/ / Wisdom in a few lines: interesting statements about life

A few lines of wisdom: interesting statements about life

Nice to know that after so many yearsthe domination of the Internet and television, people, finally, began to read books again, and not some kind of tabloid reading, but classics such as F. M. Dostoevsky, M. Y. Lermontov, E. M. Remarque, and many others. Undoubtedly, the works of great writers of all times contain interesting statements about life that can motivate the reader, and sometimes even bring back to life the tenacious embraces of depression and hopelessness. Truly, a good book can save a person's life!

The wise sayings of E. M. Remarque

interesting statements about life

This great writer is famous for his interestingquotes that fans find hundreds in his writings. Quote Remark can be infinite, as his interesting statements about life, friendship, love and society are riddled with caustic frankness and metaphoricity.

In one of his sayings, Remarque saysthat man is always not enough that he already has. Things, people and achievements that he cannot get are much more attractive. Unfortunately, this idea is relevant even now, when, yielding to the frantic rhythm of cities and the burden of modern values ​​imposed, people tend to conquer new heights, not noticing those simple pleasures that make up little human happiness ...

Some will come to know simple everyday things.truths and repent of excessive ambition and wasted time. However, time does not turn back and, according to Remarque, it is senseless to try to be holy, because life is not a museum ... Repentance does not benefit, but only hurts the soul, so you should learn from mistakes and go forward.

sayings of great people about life

Quotes from Gabriel Marquez

Incredibly talented writer G.Marquez teaches us to be optimistic and in no case give up. As well as Remarque, he owns famous interesting statements about life, most of which are very life-affirming.

One of Marquez’s most famous quotes is: “Do not cry because it ended. Smile because it was”. It is incredibly capacious and truly universal.It can be attributed to outdated relationships, and to the personal crisis, and to a forced change of career. Like Remarque, Marquez speaks of the senselessness of repentance and regrets that do not benefit the spirit. Saying goodbye to the past, even if full of mistakes, we should thank the higher forces for this lesson and experience and go on with a smile, striving for self-improvement.

Wise statements about the life of Bernard Shaw

This famous Irish writer left afterthemselves not only great books, but also the script of the film, for which he received an Oscar. In general, this is the only writer in the world who won 2 of the greatest awards of all time at once - the Nobel Prize and the Oscar.

wise sayings about life

Wise and somewhat ironic statements about peopleabout life they make you laugh at your own vices and thus try to eradicate them. The author expresses his thoughts so vividly and makes such exact comparisons that the reader admires with every line of his works.

A lot of sayings Shaw devotedpolitical subject. He is clearly making fun of the authorities and the existing social system. An example would be his bright quote: "The thief is not the one who steals, but the one who was caught." Here we see a clear "stone" in the direction of the corrupt authorities, launched incredibly sharply and subtly, exactly in the unique style of the Show.

statements about people and life

Antoine de Saint-Exupery's Famous Quotes

The great writer and philosopher was not only a geniusthoughts, but also an excellent military pilot, who was on the front and not hearsay about the horrors of war. Saint-Exupery was an ardent admirer of people of action, personalities who constantly work on themselves and reach new heights. He himself was such a man, as his interesting statements about life eloquently indicate.

Saint-Exupery has always advocated personal growth, as evidenced by one of his most famous quotes: "You are looking for meaning in life, but its only meaning is that you finally come true". All famous philosophers sooner or later cameto the conclusion that, in fact, no meaning of life exists, we ourselves must decide for what to live and what to strive for. According to Saint-Exupery, the meaning of life is to realize a person as a person, and it’s not even about career and profession, but about personality ... A person should find himself, his vocation and faith, only then he becomes really happy ...

Listen to the classics

Сегодня любую литературу, не относящуюся к modern creativity, called the classic. Is this an indicator of the degradation of human consciousness, or a tribute to outstanding writers and thinkers of all time? Whatever it was, writers have always considered it their duty to try to open people’s eyes to modern society, make them reflect on eternal questions, the essence of which excited the minds of intelligentsia of all times ... By reading the statements of great people about life, you will not only broaden your horizons and perhaps discover something new in the understanding of man and his purpose ...

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