/ / Walrus Atlantic: description, photo

Walrus Atlantic: description, photo

Unique animal - walrus Atlantic -lives in the ecological region of the Barents Sea. Huge mammals drift on giant ice floes along the northern coast of the harsh Atlantic. They ginger, falling valiantly on stony scythes framing ocean waters.

Atlantic giants in the Red Book

Поголовье этих ластоногих стремительно is decreasing. Therefore, in Russia, the Atlantic walrus is protected. The red book, where these animals fell, is trying to prevent the disappearance of a unique subspecies. Large walrus rookeries are declared protected.

Atlantic Walrus Red Book

The marine animal population includesDisparate, little contacting herds. Their number was sharply reduced due to uncontrolled commercial fishing. Of the 25,000 animals, there are about 4000 animals left.

Description of the Atlantic walruses

Information about these giants of the Arctic is very scarce.Walruses are large animals with brown-brown skin. The weight of 3-4-meter males is about two tons, and for females growing to 2.6 meters in length, it approaches a ton. Huge mammals have a small head with a wide muzzle and tiny eyes.

Walrus Atlantic Description

The upper jaw is decorated with two powerful canines longup to 35-50 centimeters. Tusks easily pierce the ice. They help a hulking animal to climb up ice floes from sea water. Tusks are weapons against rivals and protection from enemies. Walruses are often pierced by canines of polar bears.

A powerful walrus Atlantic, photo of which to makeuneasy, has another brilliant device - a straw-colored mustache. They form hundreds of hard hairs. The hairs are thick, like bird feathers are clean, sensitive like fingers. Thanks to them walruses distinguish even the smallest objects and easily search for mollusks that have been buried in the oceanic soil.

The walrus looks quite unattractiveAtlantic. Its description is as follows: a fat body, stale on a stony beach, fused with fat folds and deep scars, emits a sharp fetid smell; Tiny eyes, bloodshot, fester. The body of adult walruses is strewn with rare hard hair, and the young ones are enveloped in a dense hair coat of a dark brown hue.

On land, the walrus Atlantic is awkward, it is difficultMoves, touching all four fins. And in the ocean, he feels fine, easily slipping into the water column. Apparently, it is for this reason that he stays on a stony beach mostly, and actively moves in sea waters.

Molluscs and crustaceans are the main food of a mighty beast. Although it happens that he attacks the young seal. A giant animal feels full, eating 35-50 kg of food.

Marriage period and reproduction

The life span of the Atlantic walrus is 45years. He slowly grows up. Sexual maturity begins at 6-10 years. Walruses are able to not only doze, snort, snap, engage in fights, but also bark.

Strong beasts are quite musical.Their musicality is most pronounced in the mating season. In January-April, the pinnipeds sing impressively. Mating at giants occurs in May-June. A female carries a fruit for 12 months.

Walrus Atlantic

Cubs in her appear with a frequency of times in thea couple of years. After all, mothers have to feed the puppy to two years. A walrus-males remain with the mother up to 5 years. The female never leaves the herd (by and large it is formed by females with cubs).


Моржи обитают в разряженных ледяных полях, razvod'yah wormwood, in the open ocean. For life, they choose the water area to a depth of 20-30 meters. Rookeries prefer to arrange on ice and stony coasts. Their annual migration is caused by the movement of ice. They climb up on a drifting ice floe, swim, as if on a sea ship, to habitual habitats, where, having got out on dry land, they set up a field.

Distribution area

These pinnipeds live along the shores of the Barents andKara Sea. They are chosen coves, lagoons and lips, cut the coast of multiple islands in this region. Ice and coastal rookeries of the subspecies are scattered throughout the Franz Josef Land.

Северо-восточная оконечность Новой Земли – место, which has grown old walrus Atlantic and invariably returns there. In the eastern regions of the Kara Sea it is not often met. He arranges his dwelling in the White Sea, on the peninsula of Kanin, the islands of Kolguev and Vaigach.

Like him and the Canadian east coastThe arctic In this region, the Hudson Bay and Frobisher Cove and Fox Bay, Baffin Land, Devon Island became the abode for him. Less commonly, it forms a maturation on the arctic islands, which are west of the Barrow Strait. They inhabited the Baffin Sea, Greenland from the west coast, the waters of the Davis Strait.

Walrus Atlantic Photo

European Atlantic made availablethe pinnipeds are the drifting ice of Northern Iceland, the lips and lagoons extending into Svalbard. Norway from the northern coastline sheltered individuals.

Limiting causes

The population of the powerful beast has declined sharply dueenhanced fishing. The Atlantic walrus, living in the Kara Sea, was particularly hard hit. Pinnipeds were brutally exterminated in the XIX century. In some regions they were completely destroyed. The population suffered the greatest extermination in the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, and Svalbard.

Nowadays, the number of the beast limits the rapidman's management. Especially the onset of oil and gas companies involved in the development of new fields. They catastrophically pollute the natural habitats of the Atlantic giants, expelling them from the inhabited territories. A subspecies with low potential is difficult to resist inadequate fishing loads and other anthropogenic aspects.

Walrus affect 10 species of helminths. Diseases and causes of death of pinnipeds are not clarified by scientists. Killer whales and polar bears are considered natural enemies of the population.

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