Head of the State Corporation "Aviationequipment (since 2015 - "Tehnodinamika") Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich is one of the youngest members of the team "Rosteha". The head of the holding company came to the company from international business. In many ways, the style of work of the young CEO does not coincide with the traditional ideas about the leaders of state structures.
Presence of high qualification and rich experiencepractical international activity in different spheres and in different regions of the world allows the new leader to put forward non-standard ways of solving the tasks assigned to the team and achieve high results.
Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich is positioned asmanager, who has a deep understanding of international principles and rules of doing business. This helps him in achieving one of the main strategies of the holding - equal participation in the processes occurring on the international market. By 2020, the delivery of 12 prospective aviation systems for Russian and foreign aviation is planned.
Родился этот человек 28 августа 1975 года в г.Dolgoprudny (Moscow region). In 1998 he graduated with honors from Moscow Physicotechnical Institute, having obtained the specialty "Applied Physics and Mathematics". In 2006, education was continued: Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich received an MBA. In 1999-2003, the young promising specialist holds the post of the head of the division, and then the enterprises of the group of companies "ArtTechCentre". In the period from 2004 to 2006 he works in the Moscow company "DrillTech Rus". Here his specialization is the construction of pipelines. Soon Maxim Kuzyuk becomes deputy general director of the enterprise and project manager. In the period from 2007 to 2010, the young manager occupies various positions in the consulting corporation BCG (The Boston Consulting Group, Paris office).
In 2010-2011.occupies the post of head of the BCG representative office in Moscow. Between 2011 and 2012, he holds the post of deputy general director of the NGO Izhmash. Subsequently becomes the general director of the enterprise. In the period from 2012 to 2016 he works in the position of the general director of the corporation "Aviation Equipment". In 2015, the company changed its name to "Technodynamics". At the same time, Maxim Kuzyuk heads the "Yakor" organization, which is part of the AKB.
According to one of the Russian militaryblogs, at the end of 2016 it was decided to change the leadership of "Technodynamics". It was reported that the former general director Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich dismissed from his post. In his place appointed Igor Nasenkov, who previously served as the first deputy general director of KRET, also part of Rostekh. As noted, Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich is due to leave his post shortly. The resignation from "Technodynamics" for him is connected with a new round of career. The management of "Rostecha" pins special hopes on the young talented manager. A new position, which will take Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich, is the managing director of the state corporation Rostek.
Despite the huge employment, still findstime for the family Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich. A wife whose photo is not freely available is a non-public person. It is known that two children are brought up in the family. The media reported that every morning a young director takes his son to school. Kuzyuk's wife, Maxim Vadimovich, does not provide any information about himself to journalists.
The young general director of "Technodynamics" is frankshared with journalists his views on many issues related to his activities, disclosed motivating factors that help his personal advancement. In his opinion, understanding your own motivation is very important for any person. Intensively to work, not having internal goals, is very difficult.
External motivation (money, positions, etc.) is transient. The main motive for each talented young man, Maxim Kuzyuk believes, should be interest in the work, awareness of the importance and significance of his work.
Поступив на физтех в МФТИ, он думал, что будет to do science. But it turned out differently. After studying for a year in graduate school, I had to make a choice between business and science. At that time, thesis was more valuable to him than the experience gained during his time in a commercial organization. The country then needed accountants, economists, lawyers, brokers, financiers. Demand for science was small. For a young man, financial independence was always very important, so at the first opportunity he tried to make a living. In the years of students, says Maxim Kuzyuk, he had a small business of his own. But, having a desire to qualitatively write a diploma, he changed jobs and settled into a distribution company. The new work was distinguished by a more flexible and convenient schedule, which enabled him to continue his studies and finish his work on the diploma.
Working at Bang & Olufsen, he learned the basicsconducting business negotiations. During the period of cooperation with foreign enterprises, there was an idea to obtain an MBA. Working on Sakhalin to create a pipeline project, Maxim Vadimovich decided to enter the Swiss IMD. The most important result obtained at the end of the MBA was the knowledge of yourself and your own motivating factors.
He understood that at this stage it is important for himget work experience in an international company. The young man decided to start a new direction and chose work at The Boston Consulting Group. It was a very important experience and the continuation of his studies. Maxim Vadimovich admitted to journalists that he refers to those people who believe that it is necessary to regularly learn new things. After 2 years he became the project manager, and two more later - the director.
During the period of work in the Paris office, he succeededto realize projects in different countries: Germany, Belgium, France, Ukraine and various regions of Russia. His activities were related to various branches of the industry: pharmaceutical, oil refining, automotive, etc. He was engaged in organizing, operating efficiency and developing a business model strategy. Experience in different areas has allowed to form a clear vision of the expediency of applying in each case a method.
At some point, he realized how importantit is for him personally to influence the increase of the competitiveness of his country, to contribute to the development of the Russian economy. He understood how great is the potential for change for the better at home. This became the factor that prompted the young specialist to return to Russia. Upon his return, he received an offer, which he decided to accept. He was presented with a rather complicated, non-standard situation, which did not refuse Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich. Rostek suggested that it conduct crisis management and the restructuring of Izhmash. The plant at that time was in a state of deep crisis.
Then he himself did not believe that he would succeedmake everything conceived and keep within the scheduled time, confesses Maxim Vadimovich Kuzyuk. The transition to "Rostekhnologii" was associated with the need to resolve rather difficult situations. The most difficult moment for the entire period of work on the project, he believes, is the need to announce the conduct of a bankruptcy procedure and convince people that this is not a path to the death of the enterprise, but to its renewal. A key role in the rehabilitation and restructuring of the Izhmash plant, according to Maxim Vadimovich, was played by Rostekh. The project would not be possible without the guarantees provided by the state corporation, without its participation in negotiations with creditors and assistance in resolving issues with the taxation.
The next stage in his career, which opened newOpportunities, as Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich believes, is a resignation received as a result of a serious reshuffle at Izhmash, which occurred in June 2012. The head resigned as the plant's general director and proceeded, in accordance with the new position, to perform the functions of the general director of Aviatsionnoe Equipment Holding. In 2015, the company began to bear the name "Technodynamics". Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich, holding the post of general director of the holding, remained a member of the board of directors of Izhmash and continued to monitor the development strategy of the enterprise.
The leadership of the state corporation Russian Technologies wasIt was emphasized that the young general director of the plant had an excellent reputation as an excellent manager, able to return to life and ensure the effectiveness of even the most problematic assets in a short time. Under its management, NPO Izhmash received new orders from foreign partners, opened the most promising market for the plant in the USA, made a significant breakthrough in the field of engineering development, and carried out a global restructuring of the enterprise. According to the results of his management, "Izhmash" almost doubled the output by 1 worker, the average wage level increased by 20%, which amounted to 14.5 thousand rubles. The company's revenue increased by 40%.
As the head of the holding Maxim Kuzyukfocused on the formation of a competitive enterprise in the economic sector, lagging behind international companies. In a rather short period he had to make up for what was lost in 10-15 years. This was the only way to ensure the development of aviation in the country. The company was engaged in the supply of finished systems to the manufacturer of aviation equipment. A model close to the west was introduced. The key focus was the separation of the production of components and final products, ensuring an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise.
Creation of holding "Technodinamika" (until March2015 called "Aviation Equipment") refers to 2009. It consists of 36 companies in the aviation industry. The owner of 100% of the shares is the state corporation Rostec. The holding is engaged in the development and manufacture of units and systems for helicopters and military and civil aircraft. Also, its enterprises produce products for the oil and gas and space industries, transport and energy. The holding owns 46% of the market of aircraft units in the Russian Federation, they produce more than 20 thousand product items, of which 35% are civilian products. The number of company employees is more than 30 thousand people.
In 2015, the holding was rebranding,changed the name. Now the company has become known as "Technodynamics". As the head of the holding explained to journalists, there were reasons for this. The old name laid a certain restriction on the capabilities of an enterprise that produces not only equipment for aviation, but also products for other industries: machines for anti-aircraft missile systems, equipment for divers, etc. In addition, the brand must correspond to the internal state of the company, which turned into a modern holding aimed at solving strategic tasks - the development of innovative technologies for the development of the aviation industry and the transition to new levels of business. In the new brand, not just the name changed, it reflected the tasks and prospects of the enterprise.
In consolidated management reportingThe results of the company’s activities are presented: according to it, in 2013 Tekhnodinamika’s revenues amounted to more than 20 billion rubles (net profit - 1 billion), in 2014 - more than 21 billion, total profit - about 1.5 billion. Enterprise productivity growth - 19 % The growth of indicators is observed in the following years: for example, in 2015, the company's net profit amounted to about 2 billion rubles, profitability growth - 4%.
The ability to properly select personnel Maxim Kuzukconsiders a critical task of the head. In his team, he is gaining bright, versatile personalities. This approach makes the team truly valuable. The problem with employees should be viewed from different angles, only this way one can come to the optimal solution. For Maxim Kuzyuk, it is important that people from his team be real professionals, have a rod inside that moves them towards the goal, despite difficulties.
The main task of the leader is the ability to convince, says Maxim Kuzyuk. The leader must be able to build motivation for people, contributing to the joint effective work on the result.
The next stage in a career that shouldovercome at the beginning of 2017, Kuzyuk Maxim Vadimovich, - resignation from the post of general director of "Thermodynamics" and appointment to the post of managing director of the state corporation "Rostec". It is known that the turn of the new year will be marked by a rather significant shift in the management of key holdings of the corporation.
By his own admission, Maxim Kuzyuk hasthe main quality necessary for the effective management of the company: he constantly strives to learn new things, tries to study any process from the inside, always tries to “get to the bottom” of the root of the problem and comprehend its true essence.