/ / Movie theaters of Vladimir: review and description

Cinemas of Vladimir: review and description

Cinemas today are an important cultural partany city. They are popular both among young people, and among the older generation. A visit to the cinema is a good opportunity to spend leisure time with family or friends. A wide variety of modern cinema makes it possible to choose a movie for every taste, and the rapid growth of the technical component allows you to completely immerse yourself in the plot and atmosphere of the film.

Cinema of Vladimir

cinemas of Vladimir
Let's get acquainted with them.In Vladimir cinemas enjoy great success. After all, this is a good reason to spend leisure time with close people and friends. The city has four cinemas, and residents can easily choose the most suitable option, because all the cinemas are located in convenient places, and to reach them on public transport is not difficult.

Most of Vladimir's cinemas work inmodern 3D format, but some of them show movies in the usual 2D. If there is a preference, in what format to watch a movie, before visiting the session, you can specify the information on the phone of the cinema or on its website.

"Kinomaks" in Vladimir

cinema cinema cinemax vladimir
One of the most popular cinemas in Vladimiris "Kinomaks Burevestnik", located on Lenin Street, house 29. The poster features all the modern novelties of cinema. Residents of the city can watch cartoons and movies both in standard 2D format and in modern RealD-format.

Cinema "Kinomaks" Vladimir has fourmodern comfortable halls, equipped with modern cinema projection equipment and the newest acoustic system, which allows the viewer to completely immerse himself in the atmosphere of the film.

On the territory of the cinemaVladimir conducts various cultural and entertainment programs, timed to various holidays, which contributes to the growth of his popularity among young people and married couples with children.

In the summer, Kinomax Burevestnikturns into a zone of children's recreation and entertainment, which allows creating a positive atmosphere for the guests. And while the children have fun, their parents can pass the time for a cup of coffee or tea in the bar of the cinema.


"RusKino" is a cinema in Vladimir, it was opened in 2007, after reconstruction. It is located in the eponymous cinema-entertainment complex on the 2 nd Suzdal passage, house 8.

The cinema has two large comfortable halls, equipped with comfortable armchairs, large screens and modern projection technology.

The repertoire includes both world premieres, family and youth films, and animation.

Waiting for the session, you can pass the time in the phyto bar for a cup of tea or coffee with delicious cakes and sweets.

After watching the movie, visitors cango to a restaurant or pizzeria. And children will like the modern game complex "Little Country", which includes a climbing wall, a shooting gallery, a multi-level labyrinth and much more.

RusKino is a great way to spend time with the whole family.

Social Cinema

cinemas in Vladimir
"Charity and Order" is one of the firstfree cinemas. In Vladimir, it was opened on June 1, 2011. Entrance to the film shows is completely free, places need to be booked in advance, on the city's website or by phone. There are no restrictions for visiting free-of-charge shows.

The hall of the cinema is designed for 270 seats,and the first row is for people with disabilities. It is important that the hall area is designed for free movement in wheelchairs, which is of great importance for people limited in movement.

The repertoire of the cinema is designed for both the younger generation, the youth, and for older people.

In addition to film screenings,the cinema regularly hosts creative meetings, concerts, festivals and competitions aimed at educating youth and creative development of residents of all ages.

Full immersion

cinemas in Vladimir
Modern technologies in filmmaking have movedfar away, and now when watching a movie you can completely immerse yourself in the plot and fully experience the whole atmosphere of the picture, from sounds and smells and to tactile sensations. All this is possible thanks to XD technology, while watching the audience can feel the movement of armchairs, smells, smoke, splashes of water.

In Vladimir, cinemas that broadcast movies in this format are located at two addresses.

The first of them is in the restaurant courtyardhypermarket "Globus", located on Suzdal Avenue, 28. The second attraction is in the hypermarket "Lenta" on Moskovsky Shosse, house 2. On the site you can get acquainted with the poster and choose a film to your liking, from children's cartoons to horrors. The duration of such films is small, about 4-5 minutes, but the impressions obtained will last for a long time. Reviews on the site are mostly positive, the residents of the city recommend friends and acquaintances to watch such films in Vladimir. Cinemas are located in large stores, which makes it possible to combine shopping and get new impressions.

Wide choose

movie theater Vladimir
Today it is impossible to imagine leisure without thoseplaces where people can relax and unwind. And cinemas occupy among them not the last place. Cinematography constantly releases various novelties of movies and cartoons, and which one to choose is up to the spectators themselves.

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