/ / Director Leonid Gaidai: filmography, best works

Director Leonid Gaidai: filmography, best work

A rare director boasts suchthe number of paintings that gave the world many bright aphorisms, like Gaidai. Filmography master includes about 30 film projects, most of them have become classics. He certainly heads the list of people without whom it is difficult to imagine Soviet cinema. What tapes of the genius creator are especially remembered by the audience?

Gaidai: star movies

Comedy - a genre in which the director has managed to becomeunsurpassed master. The painting "Dog of the Mongolian and extraordinary cross" opened in 1961 to the public of such a person as Leonid Gaidai. Filmography of the cult character of Soviet cinema has since been replenished with many humorous stories, but the first acquaintance with the famous trio performed by Vitsin, Morgunov and Nikulin cannot be forgotten. The show of a successful short film took place in about a hundred countries.

Gaidai Filmography

Комедия «Деловые люди», вышедшая в 1962 году, also instantly gained popularity. The plot is based on the stories of O. Henry, the tape includes three short stories. It was this movie, saturated with spectacular phrases, that made the director’s films traditional sources for quotations. “Reaching the Canadian border”, “Bolivar will not endure two of them” - a lot of apt expressions stuck in popular speech.

Cult comedies of the 60s

"Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik" -another contribution to the history of comic tapes, which in 1965 made Gaidai. The filmography was enriched by the story of the misadventures of a bespectacled student, slightly scattered and clumsy, but possessing natural charm.

Leonid Gaidai Filmography

A work attributed to the classics consists ofthree paintings. In the first part, Shurik is engaged in educating a casual partner who has become a bum and an alcoholic. In the second - suddenly turns out to be a guest at the beautiful young lady, fascinated by her notes. In the third, he meets with the bandits, already known to the public according to the 1961 short story, saves a warehouse from them, the protection of which is entrusted to him by his grandmother.

The story of Shurik continued, as well as someother films of Gaidai. Filmography of the director in 1967 was written by the “Caucasian Captive”. In the center of the plot is the abduction of the beautiful Nina, whom the local chief wants to marry. Of course, the action takes place in the conditions of the Caucasus. A bespectacled student accidentally finds himself in the number of kidnappers, then invents the plan to save the "bride." Immediately after the "Captive" goes "Diamond Hand", also acquiring the status of a cult work.

The best paintings of the 70's

What does director Gaidai shoot next?Filmography of Soviet celebrities continues to increase due to the bright film projects of the 70s. One of the best tapes presented by the master to the public in this period was the adaptation of the novel “12 Chairs”. For a long time the director chose a person who could embody the image of the unforgettable Bender, having stopped as a result of an unknown actor. The choice was successful, the new “Ostap” made an indelible impression on the public. Interestingly, for unknown reasons, Bender was voiced by another person.

films gayday films

“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession” - comedy,released in 1973, which is still loved to watch on New Year's Eve many viewers. The matured Shurik, acting as a talented inventor, returns to the screens. The time machine he created transfers a former student’s neighbor to the era of Ivan the Terrible. Along with him, by chance, the burglar is going on a journey. Suddenly, it turns out that the neighbor is a poured out king.

Interesting 80s comedies

The following years remained fruitful forsuch a director as Gaidai. The master's filmography included new works, among the best can be called "Sportloto-82", which was released in 1982. Story characters get a winning ticket. However, due to circumstances, they lose it and go in search.

"Life threatening!”- a film story about a hero obsessed with accuracy, released in 1985. Morbid intolerance to any form of disorder suddenly creates a character with serious problems that he has to solve.

The last picture

In 1993, the world lost such a genius as Gaidai.The filmography of a star of Soviet cinema a year earlier was replenished with the latest tape. She became the cinema "There is a good weather on Deribasovskaya". Critics have characterized this project as one of the best creations of the perestroika period. Like almost all other works by Gaidai, it is permeated with subtle humor, presented to humanity many memorable phrases that took root among the people.

director Gaidai filmography

The plot is built on important negotiations thatshould take place between the presidents of the United States and Russia. The event does not like the Russian mafia, which is trying to disrupt it with all its might. The CIA and the KGB can only enter into a temporary agreement, engaging in a joint search for criminals.

This is how the most interesting films of those that were shot by Gaidai look like.

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