/ / Purchasing logistics: essence and tasks

Procurement logistics: the essence and tasks

The organization of logistics management is an importantthe moment in any economic system. Logistic system in its turn is characterized by complexity and integrity. Since logistics - the concept is very broad and capacious, allocate purchasing, distribution, production, information and transport logistics.

Since the main task of logistics is a comprehensivematerial flow management, a special role in this system is played by purchasing logistics, which manages material flows while providing the enterprise with the necessary material resources. Log material flow into the logistics system is carried out directly through the subsystem of procurement. That is why logistics at this stage is called that way, however, very often one can find the phrase "delivery logistics" or "procurement logistics".

So, procurement logistics - competent managementmaterial flows, ensuring the supply of material resources to the enterprise. The goal is the complete and adequate satisfaction of the needs of a particular production in materials with as much efficiency as possible. In order to correctly use the concept of logistics at the procurement stage, you need to be prepared for the fact that the philosophy of organizing the process of production of the final product, which must correspond to the current and potential demand, can change.

Логистическая система на любом предприятии должна to be conducted in accordance with one rule: the calculations of all the parameters of production and economic activity without exception must be carried out in the opposite direction. In this matter, procurement logistics resembles the model of industrial logistics, more precisely is its derivative. That is, the calculation of demand for purchases and the need for them should be carried out from the final product to raw materials, semi-finished products and materials.

Nevertheless, the principle of such informationthe counter-current does not mean that production and marketing completely control supply. They also affect the competitiveness of products, their quality and the formation of the assortment. This supply is the main source of information about the capabilities of suppliers and the market competitors.

There are certain logistical activities,which are associated with the management of procurement processes, which in principle are synonymous with the notion of "procurement procurement problems". Let's briefly consider the essence of each of them.

  1. Definition and reassessment of needs. Any purchases should begin with a thorough examination of the procurement transactions established between the consumer and the purchasing department.
  2. Evaluation and study of customer requirements.After determining the internal consumers and the nomenclature of resources, it is important to establish requirements for the parameters of supplies, their size, nomenclature group and so on. It is necessary to establish those requirements of the consumer that are able to determine the delivery service.
  3. Making a decision on the possibility of production independently. Very often it happens that it is more profitable for a firm to produce something independently than to buy from others.
  4. Types of procurement. Purchases can be permanent, modified or new. Determining their type will simplify all the work and the procurement logistics process.
  5. Conducting analysis of market behavior.
  6. Identify all potential suppliers of a particular type of resource. It is necessary to compile a list of firms whose services were not previously provided.
  7. Evaluation of all sources of material resources that need to be purchased. It is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of proposals from different suppliers.
  8. The final choice of the supplier through multi-criteria evaluation.
  9. Delivery of resources. This process is associated with the supply of material resources of a certain nomenclature, orders, transportation, processing of cargo, storage and storage of goods.
  10. Monitoring the implementation of procurement. When the delivery process is completed, it is necessary to organize quality control of resources and evaluation by different parameters.

All these tasks must be combined in onepolicy of relations with suppliers. Purchasing logistics also deals with determining the optimal periodicity of supplies and the structure of material flows.

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