/ / Journalist Leonid Golovanov: biography and photo

Journalist Leonid Golovanov: biography and photo

Leonid Golovanov - Deputy Editor-in-Chiefand the Avtoreview columnist. This edition has retained the name "newspaper", although it has long been in the format of a full-fledged magazine, which is published both in paper and in electronic form. In addition, Leonid conducts headings for autonomy on Radio Mayak and Vesti FM. Repeated winner of the “Best Journalist of the Year” awards in various nominations.


Leonid Golovanov’s biography is closely related to hiscurrent profession of automotive journalist. His path to journalism was not quite ordinary. But as they say, we all come from childhood. In his infrequent interviews, he says that in childhood he loved to read, especially fiction. He liked cars too. These children's preferences began to appear much later, after the termination of MIREA.

Leonid Golovanov

It was a time of adjustment, and survival on thatthe moment depended on the ability to sell. However, this perspective did not suit Leonid, which seriously darkened his thoughts about his future. Then, on the advice of friends, Leonid Golovanov turned to the editorial office of Avtorevu with the proposal of "hand and heart."

Mikhail Podorozhansky, the chief editor of the magazine since its inception, accepted him after a small test task. And since 1995, they are together, as they say, "both in grief and in joy."

Leonid Golovanov - journalist

As a journalist, Leonid Golovanov could fullyExpress yourself in your favorite automotive topics. Trying to penetrate the very essence, finding the highlight of the next car, he was able to realize his desire for the most complete knowledge of what you do. Ultimately - the pursuit of truth.

In his views, he manages to work,balancing on the verge of, as he himself expresses, two worlds: technology and literature. In this, he is assisted by a solid engineering background on the one hand, and a fairly deep knowledge of the laws of the literary genre, on the other.

Leonid Golovanov Journalist

Sometimes, however, his journalistic digressionsare pretty controversial. There was a case when the author inadvertently commented on the plans of Napoleon during the war of 1812, which could, in case of victory, speed up the abolition of serfdom in Russia (“AR” No. 3, 2011). A vigilant reader immediately responded, recalling Smerdyakov's similar reasoning from Dostoevsky's famous novel.

Oh, this "Oka"

For the Russian auto industry team "Avtorevyu"It was always a shame: this is a sick subject, and prevention is not enough. But the patient is occasionally released for a walk in order to observe his attempts to adapt to the speed of life. Golovanov manages to make this walk an exciting thriller.

For example, in 2003, he got behind the wheel of the Oka tothrough his own experience to experience the features of its operation and try to find the advantages of this economical model, which he immediately dubbed "tin", inside which you feel yourself canned sprats.

However, having set himself the task of revealing the merits of a miniature typewriter, Leonid performed it all “one hundred”, overtaking heavier specimens on bends and sifting between them at traffic lights.

Leonid Golovanov described all this in an exciting form in his report. Photos of the author can also be seen on the pages of the review (“AR” No. 3, 2003).

Crash test

Meeting two people, suggesting a long family life - is, in a certain sense, a real crash test, albeit a lengthy one.

Leonid Golovanov and Bogushevskaya

But if when testing impact resistancecar simulator used (special aluminum barrier), the couple passes the test live, often unable to withstand such confrontation and decay.

Leonid Golovanov and Irina Bogushevskaya were inexorably led by fate to the meeting point, where she prepared for them a springboard for trials.

And yet it did not work out

From media sources it is known that at age 27, Irinahard going through parting with her first husband Alexei Kortnev. She even got into a car accident, having received a serious fracture of her right hand. At this time, her career as a singer was just beginning, and in connection with the accident, she almost ended.

В свои 27 Леонид Голованов тоже был занят determining the way of life, focusing all its attention on journalism. It was a serious choice that changed his whole life. In addition, he, like Irina, was not happy in his first marriage.

Leonid Golovanov and Irina Bogushevskaya

И вот в 1999 году линии их жизни пересеклись, to determine their coexistence for as much as 12 years. Irina said more than once, talking about personal things, that from the very beginning they felt the mutual sympathy that they continued to feel throughout their life together. In addition, both he and she were successful in their profession. In many ways, their potential was the same.

But still they had to part. According to Irina, it is precisely because of their equal rights in the works: everyone in the first place still had a deal, and only then - a family.


Leonid Golovanov and Bogushevskaya brought up togethertwo sons, one of whom was from her first marriage. Nevertheless, the couple tried not to distinguish between them, and it seems they have succeeded. Leonid constantly went to the car "test drives" and often took the eldest, Artemy, with him. Sometimes they grabbed Irina.

So she saw her husband "in action" and knowsthe subtleties of his profession are not hearsay. According to her, Golovanov is literally “obsessed” with cars and can talk about them for hours. Even if you wake him up at night, he will be able to answer any question about those or qualities of the most different cars of "all times and peoples." In his profession, he managed to maximize his abilities.

In addition, he is a cool racer, LeonidGolovanov is a journalist “from God” and an expert in the car industry, like many of his colleagues in Avtoreview, who are fanatically devoted to their work. Irina was always surprised at the combination of technical inclinations with the ability to vividly express her thoughts both verbally and in written form. Thanks to this, it was always easy to communicate with him on a variety of topics. However, having parted, they remained good friends, especially since they still have something to talk about - after all, their son Daniel grows up with them.

Leonid Golovanov photo

Даже если Голованов пишет длинную статью в “Autoreview”, it is perceived by readers as an invitation to talk. And often the dialogue continues on the pages of the magazine until a complete understanding of the issues raised. Readers note the unique style of the author, as well as his ability to feel cars. Even more impressive is his communication with the listeners of "Mayak" on a variety of topics related to the machines. It seems that he really knows everything about them!

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