/ / International Day of Standardization

International Standardization Day

October 14, the whole world celebrates International Standardization Day. With this holiday people who are engaged in difficult work are congratulated: norm-setting activity.

What is standardization?

It is compliance with uniform requirements in all sphereshuman activity. Standardization developed and improved along with the development of society. Today it is a process, the result of which is the definition and documenting of universal rational norms and rules.

International relations in various fieldsrequire an equal approach to reaching agreements. The market must have unambiguous regulatory requirements for the manufacturer and the consumer. The division of production processes between countries producing and consuming goods and services requires the existence of uniform regulatory documents and standards.

Products, terms, methods, designations and so onfurther - these are objects of rationing for today. Standardization and metrology are interrelated, they work to ensure the quality of products, services, works.

Why October 14?

In 1946 this day the Londonconference of world communities on standardization. There were 65 delegates from 25 countries. The delegation from the USSR was also represented at this event.

standardization day
The result of her work was the birth of the InternationalOrganization for Standardization - ISO. Since 1970, this day is celebrated as World Standardization Day. The holiday became a sign of respect for people involved in the development of this type of activity in the world.

A universally recognized fact:standardization significantly affects production, its level and pace of development. It should keep pace with the latest developments and achievements, implemented and applied by mankind, normalizing and documenting their parameters.

International Organization for Standardization ISO

When the organization was created, much attentionwas given to its name. It was required that the abbreviation should be pronounced equally in all languages. We stopped at a brief ISO, from the Greek word "equal".

Today, the ISO is composed of 165 countries. International Standardization Day, first of all, their holiday.

The procedure for developing the standard has been established, itconsists of six stages. The creation of one document takes 5-6 years. It is developed by the technical commissions of the organization and subcommittees. The documents reflect the agreement of the participants of the ISO countries. In the state standards, it can be implemented as a basis or used in the activities in its original form.

Day of Standardization and Metrology

The volume of work can be estimated from such data: the organization has developed more than 7 thousand international standards, annually published about 500 revised or new documents.

The USSR, which was one of the organizers of the IDF, was also permanently part of the governing bodies. Russia took the place of a member of the ISO Council as its successor in 2005.

Along with ISO, there is the International Electrotechnical Commission, which was established earlier, dealing with electrical engineering, electronics and communications. All other issues are the scope of ISO.

International Standardization Day
These organizations have developed more than ninety percent of international standards. There are several institutions that are also involved in this work. Day of standardization and their holiday too.

History of Standardization

The methods of standardization began to apply verylong. In ancient Rome, the selection of pipes of the same diameter when laying a water pipe - this is the elements of this type of activity. In the Renaissance, if a large number of ships were to be built, galleys were assembled in Venice from prefabricated units in different locations. In the 18th century, a French gunsmith's factory produced 50 locks for rifles that approached them without fitting.

With the adoption in 1875 of the International Metric Convention and the organization of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures with the participation of 19 states, it was possible to start celebrating the Day of Standardization on the planet.

world standardization day
In our country, the first application of standardizationrefers to the reign of Ivan the Terrible. To unify the kernels for the guns, standard-sized wheels were introduced. The development of trade relations with other states and within the country required the ordering of Russian measures and weights. Work in this direction was long and difficult. And only the Decree "On the Introduction of the International System of Weights and Measures" adopted in 1918 and the transition from sazhen and pound to meter and kilogram can be considered a standardization day in Russia.

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