/ Horse, maximum speed. Record statistics

Horse, the maximum speed. Record statistics

A horse is an animal belonging to a detachmentodd-toed ungulates. There was once a large group of animals that make up a limited family of ungulates, but now it has very few representatives.

Horse, top speed
One of the main qualities that a horse has is the maximum speed. It is this indicator that affects its performance.


The most distant ancestor of an ordinary domestic horseand other ungulates can be considered palaeoterie (its value - from a pig to a rhinoceros) - an extinct animal from a detachment of hoofed Tertiary period. Its ancient remains were studied and described by the famous French zoologist Cuvier.

Maximum Horse Speed
It is not known at what times the animal was tamed by humans, but it co-existed with them in all the periods studied.

The very first information about the horse is in the holy book of the most ancient Iranians (Persians) - in Zend-Avesta. It turns out that these peoples already had tame horses.

It is known that approximately 4000 years before the birth of Christ in India, too, lived such animals.

The Chinese, who had separated before the historic floodfrom their ancestors, also owned these animals, as evidenced by the found old hieroglyphics. Also, the existence of horses in Egypt was also traced.

Maximum horse speed, km / h
Horse breeding in Macedonia and Greece was well developed. The Greeks treated them with special love and enthusiastically engaged in horse breeding, as evidenced by the ancient Olympic Games and mythology.

Basically in those days a horse was used as a harness. The maximum speed of these animals today is much greater than that, and the species and destination were different.

Breeds and types

The horse is not comparable in beauty and status to any animal. The maximum speed of this animal depends more on its breed and origin.

According to the structure of the body (the exterior), horses are divided according to their intended purpose into the following types:

• Horse;

• harness;

• horse-harness;

• pack.

And the upper, in turn, are divided into heavy and light types.

By origin, horses are:

• cultural;

• Aboriginal (local);

• Transitional.

What is the maximum speed of a horse
By breeding and its methods, horses are:

• herd cows;

• cultured and herd;

• factory.

Maximum horse speed, dependence on the way of running

Due to the fact that these animals were used inmainly for transport purposes, horse breeding began to set itself a priority task - the creation of new, faster breeds of horses. Thus, for example, a horse of pure English blood appeared.

Horse Racing
The maximum speed of a horse depends on the breed andway (kind) of running. For example, in competitions (horse races) horses move not just a gallop, but a career or an accelerated canter. This is the fastest way to move. However, not all breeds of horses have the ability to run.

There is a direct connection between the horse's suit, hisspeed and, of course, temperament. For example, red horses always represent fire. It is believed that the fastest horses are red. Ravens - very hot, but evil and rather slow, white - tender, and bay - very capable, hardworking and bold. In Russia, the fastest and most ardent - red breeds were used more often in cavalry.

The canter step is considered to be traditional, common for this animal. In this case, the maximum horse speed (km / h) is 15-20.

And the canter is divided according to the nature of the movement and speed into the arena (300 m / min.), Shortened (speed - up to 700 m / min.) And fast (1000 and more meters per minute).

If you need to go a long distance the horse can run, having developed a speed of up to 60 km per hour.

Red Horse
It is also important to note that the speed of a horse of clean blood, as well as its other indicators, is usually one order higher than that of other breeds.


What is the maximum speed of a horse? This can be learned by studying the statistics of records.

Horse Speed
By the speed of the run, these smart, strong and beautiful animals have their own records. They are mostly owned by English thoroughbred breeds.

The world record was established by the thoroughbred stallion bynicknamed Beach Rekit (1945). Then in Mexico at a distance of 400 meters, this beautiful horse could reach a speed of 69.69 km / h. Record of the absolute champion in speed Beach Rekita was repeated (but not beaten) by stallion Onion Roll only in September 1993.

To date, the most striking example of a fast race -69.3 km / hour. This speed has developed, running more than 800 meters, the horse Siglevi Slave I. True, he fled without a rider, but this is considered a fairly high rate.

And with a rider, what speed can a horse develop? Maximum speed belongs to the fast stallion John Henry, who developed more than 60 kilometers per hour for a distance of 2.4 km.

There are also world records for trotters at a distance of 1600 meters: among the stallions (1 minute 51 seconds) belongs to Pai Chipu, and among the mares (1 minute 51.8 seconds) - Bittsee Will.

White horse
Horse since ancient times is irreplaceablea man's assistant in the household. People love and respect horses as their closest and most devoted friends. Indeed, not for nothing, according to the ancient mythologies of different peoples, this animal was the defender of people from evil, various diseases and misfortunes.

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