Today, without electric appliances, simply can not do,they are widely used in everyday life and in production, these are electric heaters, electric boilers and titans for water, electric stoves, coolers and stoves-electric heaters, electric meat grinders, microwave ovens. The main heating elements in them are the tens, which are divided into categories: for water, for distillers, for air heating, for heating indoor air, for teens in double and fluoroplastic shells.
Industrial Tans
This category includes water,distillers, air, finned for heating air, in a double shell, teflons with fluoroplastic coating. Water tones are made of durable material-it can be copper, brass and stainless steel, they are used both in household appliances and at industrial facilities. Tens for distillers are made only from stainless steel, and fasteners are made of a durable alloy of carbon steel. Such devices are often installed in medical organizations. Electric heating elements of different types make
Industrial elements also include elementsfor heating the air. They are made of strong carbon steel, installed in electric heaters, heat guns and heaters, electric heaters, drying chambers. Tens for heating air can have a straight form, rounded, bent at different angles. At industrial sites in aggressive environments, the elements in the shell are used, they are more reliable, have a long service life, are made of strong, stainless steel, their diameter is 16 millimeters and 18.5. Tens with fluoroplastic shell are installed in tanks with a solution of alkali or acid. The scope of their use is quite wide: these are medical facilities, the chemical industry, the fuel and oil industries, and chemical production.
Компания поставляет так же запчасти для water heaters, household appliances. So there is a large selection of spare parts for washing machines - these are the teens, pumps, bearings, belts and gaskets, an electrovalve for water supply, a shock absorber, a large set of capacitors of various types, as well as handles, hinges, switches. For household electric stoves and ovens in the online store, you can pick up the fans, burners, regulators, thermostats, gas burners. Here you can also buy electric burners for kitchen stoves of the kitchen, teens for any equipment in the public catering. Probably all housewives have a meat grinder at home. Over time, knives in it are blurred, dull and the meat is badly scrolled, replacing old parts with new ones, it will again work well. The company supplies spare parts for both domestic meat grinders and for large industrial.