/ / Dog nurseries in Voronezh: how to choose a four-legged friend

Dog nurseries in Voronezh: how to choose a four-legged friend

Almost every child dreams of a dog.Some people have four-legged friends, but others do not. Growing up, a person can decide whether he needs a dog or not. And most of our fellow citizens agree that they need it. People who have a private house or cottage, have large animals, and lovers living in an apartment prefer to buy pocket dogs. But whatever breed the person prefers, you need to think carefully about where to buy a pet. In this article we will tell you where the dogs are located in Voronezh and how to pick up the animal you liked from there.

What makes the nursery different from the shelter

The difference is in the very concept.The shelter is a place where homeless animals get a roof over their heads. Dog nurseries in Voronezh are private houses and flats of people who breed dogs. In general, one breeder specializes in a specific breed, but there are exceptions. Owners and founders of nurseries usually do not set themselves the goal of getting rich. They want to bring happiness to people, building animals into good hands.

nurseries of dogs in the voronezh

Of course, there are rumors that many people are engaged inbreeding dogs for profit. But this sounds just as silly as the idea that a mother with many children gives birth to children in order to secure a comfortable old age.

People involved in breeding dogs, thoroughlyknow the characteristics of their wards. They do not have a question, how to feed animals, how to take birth from them. In case of illness, experienced breeders can help their pet better than any veterinarian.

In what conditions are the animals in the nursery

Dogs breeders live in ideal conditions.After all, the quality of the institution is assessed by the health and appearance of the wards. The staff of the dog nurseries in Voronezh, as well as in other cities, are trembling with their reputation. If the animal has a stomach problem and this information gets into the media, the rating of the institution will drop instantly. To prevent this, dogs and puppies eat only the best food, spend a lot of time in the fresh air.

cattery of dogs in voronezh address

But, of course, any person wants to taketrained dog so that it does not cause him unnecessary trouble. Therefore, in the nursery are engaged in training and education puppy. They are taught to the teams, they are taught to eat and lay down good manners so that a grown-up dog can take part in exhibitions.

How to choose a dog for yourself

Dog nurseries in Voronezh, as well as in any othercity, specialize in different breeds. But, first of all, you need to decide what animal of the sex you want to have. Bitches are more accommodating, they better perceive training and become a better friend to a person. Males are more temperamental, they have less health problems and, accordingly, hormonal failures are also rare.

Where can I find a four-legged pet? There is a nursery in Voronezh of dogs of Chihuahua, Husky, Newfoundland and East European Shepherds. How to choose a pet, ideally suited to the nature?

  • Husky - kind animals that neverwill bite a person. Despite the fact that the ancestors of this breed were wolves, for many years of training people were able to tame the northern animal. But despite their kindness, the husky unreliable comrades and even more so they can not be entrusted with a guard function.

Dog nurseries in Voronezh and Voronezh region

  • Sheepdog is an intelligent animal that is excellentgives in to training. If you raise a dog from childhood, you can achieve amazing results. Sheepdog will have a wonderful watchdog role, and will also be able to help in the upbringing of children.
  • Newfoundland is a large breed of dogs thatmanages to find a common language both with adults and with children. Representatives of this breed often act as rescuers, so the allegiance of the animal is unnecessary.

Does "weather in the house" change with the appearance of the dog

Representatives of dog kennels in Voronezh alwayshold preliminary talks with their clients. After all, people who grow animals are not indifferent to the fate of their wards. Nobody wants a blue blood dog to lose a roof over his head two weeks after moving. Therefore, breeders explain to their customers the basic rules of caring for a four-legged friend, tell all the "pitfalls" of the future neighborhood, and also instruct people how to best resolve the conflict with the dog.

cattery of dogs in the virgin chihuahua

Kennels of Voronezh

In large cities there are always a lot of people,which breed animals. Dog nurseries in Voronezh and Voronezh region can be met quite a lot. Some of them were opened recently, others already have many years of experience. It is advisable to contact people who work with dogs not for the first year, because they will be able to give sensible advice not only on the day of buying a four-legged pet, but also explain how to cope with some or other problems that inevitably arise in the upbringing process.

Popular nurseries of dogs in Voronezh, whose addresses are:

  • Kennel Labradors "From the house of Madame" is located at: Ramon district, with. Yamnoe, st. Sovetskaya, 84.
  • The nursery of Ladi Laren dogs is located at the address: Voronezh, ul. Kaliayev.
  • Cattery "From Podlesie" can be found in Voronezh on Lomonosov Street.

What a pet to start, everyone decides for himself. The main thing is to surround the dog with love and care, and then she will surely answer you with reciprocity.

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