Voronezh region - an interesting regionhistory and great economic and social potential. Successful and stable development of any locality is human resources. The question arises: what kind of population of the Voronezh region ensures the economic sustainability of the region? Consider the features and demographic characteristics of the inhabitants of this area.
In the center of the East European Plain is locatedVoronezh region. Its area is 52 thousand square kilometers, and this is the 51st place among all regions of Russia. The region has an extremely convenient location; many transport routes pass through it, connecting various regions of Russia and other countries. The closest neighbors of the Voronezh region are Rostov, Tambov, Saratov, Kursk, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Belgorod regions and Ukraine. The relief of the region is determined by such objects as the Middle Russian and Kalachsky Hills and the Oka-Don Plain. The land here is hilly, with a large number of ravines, most of the territory is occupied by fertile black soil areas. The region is located in a zone with a large amount of water resources. The main river of the region is the Don, there are also more than 700 lakes and 1,300 small rivers. Quite favorable conditions for life contributed to the fact that people began to settle here quite early, mastering the land.
Voronezh region is in the zone of moderatecontinental climate. The average annual temperature in the region is +5 degrees. Summer in the region is warm, sometimes dry, on average a thermometer in the summer months stays around +20. Winters are long enough with lots of snow. The average temperature at this time of the year is –9 degrees. Seasonal variations are clearly observed in the region. In general, the seasons in Voronezh coincide with the calendar seasons.
The population of the Voronezh region has long beenadapted to the weather in the region. All major observations about it are recorded in the national experience in the form of sayings and accept. Although the climate in the region cannot be called the most comfortable for living and farming, it is still quite benign. Therefore, people began to live here from time immemorial.
The first parking of people on the territory of modernThe Voronezh region, according to archaeologists, dates back to the Paleolithic period. It is believed that these are the oldest settlements of people throughout the territory of modern Russia. Anthropological studies show that people of the Caucasian race lived here 37 thousand years ago.
In the Bronze Age settled on these landsrepresentatives of Abashev culture, engaged in cattle breeding. In the Iron Age, these territories are in the possession of the Scythians, later they are replaced by Sarmatians. In the 9th century, Slavic tribes came to the lands of the modern Voronezh region. From the times of the Tatar-Mongol invasion there remained a lot of mounds and remnants of temple structures. With the cultural and ethnic confusion of the Slavic and nomadic cultures, a special subethnos, the Cossacks, is formed here.
From the 16th century the history of the area is gooddocumented. In 1585 Voronezh was founded as a fortress to protect the borders of the Moscow kingdom. Up to the 17th century, Tatar tribes continued their raids on these lands, so the inhabitants of the region had serious military abilities and a special character. At the time of Peter the Great, Voronezh became a provincial city, the territory is actively developed and settled. Since the 18th century, the population of the Voronezh region has steadily increased. The region took an active part in all Russian wars. During the Second World War, fierce battles were fought on these lands. In 1957, the Voronezh region found its current borders.
Throughout its history, the area more than oncesubjected to various attempts of administrative division. Part of her land was then given to other regions, then returned back. Since 2006, the population of the Voronezh Region has been living in 534 municipalities. Of these, 3 are urban districts, 29 are cities, 471 are villages and 31 are municipal districts.
Regular monitoring of the number of residentsareas begin in 1897. The frequency of measurements was different, but they make it possible to see that the population of the Voronezh region was almost always relatively stable. Only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries there was a sharp increase in the number of inhabitants, this is due not to a change in demographic indicators, but to a redistribution of land between the regions. After World War II, for obvious reasons, the number of inhabitants decreased by a million. In Soviet times, fluctuations in numbers were observed: from 2.3 million people in 1959 to 2.5 million in 1970.
В период перестройки были замечены небольшие changes in the number of inhabitants of the region: approximately several thousand people in the positive and negative sides. In the 21st century, mainly the population of the region is declining. Only in 2010 and 2015 there was a positive trend. Today, the population of the Voronezh region is 2 million 333 thousand people.
The main nationality of the inhabitants of the region is Russians.According to the 2010 census, 90% of people who consider themselves Russians live in the region. The number of other ethnic groups is distributed as follows: Ukrainians - about 2%, Armenians - 0.4%, Uzbeks and Tajiks in the amount of about 0.15%, other nationalities - less than 1% each. Despite the fact that most of the inhabitants of the region call themselves Russians, in the language, nature of buildings, customs, there is a great influence of the Ukrainian nation. The region is the site of the formation of a special southern branch of the Russian people. A significant role in this is played by the culture of the Cossacks, which assimilates Russian and Ukrainian cultures. Some time ago, an increase in the flow of migrants from Central Asia was observed in the region, but today these processes do not have a significant impact on the ethnic composition of the population. However, the migration increase in the region is quite high, it is 13 thousand people annually.
Most of the inhabitants of the region settles in citiesand the growth trend of the urban population continues. Today, 67% of people in this subject of the federation live in cities. If we estimate the cities of the Voronezh region by population, then the capital will be the largest - it has just over 1 million people. The remaining cities are much smaller in terms of population. In the region there are only 3 settlements in which more than 50 thousand people live: Rossosh, Liski and Borisoglebsk. From 20 to 35 thousand inhabitants recorded in 7 cities. These settlements are gradually growing, dragging off residents from nearby villages. Thus, the population of Pavlovsk, Voronezh Region, with a total population of 25 thousand people per year, grows by more than 500 people. The region is experiencing a slow decline in rural settlements.
Voronezh region, the average population densitywhich is 44.7 people per square kilometer, it takes 21st place in Russia on this basis. This is a fairly high figure, especially when you consider that people mostly live in small cities of up to 20 thousand people. The high population density of the Voronezh region is explained by the large number of settlements and favorable living conditions.
Population distribution by sex in Voronezhthe area is as follows: the number of women is on average more than men, by 200 thousand. At the same time, at birth, the ratio of male infants and newborn girls is 1.2. And by the retirement age, this figure changes in the opposite direction to 1.5. The disproportion in favor of women, characteristic for the whole country, in the region continues to grow slowly, by about 0.1% per year.
The age differentiation of the region’s population is as follows:
Such age differentiation suggests that every able-bodied resident of the region must provide 0.8 more people besides himself, which is a very high indicator of demographic load.
Fertility is the most important evaluation criterionsocio-economic development of the region. In the Voronezh region, it is 11 people for every thousand inhabitants. In recent years, this figure has increased slightly, by 0.2 people per year. But the necessary and noticeable increase in the birth rate is not observed. Mortality, on the contrary, shows growth dynamics, in recent years about 15.7 people have died. for every thousand inhabitants. Although in terms of mortality, when considering a longer period, the situation is improving. The number of deaths has decreased over 10 years by 3 people per thousand inhabitants. But while mortality overtakes the birth rate. At the same time, the population of the cities of the Voronezh region is characterized by low birth rate and increasing mortality, and the growth of cities is due exclusively to migration.
Life expectancy, another indicatorsocio-economic well-being of the region, in the Voronezh region is growing. It averages 70.1 years, for men - 64.7, for women - 77.1. According to this indicator, the Voronezh region takes the 25th place in Russia, which is very good.
Благополучие населения обеспечивается эффективно developing and functioning economies. In the Voronezh region, there is a decrease in unemployment and employment growth. On average, the unemployment rate is 4.4%, which is slightly more than in neighboring regions.
The region has a high employment of residents in agriculture, manufacturing and service industries.