One of the most famous and respected on Olympusis the goddess Aphrodite. She was born near the island of Cyprus from a sea of white foam, and sailed to the then sacred island of Kiefer. On the marvelous beauty of the shell, she reached the shore.
The goddess was immediately surrounded by the young goddesses of the seasons, ores, and dressed her in gold-lined garments and a wreath of flowers. Everywhere Aphrodite's foot went, everything blossomed, and the air filled with fragrance.
Aphrodite was not only the patroness of love,but also the goddess of eternal spring, life and fertility. According to an ancient legend, she always appeared surrounded by her companions - nymphs, harites and ors. Also she was accompanied by a dove. In the ancient Greek myths Aphrodite is the goddess of birth and marriage.
She possessed a chic figure, was beautiful andslender, her skin is tender and white, her eyes are deep, like the sea, radiantly radiant with warmth and love. She is tall, golden-haired, she stood out among all the gods of Olympus and riveted her gaze to herself. The goddess of beauty and love of Aphrodite seemed to subjugate all the gods, only Athena, Artemis and Hestia are beyond her power. To those who rejected love, she was simply ruthless.
Aphrodite in the hearts of the gods and ordinary mortals, birdsand the animals are awakened by love. When she walks on the ground, followed by all the animals march in pairs, and the deer walks safely next to the carnivorous bear, and the fierce lions fall to the feet of the goddess, as if playing kittens. She gives youth and beauty to the girls, blessing their happy marriages. As a gift to the goddess in gratitude for this before the wedding, the girls brought woven belts they themselves.
The goddess Aphrodite brought to our world an unearthly beauty and love, especially sensual, but, alas, incorrect. Therefore, she did not cooperate with the goddess, the hero, the guardian of family bonds.
Noticing the magnificent Aphrodite on Mount Olympus, all the gods immediately fell in love with her, but she chose for herself the husbands of Hephaestus, the ugliest, chrome-bearing god of fire and blacksmithing, the most skilful of all.
The windy goddess Aphrodite very often cheated on her husband. She deceived him and with the handsome Ares - the god of war. Seeing them somehow, woven in embraces, the God of the sun Helios told all Hephaestus.
In blind rage, he forged the finest,almost invisible network, and secured it over their bed, and dismissed the rumor of his absence, and Ares immediately rushed to Aphrodite. But when the lovers found themselves on the couch, they instantly fell over the net, hampering their movements. Hephaestus was insulted, humiliated, and madly angry with Aphrodite. As a result, Poseidon - the god of the seas - still managed to reconcile the couple. Later, the goddess Aphrodite gave birth to three children Ares.
One of her passionate and ardent admirers was also Hermes, to whom Aphrodite, the goddess of love, gave birth to the son of Hermaphrodite. He was handsome and beautifully built.
Nymph of Salmakid fell in love with him, but withoutreciprocity, and to remain forever with her beloved, she persuaded the gods to unite them. Thus, according to the ancient myth, the very first bipedal creature appeared.
The strongest love of Aphrodite may have beenhandsome Adonis - the son of the beautiful Mirra, which the gods turned into a myrrh tree, which gives beneficial resin. Adonis soon died of a wound on the hunt, which was inflicted by a wild boar. From the drops of his blood roses began to blossom, and from the bitter tears of Aphrodite - anemones. According to another version, the death of Adonis is the result of Ares's wrath, which was jealous of Aphrodite.