The younger man is literally interested in everything.He asks questions about everything he sees. Why is the grass green? Why does the sun shine by day and the stars by night? And so on and so forth. Answering seemingly simple questions is not always easy. Because sometimes there is a lack of any special knowledge. Yes, and how to explain the complex in a simple way? Not everyone can do it.
Without this concept it is impossible to explain clearlywhy the sun shines by day and the stars by night. Often, stars are represented to kids by small dots in the sky, which they compare with small light bulbs or flashlights. If we draw an analogy, then they can be compared with huge searchlights. Because the stars are unimaginably huge balls of fire that are incredibly red-hot and are so far away from us that they look like crumbs.
First you need to report that the Sun isname as name. And this name is the closest star to our planet. But why is she not the point? And because of what the sun shines during the day, and the stars at night, if they are the same?
The sun does not seem to be a point because it is muchcloser than others. Although it is also far away. If you measure the distance in kilometers, the number will be equal to 150 million. This way the car will travel for 200 years, if it moves without stopping at a constant speed equal to 80 km / h. Because of the incredibly long distance, the sun seems small, although it is such that it would easily accommodate a million planets like Earth.
By the way, the sun is far from the biggest and not very bright star in our sky. It is simply located in one place with our planet, and the rest are scattered far in space.
First you need to remember: when does the day begin?The answer is simple: when the sun begins to shine over the horizon. Without its light it is impossible. Therefore, answering the question of why the sun is shining in the afternoon, we can say that the day itself will not come if the sun does not rise. After all, as soon as it goes beyond the horizon, evening comes, followed by night. By the way, it is worth mentioning that it is not the light that is moving, but the planet. And the change of day to night is due to the fact that the planet Earth rotates around its fixed axis without stopping.
Why is the day not seen the stars, if they, likethe sun, always shine? This is due to the presence of our planet's atmosphere. In the air, the sun's rays scatter and eclipse the faint glow of the stars. After its approach, dispersion ceases, and nothing obscures their dim light.
So, the sun shines during the day, and the stars at night.The reasons for this are in the air layer surrounding the earth. But why is the moon visible then not? And when it is, it can take on different types - from a thin sickle to a bright circle. What does it depend on?
It turns out that the moon itself does not glow.It works like a mirror that reflects the sun’s rays to the ground. And observers can see only that part of the satellite that is lit. If we consider the whole cycle, then it begins with a very thin month, which resembles an inverted “C” letter or an arc from the “P” letter. During the week it grows and becomes like a half circle. All the next week it continues to increase and every day more and more comes nearer to a full circle. The next two weeks the drawing is reduced. And at the end of the month the moon completely disappears from the night sky. More precisely, it is simply not visible, because only that part of it that has turned away from the Earth is illuminated.
The astronauts in orbit do not take up the question ofwhy the sun shines by day and the stars by night. And this is due to the fact that they both can be seen at the same time. This fact is explained by the absence of air that prevents light from the stars to pass through the scattered rays of the sun. You can call them lucky, because they can immediately see the nearest star, and those that are far away.
Кстати, ночные светила различаются по цвету.And it is clearly visible even from Earth. The main thing is to look closely. The hottest of them shine white and blue. Those stars that are colder than the previous ones are yellow. These include our sun. And the coldest emit red light.
If the question of why the sun shines during the day,stars at night, occurs in older children, then you can continue the conversation, remembering the constellations. They combine groups of stars that are in one place on the celestial sphere. That is, they seem to us located nearby. In fact, there can be a great distance between them. If we could fly far away from the solar system, we would not recognize the starry sky. Because the outlines of constellations would have changed a lot.
In these groups of stars, ancient people have seenoutlines of human figures, objects and animals. In connection with this, various names appeared. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Orion, Swan, Southern Cross and many others. Today there are 88 constellations. Many of them are associated myths and legends.
Due to the rotation of the earth around the sun constellationchange their position in the sky. And some are generally visible only in a certain season. There are constellations that cannot be seen in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.
Over time, constellations lostsecondary stars, and their pattern made it difficult to guess how the name originated. The most famous constellation of the Northern Hemisphere - Ursa Major - has now become a "bucket". And modern children are tormented by the question: “Where is the bear here?”