukraine led toDonbass began its own revolution. Residents of Lugansk and Donetsk did not want to recognize the authority of those who made their way to the political levers of Ukraine. And so, in March 2014, videos began appearing calling for the defense of Donbass from potential aggressors.

However, initially the public could not identifythe identity of the speakers, as their faces were hidden under the masks. But a month later, the head of the new Army of the South-East tore off the veil of secrecy and revealed his identity to all viewers. This was Valery Bolotov.

From that moment, the struggle of the military leader fortheir beliefs and beliefs. The first victory came pretty soon. So, on April 21, 2014, he was proclaimed governor of the Lugansk People’s Republic. However, despite all the merits and achievements, on August 14, 2014 Valery Bolotov left his post and for some time disappeared from the field of view of the lenses.

 swamps Valery biography

In the struggle for their own lives

The board of the new governor was not to their likingmany people. On the one hand, he clearly interfered with the Ukrainian authorities, on the other hand, those who took his place did not like him. This was the reason that on May 13, 2014 an attempt was made on him.

Валерий Болотов получил сквозное ранение в грудь.The life of the new governor of the LC, hung in the balance, but he remained alive. Thank you to the doctors who have mastered the super-difficult task and pulled the fighter from the other world.

The fate of Valery Bolotov

For some time Bolotov was away from political intrigue and military action. It was rumored that he was killed by the Ukrainian authorities, or at least captured him.

However, in October 2014, he was seen inMoscow After a journalistic investigation, it turned out that he had united with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Together they led a public program to collect humanitarian funds for residents of Donbass.

In April 2015, Bolotov was captured at the Forum of Hero Cities, military and labor glory. There, along with other veterans, he received an award from the hands of Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov.

Valery Dmitrievich Bolotov

Persona non grata

On April 29, 2014, Valery Bolotov contributed tolist of persons prohibited from entering the territory of the European Union. In addition, the European Parliament froze all the assets that fall under their authority. A month later, Canada imposed similar restrictions on Bolotov.

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