/ Is there a black lion in nature?

Is there a black lion in nature?

The lion is a clever, strong and very dangerous predator,thunderstorm deserts and savannahs. This beautiful and proud animal in many of us is associated with the king of beasts, who casts awe at all, but he himself is not afraid of anyone. We are used to seeing these muscular big cats with a red mane and golden hair, but more and more photos with dark animals have appeared recently. The black lion looks strange, that's why many people are interested: is this a real beast or a skilful work of a photoshop?

Do not think that in a natural environmentThere are only lionesses and lions with a rusty coloring, in savannas very often you can meet predators with a former mane and skin, also there are cats with beige hair and blue eyes. Nature sometimes rewards animals with the most unimaginable colors and shades. All this is explained by genetic mutations. If there are leucysts and albinos, then why can not there be such a thing as a black lion?

black Lion
Albinism is opposed by melanism, so it is quite possibleit is likely that both white and dark animals can exist. Scientists of different countries amicably deny the fact that a black lion exists. In their opinion, this is impossible not at the genetic level, but in terms of survival. Specialists on mutations explain that dark-colored individuals did not survive during evolution, so now one can not even hope that a dark lion cub will appear. Even if we assume that it will be born in the wild, then, most likely, the animal will not survive.

black lion exists
Black lion suffers from a violation of thermoregulation,he has low immunity, and even when hunting, some difficulties arise. If the animal is born in captivity, then people will help him survive, but in a natural habitat he has virtually no chance. Despite the fact that the scientists answered the question in detail, having stated their own point of view, still many people ask questions: "Are there black lions?" and "Where can they be seen?".

Cryptozoologists disagree with the researchers, theybelieve that dark individuals can still occur in the wild. In support of their point of view, there were reports from the African mainland, namely from the Okovango area, and from Persia, that they saw black lions there. Both territories have similarities in one - they are covered with stunted trees and shrubs. Such a landscape allows predators with dark hair to hide from the scorching sun and hide in hunting.

In Okovango found a whole pride of dark lions, but theircan not be called black. From ordinary large cats, they differ in a dark brown color. Scientists do not recognize that this is a consequence of melanism, but they converge on the thought of closely related crossbreeding. This color is fixed, because predators live in the forest.

are there any black lions
Black Lion is today a dreamcryptozoologists. They believe that there are dark individuals in the African bush or savanna, but no one can find them yet. If the lion-melanist were found, then researchers would be easier to study the evolution of the species. Scientists can only hope that a black miracle will someday be born in a zoo.

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