Butterfly butterfly eye butterfly

Эту бабочку вряд ли можно перепутать с какой-либо other. Firstly, the eyeball is a fairly large nocturnal insect, and secondly, its name is due to a characteristic feature - located on the rear wings of bright "eyes". Our article will tell you about this being.


Butterfly Appearance

Ocellated brazier got its name,thanks to expressive "eyes" - stains on the back wings. Unfortunately, this very beautiful butterfly is rarely found. The reasons are not only in the small number of populations, but also in the fact that the sorcerers are twilight butterflies. They take off for walks when people sleep.

The ophthalmologist has a thick body covered withhairy pile. When the butterfly rests and its wings are folded, the "eyes" are not visible. In the color of the guards of this species, gray-beige, and sometimes olive tones predominate, helping to mask in the twilight. But if the butterfly feels danger, it immediately opens its wings, showing round eyes that look like owls. Strengthens the impression and a thick body, pointed at the end. Between open wings and "eyes" it becomes very similar to a formidable beak. Small birds hunting for the bridegrooms, this maneuver frightens off, because in place of a harmless insect suddenly appears face of a formidable predator.

Far Eastern eyebrow mongrel

"Blind" fellow

There is a kindred-looking eye-catcher.Its representatives also have characteristic marks, but they are slightly colored and almost invisible. This is due to the name of the blind brave men. They dwell in the same place where the eyes are, and they lead the same way of life.

Life cycle

Scientists have established that in favorable years, two or even three generations of eyeballs may appear. And there are no distinctions, butterflies from different generations coexist peacefully.


The caterpillar of the ophthalmic sarcophagus is represented in the photoin our article. And you can see that this is a real master of disguise. The task of security is subject to green color, and the texture of the skin - all that is needed to hide among the leaves. Caterpillars are unusually voracious. But this moment is completely justified, because eyeballs do not eat eyeballs at the stage of imago. In adults, there is no oral device at all.

The life span of this beautiful insect is small - less than a year.

Brave in flight

All the scouts, including the eyeballs, are excellent flyers. Specialists consider these butterflies to be the fastest among insects. Racing angler in form resembles a fighter plane.

Кроме того, глазчатый бражник необычайно вынослив.The only thing that can compete with him is the dragonfly. Scientists know of a case when a specially marked insect flew without landings from Stavropol to Moscow, overcoming about 50 kilometers per hour. At the flight, the butterfly spent about a day.


In one more photo you can see the places where the eyeball is common (they are marked in red). It is noticeable that this butterfly loves zones with a temperate climate.


A small population of hawk moths lives inTransbaikalia. Scientists at the Daursky Nature Reserve observe these insects. At present, the Far Eastern ocellus hawk is not listed in the Red Book, but its expressive appearance and large size often attract the attention of both natural enemies and humans. This is a cause for concern, so experts monitor the population size.

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