Hunger ... What associations when pronouncing thisDo you have any words? Empty fridge or skinny purse? Believe me, for millions of people around the world, this is not just a vague concept, meaning only a grumbling stomach, but a cruel and predatory beast whose fangs are constantly dying people.
In any case, the famine in Africa, which has recently acquired a truly immense scale, has already claimed the lives of many thousands of people. Why is this happening, because in the courtyard is a relatively enlightened 21st century?
Due to the lack of a normal infrastructurelocal residents sometimes have to leave their children for certain death, going to the nearest settlements ("only" 100-150 km) for the most necessary medicines and food concentrates. Many of them still do not have time to help babies, who simply die from exhaustion.
However, this does not happen everywhere.For example, in Uganda, the situation is heavy, but to some extent controlled by the government. The local population is adequately provided with food, and therefore hunger in Africa in 2011, it is almost not affected.
However, not only the infantilism of the authoritiescontributes to the deterioration of the situation. With huge areas of land, the population could provide for itself with food, but constant droughts and rapid degradation of soil resources reduce all attempts of agriculture to naught. That's why famine in Africa remains a constant companion of millions of people.
Unfortunately, the economy of all African countries is notcan prevent the effects of drought. However, experts have repeatedly noted that when the efforts of a number of countries in the region joined together, famine in Africa could be defeated. However, given the increasing Islamization of the population, the "Arab riots" and the general instability of the world economy, we can not hope for this. None of the developed countries are interested in investing in the semblance of a local economy, and the UN and the Red Cross alone will not achieve much.
Scientists, responding to a question about why in Africahunger, lament and deceit in a society of geneticists offering genetically improved crops that can be grown on poor and even saline soils. This is not due to the ostentatious concern for human health, but because of the banal thirst for profit. After all, it is much more profitable to sell to the starving regions products grown in Europe and America.