/ / "On Fish Mech": the meaning of phraseology and the history of its appearance

"On Fish Mech": the Importance of Phraseologism and the History of Its Appearance

In the Russian language, many interesting stableword combinations, the meaning of which is difficult for foreigners to understand. But sometimes even people born in Russia can not accurately explain this or that expression and use it correctly. For example, the definition that everyone once heard: "on the fish's fur," the meaning of the phraseology and the history of its appearance we will try to disassemble in our article.

Do Russian fish have fur?

On the fish's fur, the meaning of phraseology
From early childhood, we are taught that a thicksoft wool is one of the signs of mammals. Then why do we say: "At the fish's fur"? The meaning of phraseology is not difficult to explain - it is a question of a very poor quality of the insulating cover or its complete absence. Do fish have the same fur? So we use this winged expression when we want to emphasize the low quality of some object (more often clothes) and its inability to keep warm.

History of origin

The phraseology "on the fish's fur" originated from an ancientRussian folk proverb. In its full version it sounded as follows: "The poor man has a fur coat on a fish's fur." Previously, as actively used phraseology: "On sterling fur." It was about beggars who could not afford enough warm clothes for Russian winter. According to some experts, this proverb also had a deeper meaning, for example, it reminded you that you can see the status of a person and his financial situation by carefully examining his suit. However, today this proverb almost completely disappeared, and it can be heard infrequently.

"On Fish Mech": the Importance of Phraseology and Its Proper Use

Phraseology on fish
Using in your speech winged expressions, you canto be known as an educated person, well-read and witty. When is it appropriate to say "on the fish's fur"? The meaning of phraseology implies its use to assess the quality of clothing. In everyday speech, you can use it when you think that a thing is of poor quality or is put on too cold weather. A good example: "I'm so cold today, because my jacket is on a fish's fur," or "And how she dresses something, it's freezing in the street, and her coat is on a fish's fur." Both of these proposals are correctly drawn up and will be appropriate in appropriate situations. However, be careful when using them to criticize someone else's clothes, you can offend her owner. And finally, let's remember the popular student song: "My dress is on fish-fur, my gloves are on a snake's down ...".

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