/ / Why it is impossible to put an empty bottle on the table: tradition or superstition?

Why can't an empty bottle be put on the table: tradition or superstition?

When the feast is in full swing and a variety of drinks flow like water, sooner or later the bottles containing them become empty.

why not put an empty bottle on the table
What is usually done with empty bottles?They are treated differently, someone removes them immediately, and someone, pouring the contents into glasses or glasses, returns the empty bottle to the place from which it was taken - on the table. And at the same moment, as a rule, there will be at least one guest among those sitting at the table who will point out the infidelity of such a step, arguing that the empty bottle on the table is a bad omen. Indeed, almost everyone has heard that there is such a belief, but not everyone knows where it came from. So after all, why not put an empty bottle on the table? This sign has several explanations. Let's try to figure out what versions of this belief exist and whether to stick with them.

Why not put an empty bottle on the table, where did it come from? Historical version

There is such a legend that the tradition of cleaningempty bottles under the table was born thanks to the Russian Cossacks. They brought her from France, where in the years 1812-1814. made a military campaign. In those days, alcoholic drinks paid off in a different way than they do now. The calculation of the amount for which alcohol was purchased was carried out at the end of the feast. And it was determined as follows: Parisian waiters considered the amount of empty containers remaining on the tables. Then one day, one savvy Cossack had the idea how to save and pay less. During the feast, a number of empty bottles were removed under the table, as a result of which the Cossacks did not have to pay for them. Thus, the answer to the question of why it is impossible to put an empty bottle on the table can be explained by a long tradition. Which, apparently, well settled down.

Why not put an empty bottle on the table? Signs that mean?

Superstitious people their desire to quickly removeempty tare from the table is explained not by traditions at all. They believe that the emptiness formed in the bottle is not a good sign, so to speak, not to good.

why not put an empty bottle on the table
On the question of why the table can not be putan empty bottle, they will tell you several versions. According to one of them, emptiness attracts evil spirits. Leaving an empty bottle on the table means giving the table to the unclean power. Another sign of superstition is the conviction that if you leave the bottles on the table, the house will be empty and no money will flow. There is even a popular saying about this.

Church opinion

The Church treats superstitions negatively.According to the clergy, faith in all sorts of signs is a manifestation of distrust of God, the substitution of the true faith for a more accessible, not requiring any spiritual costs and work on yourself. Why can't I put an empty bottle on the table? What happens if a black cat suddenly crosses your path? These and many other questions should not arise from a true Christian. The need to believe in something is peculiar to any human soul. Those who do not believe in God or believe in him are not enough, satisfy their need by paying attention to all sorts of signs and superstitions. It would seem that with the development of progress and universal enlightenment superstition should be relegated to the background, but this does not happen. We see this picture: human society is mired in superstition. And this is sad, because it shows that there are very few true believers who trust God, and not some signs.

why you can not put an empty bottle on the table, take

The practical side of the issue

Considering that we are not Russian Cossacks and no onewill write us a bill, considering the number of empty bottles on the table, to remove the container from these considerations is probably silly. If you are not from the category of superstitious people because of your belief in God or simply disbelief in all sorts of nonsense - you, too, will not hurry to remove the container under the table for fear of calling trouble. But still, why not put an empty bottle on the table?

why not put an empty bottle on the table, where did it come from
Everything is very simple.There is also a practical side of the issue. The empty container on the table clutters the space; it may look like a transparent hint to guests that it’s already time for them to leave, and in general, the table with empty bottles, salad bowls, sauce bowls and other cutlery looks messy.

Why not put an empty bottle on the table? Choose a version that suits you best.

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