/ When will I get married? When is it better to get married? When can I get married

When do I get married? When is it better to get married? When can I get married

Our people know that if you want to get married ormarry, it is better to observe all the signs and rules that our grandmothers followed. For what it is needed - very few people think, but arguing with centuries of life experience is not all risk. This article will tell you when it is better to get married, so that the marriage is strong and happy.


when will I get married

If a girl thinks: "When do I get married?"- she, most likely, will have to study various signs to understand what they are based on. So, different times of the year and even a month can bring to the family life special nuances. It is necessary to pay attention to the day of marriage, and the state of the planets, it is also important from the point of view of harmony in the future.


So, if you want to play a wedding in the winter, you needknow what each month can bring to family life. December is very favorable for marriages, because all the relationships concluded at this time will be warm, love and peace will reign in the family. As for the main month - "revelers", January, it is better not to visit the wedding palace during this period. After all, women who signed this month, risk remaining widows. If a lady wants a beautiful winter wedding and thinks: "When should I get married?" - it is better to do it in February. The marriages concluded this month will be strong, and the relationship will be trustworthy.

when a daughter is getting married


If a girl marries in March, signsthey say that she will most likely live on a stranger's side, with her mother-in-law in the house. And it is because of this that she will have a rather difficult life. As for April, this month is very changeable on the weather. It is believed that the relationship between the spouses will be the same: then everything will be fine, then there will come a period of quarrels and failures. Concerning May, many people know that it is not worth marrying this month, because the whole age will have to suffer. According to other legends, if the family is formed this month, in the near future it will be possible to see treason in the house. After reviewing the whole spring, it can be concluded that no month is considered favorable for marriage. Why? It's simple, because it's from past years, when the spring was considered the hardest time of the year in the labor market - sowing in the fields and processing their gardens. Therefore, to engage in more and amorous affairs simply did not have time. So it turned out that even modern people, not working on the ground, still do not risk creating their families in the spring, remembering the grandmother's advice.

when is it better to get married a month


If a lady thinks: "When do I get married?"- she also needs to know what she will say about herself every summer month. People say who marries in June, those honeymoons will last a lifetime. July marriages will share in itself all fifty-fifty: both joys and sorrows. There will be plenty of good and bad minutes in such a family. As for the last month of summer, this is probably the most favorable time for marriage. It is believed that if you marry at this hour, then the husband will be a faithful friend and companion all his life.

when a widow can marry


Quiet and peaceful life will give the newlyweds September.All marriages that are concluded this month are strong, and families are positive on all sides. A difficult and difficult life is at risk for the couple who want to marry in October. This month is extremely unfavorable for the creation of family unions. Well, the last autumn month - November - is very favorable, especially it will seem to those who wish with the help of marriage to bring material well-being into their lives. This month promises to the newlyweds a rich and beautiful joint path. So, when answering the question, when is it better to marry (month), the bride can choose any time, because each pair from the relationship needs something of its own. It is not necessary to be completely obsessed with the above, but it's better to take into account the experience of the centuries after all.

About years

Every mom thinks about the time whenthe daughter marries: whether it is favorable, whether the marriage will bring happiness. So, many people, for example, know that it is better not to marry in a leap year, because life will be difficult. However, this, by the way, has no basis for any reason. In addition, in the history of such beliefs were not seen. The only nuance: in the home of the mother-in-law, and truth, never anything at this time was not started, but the newlyweds could get married without problems. The thing is that a leap year was considered the time of brides, that is, the girls themselves could go to the guys without problems and constraints. It's another matter that this happened very rarely in our country, that's why there were really few weddings in this period. That's the whole explanation. Also, people can hear that next year after a leap year - the time of widows, and after it - the year of widowers. However, again, this belief arose after the hostilities, in which many people were involved. That's the whole explanation. Now it has completely lost its relevance and makes no sense. So if a girl thinks: "When should I get married?" - she can easily choose any year that she likes.

when is it better to get married

Days of the week

Also girls should know that from the day of the week, inwhich is a marriage, depends on what will be the relationship in the family. So, it is worthwhile to figure out when it is possible to marry so that to remain happy. Marriages, concluded on Monday, will bring a lot of nuances to the young. So, the mood in the family will depend on various trifles, even from a change of mood. Scandals are also frequent, because family members who signed this day are hard to call indifferent to each other. A person will either strongly love, or hate his love. However, this state is not always stable, and it will change from a terrible war to a total truce. Tuesday, like Thursday, is considered an unfortunate day for a wedding. Thus, the alliances concluded on the second day of the week will go under the sign of the planet Mars, which is inherently militant. In such a family there will be frequent quarrels and conflicts. As for Thursday (this day is run by such a planet as Jupiter), marriages concluded on a given day will constantly be in a state of clarification as to who the master is in the house. The eternal struggle for supremacy, supremacy in the family - this is the main activity of spouses who wish to sign on a given day. As for the environment controlled by Mercury, such marriages will be very cold. However, if people are liberal and willing to give their half the freedom of choice and action, these families will be happy. The Sabbath is also double. Happiness in the marriage, concluded on this day, promises only those who are willing to sacrifice much for the family. And only when both members of the pair are ready to work on the relations. The most ideal days for marriage are Friday and Sunday. Friday, ruled by Venus (which is considered the patroness of lovers), will bring the family happiness, peace, peace, harmony and full satisfaction. Sunday - the day of the Sun - is not less a wonderful time for a family. The couple will be the support and support for each other, and the relationship - strong and happy.

when can I get married

Unfavorable watch

If a girl wants to figure out when she needs toto marry, she must also know what time can be extremely unfavorable for marriage. First: you need to ensure that the planet Venus does not move in the opposite direction, i.e. was not retrograde. This promises newlyweds a quick cooling to each other and the loss of any interest in their half. Also it is worthwhile to know that this time is not particularly stable, it changes. In one year this period is from July to September, in the other from August to October. The same applies to retrograde Mercury, but this time will be difficult from a bureaucratic point of view. Marriages concluded at this time may be for some reason invalid, for example, the procedure for obtaining a certificate or other unpleasant nuances will be complicated.

when to marry


Of great importance is also the state of the moon.It is believed that playing weddings is better on the growing moon. In such families, people will constantly experience interest and attraction to each other, and there will not even be a question of cooling relations here. A good sign is considered if the Moon falls into the signs of the Zodiac, which positively affect family life - Taurus, Cancer, Libra. The moon in Aquarius promises young people a quick bore of each other. In Scorpio or Virgo - the loss of his half under tragic circumstances. Ideal for marriages are 3, 6, 12, 17, 24, 27 lunar days. It is also not recommended to marry during an eclipse, this symbolizes the early dissolution of marriage.

About widows

Some women may be interested in the question whenthe widow can get married. So, according to the Orthodox canons, you can create new families for women after the death of your husband. It is desirable to be guided by the same rules that are created for people who are building their own family for the first time. There are no restrictions or prohibitions.

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