Все дети с раннего возраста интересуются they like to look at our smaller brothers and are ready to iron and feed them whenever possible. Remember your own childhood - for sure one of your favorite entertainments was a trip with parents to the zoo. Today, throughout the country, exhibitions of animals of a new format open. A place where you can not only watch exotic beasts and pets, - a contact zoo. Novosibirsk also invites its residents and guests to visit such a place and chat with animals closer.
In what zoo are we going: normal or contact?

Touching, or contact zoowaste -a relatively new phenomenon in our country. As it is easy to guess from the name, the main "feature" of such zoos is the possibility of direct contact of visitors with the presented animals. At such an exhibition you will not see cells in the castles and closed terrariums. All animals live here in comfortable enclosures and fences. Beasts can be petted, taken in hands or fed. What is interesting: touching exhibitions were conceived, rather, as children's entertainment, but, as practice shows, adults also get a lot of positive emotions from visiting similar organizations. The only negative is a limited number of animal species. Touch an elephant or a tiger you will not be offered any contact zoo. Novosibirsk is a city in which both a large ordinary zoological garden and many more modest petting exhibitions are running simultaneously. Where to go to the day off - it's up to you.
"Forestry Embassy"

One of the largest and most interesting contact zoos in Novosibirsk is called the "Forest embassy". What is its uniqueness - you ask? Zoo is located on an area of 400 m
2, this territory housed a hugethe number of different animals, which, of course, can be ironed and fed. You will be pleased with the beautiful thematic decoration of the hall, walking along it, you seem to really get into the real jungle - it's not for nothing that the zoo has such a spoken name. All animals live in spacious enclosures, where conditions are created that maximally reproduce their natural habitat. Near each "zagonchik" plate with the name of its residents. The majority of zooexhibitors can be ironed and fed. Some animals live in closed terrariums and cages, they can only be communicated with them under the supervision of employees of the zoo.
Who lives in the Forest Embassy?
To date, in this contact zoothere are more than 20 open-air cages. They are inhabited by a wide variety of animals. This is quite familiar to many guinea pigs and rabbits, and the most real "exotic": kangaroos and foxes. They live even in a place like a contact zoo, monkeys. Novosibirsk zoologists really tried and did everything to ensure that a large number of animals lived here.
There is no possibility to take the child to summervacation to the village? Visit the contact zoo! Novosibirsk is a large and modern city, and many children in the "Forest Embassy" can first see with their own eyes and even touch chickens, goats, mini-pigs, donkey and ponies. In the zoo live also squirrels, porcupines, ostriches, ferrets and badgers. Exotic reptiles live in closed terrariums: snakes and lizards from around the world. Also here you can see turtles and parrots.
Rules of conduct for visitors
Attend the contact zoo children under the age of 10years must necessarily accompanied by adults. When buying an entrance ticket, each guest of the "Forest Embassy" automatically agrees to treat the animals carefully, not to frighten or tease them. Beasts are not allowed to feed the food that you brought with you. A treat for zoo residents can be bought at the checkout. If you decide to feed the animals during the excursion, get a treat for them at the checkout - such a delicacy is resolved by the contact zoo (Novosibirsk). The price of one portion is about 50 rubles, the staff will tell you who of the animals can be fed. Photographing animals is allowed, but only without the inclusion of a flash.
Do animals bite at the zoo?

Touching the zoo allowed to touchmost different animals, many of them are considered untoward. A popular question among visitors is whether it is safe to touch such animals, can they bite and scratch? Theoretically, any living thing with teeth and claws can manifest aggression. If you decide to visit the contact zoo "Forest embassy" (Novosibirsk), worry about your own safety is not worth it. Here live animals, from the very beginning accustomed to the attention of a large number of people. Every animal feels joy when communicating with visitors. But even such "educated" and friendly animals should not be angry and offended once again. Treat animals carefully, and then from visiting the zoo you will receive exceptionally pleasant emotions.
"Forest embassy", contact zoo (Novosibirsk): ticket price and special offers

How much does it cost to attend a touching exhibition?On a day off, adults can purchase a ticket for the "Forest embassy" for 250 rubles, a child costs twice as cheaply - only 120 rubles. On weekdays, tariffs are reduced. From Monday to Friday inclusive, a child ticket costs 80 rubles, and an adult costs 100 rubles. Kids up to three years old can visit the free zoo. Novosibirsk is a city in which several touching animal shows function. Prices of the "Forest Embassy" are not too different from other similar organizations, and this zoo is considered one of the largest and most interesting. An interesting suggestion: every birthday person can have a free chat with animals on his birthday, do not forget to show at the box office a passport or birth certificate.
Contacts and work schedule

"Forest embassy" is located at:city of Novosibirsk, Dusi Kovalchuk street, 179/3 - the building of the shopping center "Mikron". The zoo is located on the first floor of the shopping center, you can visit it all year round in any weather. The exhibition of animals works without days off and holidays, every day, from 10.00 to 20.00. Buying a ticket to the contact zoo, each visitor gets the opportunity to be on his territory as much as he likes. In the "Forest Embassy" you can not only play with animals, but be photographed against the backdrop of interesting scenery or just sit on a bench, relax and have a bite. Many families spend several hours here, not noticing how time passes.
"Forest embassy" contact zoo (Novosibirsk): responses of visitors

A touching exhibition of animals in the shopping center "Micron"very much like many residents of Novosibirsk. This zoo is large enough and has an interesting design. There are a lot of animals here, they all look well-groomed, healthy and with pleasure go on contact. If you for the first time decided to visit the contact zoo (Novosibirsk), the ticket price will undoubtedly please you - from 100 rubles. It is more profitable to go on weekdays, there are very few people, and the cost of entry is reduced by half, because the daily tariff is valid. At the zoo there is a small souvenir shop. Here you can buy a variety of things with the symbols of the "Forest embassy" and photos of animals living at the exhibition. Children really like such trinkets, the prices in the store are acceptable. Be sure to come to the "Forest embassy" with the whole family. Enjoy your vacation!