/ / Strizhenova Alexandra: biography, filmography

Strizhenova Alexander: biography, filmography

The younger daughter of popular actors and TV presentersCatherine and Alexander Strizhenov made her debut at the age of seven years of age, playing a tiny role as assistant doctor Kogan in the comedy "Love-Carrot", directed by her father. So, Strizhenova Alexander - a young clever, beautiful and just a talented girl. She is a representative of the third generation of the notorious Strizhenov family, who linked their lives with the cinema.

Childhood baby

Little Sasha, who was named after the pope,was born on December 19, 2000. The elder sister Nastenka was growing up in the family, who, even when she was very small, asked her parents first for birds, dogs and cats, and becoming a little older, she asked her sister or brother. She was twelve when her dream came true. Alexandr Strizhenov was born. - youngest.


Most of Ekaterina's colleagues - Sasha's mom - werethey are sure that at such a turn of a rapidly developing career the appearance of a child is a wrong step. But Catherine went to work, despite the fact that she continued to breastfeed. She continued to receive tempting offers of new roles and touring, but she put her family in the first place. For Ekaterina Strizhenova, new films and roles are a minor episode compared to the immense happiness of every woman - to be just a mother. Catherine and Alexander first with the elder Nastya, and then with younger Sasha spent as much time as possible, because children should have a happy childhood - with mom and dad.

Methods of parental education

Quite often, journalists, interested in family, inwhich is growing Strizhenova Alexander, ask questions about what was allowed to girls, what was forbidden, whether they were punished in childhood? Alexandra said that at home during the dialogues between family members (especially at the dinner table), parents did not allow any gadgets to be used. The elders even turned off the television. Mom was always sure that if during a conversation with them the girls simultaneously pressed the buttons of phones or tablets, it means that they devalued communication with the family. She believed that it was wrong for outsiders on the smartphone to talk more about their thoughts and experiences than their family. Because of this, for very close people there is very little time left to be appreciated.

The young lady and sotsseti

Alexander Strizhenov, whose photo in the lastyears began to appear on the Internet more and more, conquer social networks. The girl, who the other day turns 15 years old, with her parents can often be seen at various social events. Everyone who sees the grown daughter Strizhenovy can not disagree with the fact that a little girl a couple of years ago turned into a real beauty.

Alexandra Strizhenova photo

She is above her famous mother Catherine for a wholehead. Not so long ago Strizhenovyh could be seen among the audience at the premiere of the musical "Singing in the Rain". There they met with the contemporary actress Olga Budina, which viewers know by roles in the series "Border. Taiga novel "," Equation with all the unknowns "," The personal life of Dr. Selivanova. " She, like a beautiful woman, too, could not hold back the words of admiration for the grown-up Sasha.

Mom or Dad?

Fans from social networks in their opinions about the appearance of the girl were divided: some are sure that Alexander Strizhenova, biography which only begins to twist its tortuous curl - a copy of my mother; others claim that she is more like her father.

Alexandra Strizhenova biography

Sasha's ability to act as an actress will be able to evaluate in the next year. Then it will be possible to judge whether she inherited the creative genes of the famous dynasty.

The beginning of film career

After the acclaimed comedy "Love-carrot", wherethe father-director gave the opportunity to play a small role for his daughter, she realized that she liked the movie. Two years after his debut, the pope again gave the youngest daughter the opportunity to appear on the screen. This time it was a thriller - the film "Yulia". How to cope with the task of a little actress, judge the audience.

Alexandra Strizhenova

In 2010 Strizhenova Alexander begins work on histhe first serious role. The film is a drama "Everyone has his own war". Director - Zinovy ​​Roizman. The tape tells the story of the teenager love of the schoolboy Robert to Milka, who is the girlfriend of the ataman of the Zamoskvoretskaya punks. Their history is shown against the background of postwar memories, stories of neighbors and communal intrigues. For the first time the girl is removed not from the pope, and therefore the responsibility for it is entrusted huge. A great help is that her mother's role on the blue screen was played by her mother, Catherine.

Summer 2015

Last summer was very busy in the life of a girl named Alexander Strizhenov, filmography which started quite well and, likeher fans hope, will continue no less successfully. But in addition to cinematography, she has other interests. Sasha is actively engaged in "Todes". Recently, she has a lot of training, six months ago there was a big concert.

In June, the main event in the life of the girl was the daythe birth of her father - Alexander Strizhenov. After that there was a trip to New York: before going to a sports camp, I went to visit my older sister, who not long ago married, Alexander Strizhenova. Biography, the family of an aspiring actress are under the close attention of the press. Perhaps, while the interest in her journalists is not as greedy as her more famous and popular parents and grandfather, but still ahead.

alexandra strizhenova biography family

The rules of behavior in the sports camp resemblethose that are adhered to by Alexandra's mom: the Internet is off there, and all the children are taken away by gadgets. This is done so that the child can calmly relax and communicate with peers, and not in social networks. In the camp Sasha enjoyed playing tennis, rafting, studying English.

Parents try to make their youngest daughter grow upa sociable person and had many good, kind, loyal real, and not virtual friends. Therefore, the "Eaglet", where there is a special detachment of "Todes", helped. Sasha's mother - Ekaterina Strizhenova - once had a rest in "Eaglet" and "Artek". With this time, she has the warmest memories. Therefore, she wants her younger daughter, in spite of the fact that Sasha has already started acting in film, had an interesting and happy childhood.

And in August they celebrated the grandfather's anniversary, because the most important family celebrations Strizhenovs always try to gather at the huge round table with the whole family.

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