/ / Irina Meladze: is there life after the divorce?

Irina Meladze: is there life after the divorce?

One of the most discussed scandals in Russianshow business in recent years is the divorce of Valery Meladze. The famous singer and producer lived with his first and only wife until 2014 for more than 20 years. Until the very last moment it seemed that the couple were happy. And only recently Irina Meladze, Valeria's wife, decided to tell the truth.

Meladze's former wife, who is she?

Irina meladze
The first wife of Valeria Meladze is a reala phenomenon for Russian show business. Having lived more than 20 years with such a famous person, Irina was able to remain a mystery woman. It is precisely known that the maiden name of Meladze's first wife is Malukhin. She married Irina in 1989. Meladze was the first to notice a pretty girl and she took care of her for a long time before she told him: "Yes!" The first years of marriage of the couple lived in Ukraine. Meladze's ex-wife even today says that this was the best time in their life together. Journalists do not even know the exact date of birth of this woman. She looks amazing, but Irina is the same age as her ex-husband. She is always elegant and reserved, prefers to avoid interviews and social events. Just recently, Irina Meladze, whose biography was supplemented by a divorce from her stellar husband, decided to talk with the media with heart to heart.

Family life with Meladze

Irina is the wife of meladze
Irina and Valerie met as students.The romance of young people developed slowly, but the young man was persistent and achieved the favor of his chosen one. After moving to Moscow, Valery began to rapidly build a career. Irina Meladze built up her way of life and waited for her star husband from the tour. In the marriage three daughters were born. Most recently, Irina admitted that they had another child with Valery. The first-born of the couple Meladze died after living a few days. At the same time, according to Irina, at that difficult moment her husband practically did not give her moral support - she was all alone in this horror. "Marriage to a famous person is always difficult," recalls Meladze's ex-wife. Many news about her beloved wife she had to learn from the press. However, Irina Meladze always tried to remain an understanding and loving wife.

The secret always becomes explicit

The new husband of Irina meladze
Valery Meladze has always been a successwomen. In the yellow press, there were always reports of new star intrigues. Meladze himself laughed year after year that he, of course, loves beautiful women, but his wife and family are always devoted. Everything changed in 2006. Irina, Meladze's wife, noticed that her husband had changed, sometimes she just did not recognize him. Once during a domestic quarrel, the husband confessed that he has a mistress, and she gave him a son. Why did Valery not leave right after finding out the relationship? The answer is simple - his youngest daughter from marriage with Irina at that time was only three years old. For many years, Meladze's couple continued to pretend that everything was fine with their family. A new beloved Valeria became Albina Dzhanabaeva, ex-soloist of the group "Via Gra". In 2014 he divorced with Irina. As one of the reasons for the divorce, the spouses indicated that they have not lived together for 2 years. During the divorce, Valery voluntarily left the former wife an elite property and an expensive car. He also supports children, tries to communicate regularly and help financially. Irina Meladze encourages these meetings, however, they often occur without her presence. Parental divorce made a shocking impression on children. The youngest girls experience this event the most. For this reason, Irina considers it important to meet with her father. Sam Valery is happy in a civil marriage with Albina Dzhanabaeva, recently they had a second son.

Does Irina have a new husband?

Irina meladze biography
Today, Meladze's first wife openly declares thatgrateful to the former husband for the divorce. His relationship with him Irina appreciates as warm and friendly. Former spouses sometimes communicate "on business". Irina does not hide that she is happy, everything is good in her personal life. Who is this lucky person, the new husband of Irina Meladze? To advertise their relationship, this wise woman does not seek. Irina jokes that she does not want to say proverbs, but happiness really "loves silence". However, the former wife of a famous singer does not wear an engagement ring either. So, perhaps, in the near future the country will find out about the new wedding of Irina.

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