Humpbacked hare is a small mammal,belonging to the detachment of rodents. Its other name is "agouti", and in Latin - Dasyprocta. Externally it is similar to a guinea pig, but its limbs are much longer. The average weight of this animal is about 4 kg, and the length of the body is about 0.6 m.
Agouti live in small herds or in pairs.They settle on forest plains and in dense forests in the lower reaches of the rivers Guiana, Brazil, Peru and Suriname. As housing, burrows are used between the stones along the banks of water bodies, and hollows under the roots are used for temporary residence. In the daytime, the hunchback hare prefers to lie in shelters, leaving them only with complete confidence in safety. Fleeing, can swim for some distance, while never diving.
Agouti is a harmless animal, like the whole family.Rodents are stalked by many enemies, such as big cats, Brazilian dogs and, of course, humans. The subtlety of smell and agility often save them from death. The animal, while in the thickets, is always on the alert. Sometimes he raises his front paw or leans on his elbows and listens. In case of danger, he is able to develop the greatest speed from a place.
The hunchback is similar to an antelope in hops.What kind of travel does he choose? And a gallop, a trot, and a slow step are accessible to him. From a place can jump 6 m in length and 2 m in height. With developed sense of smell and hearing
Agouti are very prolific.During the rut, males fiercely fight for the female, sometimes seriously injuring each other. She at first escapes from the winner, but the one with a whistle chases her until he gets his way.
Беременные самки встречаются в любое время года.As a rule, there are two litters per year, in each of which from 1 to 3 cubs. Zaychat are born sighted and large enough. The female feeds its offspring with milk for several weeks. When the cubs grow up, she takes them for a while, teaching them how to find food and protecting them.
Meat agouti is valued little, can be consumed infood only as a last resort. Humpbacked hare can cause serious damage to plantations of bananas and sugar cane. In captivity can live up to 20 years, in the wild - much less.