/ / Actor Cameron Bright: biography, personal life. Best movies and TV shows

Actor Cameron Bright: biography, personal life. Best movies and TV shows

Few stars can boast of the fact thatpopularity came to them as a child. Among the lucky ones is Cameron Bright. This young actor has been acting in films since he was seven. "Four thousand four hundred", "Dark Angel", "Smoke Here", "Butterfly Effect", "Juneau", "X-Men: The Last Battle", "Run Without Looking" - famous movies and serials with his participation. What else can you tell about a guy from Canada, his life and creative successes?

Cameron Bright: the beginning of the road

The actor was born in Canada, happeneda joyful event in January 1993. Cameron Bright and his older brother Bryce grew up in an incomplete family, the mother was forced to raise her sons alone. The family was in desperate need of money, which was the impetus for the development of the acting career of Cameron. Mom led the boy to the set, hoping to earn a college for children.

Cameron Bright

His path to fame, a charming child began withfilming in commercials. His confident behavior on the set allowed him to get the first role. The boy made his debut in the television project "Above the Earth", which was released in 2000, in this series he played an episodic hero. Then the young Bright starred in the series "Star Gate", "The Dark Angel", "Night Visions", "Four Thousand and Four Thousand." The first successes opened the beginning actor to the road to a big movie.

A great movie

"Hero-loner" - the first film in which he starredCameron Bright. The picture was published in 2002, when the actor was only nine years old. Then he brilliantly embodied the image of Tommy in the fantastic film "The Butterfly Effect." His hero becomes an involuntary participant in the dizzying travels in time, even without realizing it.

Cameron Bright photo

Famous and first admirers of Cameron gavemystical thriller "Another", presented to the audience in 2004. Bright in this film played a child clone, who is not allowed to sleep nightmares. The picture gained scandalous fame, as it raised the issue of the ethics of cloning, and the performers of key roles began to be recognized on the streets.

Shooting in blockbusters

After the release of the thriller "Another" boyturned into a popular actor. Cameron Bright, whose photo can be seen in the article, starred in the film "Birth", sharing the set with Danny Houston and Nicole Kidman. His character was a little boy who claims that he is the reincarnation of the husband of the main character who left this world about ten years ago.

Cameron Bright movieography

Cameron's appearance was ideal forthrillers - bright eyes, invariably serious look. Not surprisingly, the directors most often offered him the roles of boys with supernatural powers. Often he had to embody the images of heroes who bravely fight with evil and save humanity. It was these roles that Bright played in blockbusters "The X-Men: The Last Battle" and "Ultraviolet."

What else to see

What other interesting roles for 24 years hadto play Cameron Bright. The filmography of the actor in 2005 acquired a comedy drama "Here Smoke". The main character of the tape is a person who sells cigarettes at a time when smoking is already out of fashion. The character has to resort to various tricks to get people to continue buying tobacco. He does not have enough time for a little son who does not have enough communication with his father. Cameron played the role of the child of the protagonist.

Cameron Bright and his girlfriend

A major achievement of Cameron can be calledshooting in the famous saga "Twilight". In this series of films, he brilliantly embodied the image of the ancient vampire Alec Volturi. His hero belongs to a powerful clan that imposes its will on other bloodsuckers. The Cullen family is forced to fight the Volturi clan.

"The Last Girl" is the newest film withParticipation of Cameron, submitted to the audience in 2015. In this action movie, he played a young murderer, who must be caught by a just punishment. This year, a family comedy should come out, in which the actor will perform one of the key roles. Details about the film are still kept secret.

Life Behind the Scenes

Of course, fans are interested not only inroles that by the age of 24 had time to play a talented actor. The public is also concerned about whether the star meets anyone who met Cameron Bright and his girlfriend. Unfortunately, such questions are traditionally left unanswered, as the young man does not allow anyone to invade his personal space. Rumors about his novels with famous actresses periodically appear, but they remain only rumors.

But Cameron is happy to share informationabout their hobbies. An important place in his life is given to football, the actor follows the achievements of his favorite team and from time to time plays with his friends. Also he never feels sorry for the time for computer games, he spends long hours in battles with virtual monsters. Finally, Bright is known for his affectionate relationship to our younger brothers, his house is home to several dogs and cats.

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