/ / The best sniper rifles in Russia

The best sniper rifles in Russia

В 1950 году советскими оружейниками были начаты Design work on the legendary Dragunov sniper rifle. Eight years later, a test specimen was ready. After successful testing, the model entered the Soviet Army. From 1963 until now, SVD is in the arsenal of Russia. Sniper rifles are designed to effectively defeat the target at a great distance. In many armies of the world there are special units that use this type of weapon. According to experts, SVD is by no means the only specimen used by Russian specialists.

new sniper rifle of Russia

There are also new sniper rifles in Russia.They have a long range of fire, accuracy and increased striking effect. Description and tactical and technical characteristics of modern sniper rifles in Russia is contained in the article.

A little bit about the history of precision weapons

The creation of sniper rifles in Russiawas carried out in several stages. Initially, these were conventional rifles, the battle of which had the highest accuracy from the whole party. Such a rifle unit was then equipped with an optical sight. Later, standard models for sniper rifles in Russia were used, which were subject to minor structural changes. The weapon was characterized by increased accuracy. Specially for such a rifle, an optical sight was designed. Today, sniper weapons are a special complex, which combines ammunition, firearms and sighting devices. The best sniper rifles in Russia due to the presence of optical sights and the use of special cartridges have improved ergonomics, which had a positive effect on the accuracy of the fight.

What are the tasks of army snipers?

Employees of special units usinghigh-precision weapons from a distance of 600 m hit small targets. Large ones are destroyed from 800 meters. Aim fire is fired at command personnel, observers, liaison officers, enemy snipers, crews and tank crews, as well as by means providing observation and communication. In addition, in an effort to demoralize the enemy, restrict movement and impede its activities, many snipers from a distance of more than 1 km lead disturbing shooting. Large-caliber sniper rifles of Russia belong to a special category of precision weapons. The calibers of these rifle units range from 9–20 mm. Unlike conventional sniper rifles, for large-caliber characterized by a high effective range of fire. In addition, these models have increased dimensions, weight and impact.

sniper rifle dusk russia

Non-armored or lightly armored vehiclesenemy, low-flying or standing helicopters and airplanes, protected fire points and points responsible for control and satellite communications, are disabled by an accurate shot from a large-caliber sniper rifle. In Russia, both state and private producers are engaged in designing such weapons.

About types of precision weapons

Russian sniper rifles can be divided intotwo types: weapons, the base for the design of which was the machine gun or light machine gun, and high-precision rifle units. The first type is used by the best shooters, the second - exclusively by professionals. In the design of weapons, two approaches are used. The essence of the first is that the rifle is used not only as a special target weapon, but also has a high rate of fire, is maneuverable, reliable and effective in hand-to-hand combat. This type includes self-loading units. One of these models is SVD. Judging by the opinions of experts, in such a parameter as accuracy, the magazine rifles are slightly superior to the self-loading ones. In addition, instances of the first type "work" noisy, too heavy and cumbersome.

As for the second approach, in this caserifles are created as a highly specialized weapon. For such models, the store layout is mainly provided. Structurally, they are very similar to sports target rifles. These specimens must have high accuracy and accuracy of combat, the ability to use at long distances, and also provide a sufficiently penetrating action of the projectile. It is with these requirements in mind that new sniper rifles are being designed by the designers of Russia. For products, it is possible to adjust the butt and cheek rest. With the increase in the number of local conflicts and counter-terrorist operations, the need for professional snipers, who work either alone or in pairs, or as part of special units, has increased.


This model is one of the powerfulsniper rifles of Russia. This is the first Russian model of high-precision large-caliber weapons used to destroy from a long distance not only manpower, but also various enemy vehicles. Developed a rifle in the 1990s by officers of the CPB under the leadership of designer A.G. Shipunov in the city of Tula. In service with the Russian army since 2000. Using this rifle model, it is possible to hit unarmored and lightly armored targets at a distance of up to 1,800 m. Among professionals, OSV-96 is also called the "Burglar". In addition, with the help of this rifle, you can eliminate the enemy personnel, located in the shelter and dressed in personal protective equipment. However, this will be possible from a distance of 1 km to the goal.

the farthest shot from a sniper rifle of Russia

Since the shooting of the "Burglar" is obtainedloud enough, experts recommend using special headphones. OSV-96 is a self-loading sniper large-caliber rifle. In the work of automation used powder gases. For weapons of this class is characterized by large dimensions. However, the design of the "Burglar" provides the ability to fold a rifle. To do this, the barrel and the vapor system must be tilted back and to the right. To prevent clogging of the breech barrel can be done by placing the weapon in a special case. Folded rifle does not take up much space in the vehicle and military armored vehicles. It takes a few seconds to decompose a weapon. Judging by the reviews of experts, for the "Burglar" is characterized by a high rate of fire. Convenience in operation is possible due to the presence in the design of height-adjustable bipods. Various optical sights and night vision devices have been developed for OSV-96, thanks to which the rifle can be used at any time of the day. Since with this model, shooting is effective from long distances, the sniper himself is inaccessible for enemy shooters using conventional calibers.

About the characteristics

  • The size of the unfolded rifle is 174.6 x 43.1 x 42.5 cm. In the folded position, the dimensions are 115.4 x 13.2 x 19 cm.
  • With an empty ammunition and without optics, the Burglar weighs 13 kg.
  • The rifle is effective at a distance of not more than 1800 m.
  • Weapon works in single player mode.
  • Cartridges are contained in stores with a capacity of 5 ammunition.
  • Shooting is a special sniper SPT-12.7 mm.

About VSK "Exhaust"

In 1999, under the guidance of the designerVladimir Zlobin began work on the creation of a new high-precision sniper weapons. This model in the technical documentation is listed as VSSK "Exhaust". Unlike other models of small arms of this class, this rifle has a reduced range of fire. Aim fire from the “Exhaust” is possible only at a distance of no more than 600 m. However, due to the used ammunition of caliber 12.7 x 55 mm SC-130, equipped with a projectile weighing 76 g, it is possible to silently defeat almost any targets. In addition, the weight of this sniper system is almost three times less than the rest of the "loud" models of the same caliber.

sniper rifles in service with Russia

The special forces center became the customer of this weapon.Russian FSB. Since 2004, the Exhaust has been produced in the Tula TsKIB SOO. For the sniper system developed a special ammunition SC-130. Such a patron can punch a 15-mm steel plate from 200 m. With 100 m, the bullet sews individual protection equipment of class 5. The purpose of the sniper system is to hit targets that are in the shelter or dressed in body armor of the 6th class. Also, with the "exhaust" can be disabled car, unarmored or lightly armored enemy military equipment. Since powerful ammunition is equipped with projectiles, which are characterized by subsonic speed, it is possible to use integrated silencers in the rifle system. As a result, shooting at a distance of 600 m is completely silent and flameless. During transportation nozzles for silent shooting are removed.

powerful sniper rifle of Russia

VSK "Exhaust" is a non-automatic weapon. The system is designed for manual reloading. For the layout of parts used system "bullpup".

About TTX

  • The dimensions of the sniper system, which does not use a telescopic sight, are 112.5 x 22 x 22 cm.
  • For weapons, an SPT-130 cartridge of caliber 12.7 x 55 mm is provided.
  • The rifle works in single mode.
  • SVK "Exhaust", not equipped with a telescopic sight and without ammunition, weighs 650 g.
  • Cartridges are in the store for 5 pieces.
  • Effective shooting is possible at a distance of not more than 600 m.

About 6S8

In 1997, the workers of the plant named after Degtyarev created a sniper rifle 6S8 caliber 12.7 mm. This model is an army sniper large-caliber rifle (ASVK).

modern sniper rifles russia

Her serial release was adjusted only in 2013.With the help of the 6S8, Russian specialists from a distance of 1,500 meters solve special firing tasks: they hit the enemy’s equipment and manpower. Shooting is a special sniper cartridge 7N34. Also suitable for a rifle conventional ammunition caliber 12.7 x 108 mm. In the design of the weapon, the developers used the bullpup scheme. For her, the location of the trigger in front of the firing mechanism is considered characteristic. As a result, this design feature had a positive effect on the dimensions and weight of the rifle. Judging by the reviews of experts, 6S8 is quite compact, maneuverable, reliable and easy to operate.

About the characteristics

  • For the rifle are special ammunition 7N34 12.7 x 108 mm.
  • Indicator sighting range is 1500 m.
  • The rifle, not equipped with a telescopic sight and without ammunition, weighs 12.5 kg.
  • The sniper system is equipped with a barrel with a length of 100 cm. The total length of the weapon is 142 cm.
  • Ammunition is contained in special stores, designed for 5patronov.
  • The weapon allows shooting in single player mode.

On the new sniper rifle Russia "Dusk"

In 2005, the Russian company "Tsar Cannon"Vladislav Lobayev created a rifle model, which in September 2017 became the champion in long-range shooting. The farthest shot from the sniper rifle of Russia SVLK-14S "Dusk" was made by Andrey Ryabinsky. The distance to the target was 4210 m. The scale of the target was 1 x 2 m. A 408.CheyTac cartridge was used as ammunition. The firing ground was the landfill in the Tula region in Russia. Sniper rifle "Dusk" developed as a super-long-range. For this reason, the model is characterized by the most rigid design. Store food is not provided. "Twilight" - single shot rifle. The bolt box contains the minimum number of slots. Index "14" indicates that the weapon was created in 2014.

Снайперская винтовка Лобаева (СВЛ) является own brand Lobaev Arms. The letter "K" indicates that in the design of the model the bolt group King v.3 is applied. It is represented by an aluminum case with a receiver and a fixed steel insert. Triggers in these rifles are very sensitive. If necessary, the shooter can independently adjust the descent effort. According to experts, 2 thousand meters is considered the extreme distance for sniper weapons. Nevertheless, there were cases when the arrow from such a distance could hit the target. However, as experts are convinced, luck played a large role here than the actual capabilities of the rifle. Effective hitting a target from a very long distance is possible for a shooter with high skill. Also requires the presence of a specialized high-precision rifle weapons system. "Dusk" was originally designed for effective shooting at very large distances. Today it is the most powerful sniper rifle in Russia.

best sniper rifles of Russia

About the tactical and technical characteristics

  • SVLK-14S belongs to the type of sniper rifles.
  • Country of origin - Russia.
  • The manufacturer is the Tsar Cannon weapon company and integrated systems design bureaus.
  • The rifle was created under the guidance of designer V. Lobaev.
  • Shooting is carried out with 408 CheyTac, 338LM and 300WM cartridges.
  • The rifle weighs 960 g.
  • The size is 143 x 9.6 x 17.5 cm.
  • Works in single mode.
  • The ammunition store is missing.
  • The rifle is equipped with a longitudinal sliding bolt.
  • For the shooter, you can manually recharge.
  • Indicator technical accuracy is 0.3 MO / 9mm.
  • Weapons effectively at a distance of 2300 m.

About IC "Accuracy"

Today, Federal Service Employeessecurity and FSO, as well as servicemen of the Rosguards use the latest sniper rifle "Accuracy". This complex is produced in two versions, designed for ammunition caliber 8.6 x 69 (NATO) and 7.62 x 51 mm. According to weapons experts, the maximum range is influenced by the size of the bolt mechanism and which cartridge is used. With a NATO sample of ammunition shooting will be effective at a distance of 800 m. For the second cartridge, this figure is twice as high.

new sniper rifle Russia dusk

For the sniper complex developed two types of stores with a capacity of 5 and 10 rounds. Rifles are equipped with optical sights and laser range finders.

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