/ El Nidiformis - an elegant landscape design. Description, landing, care

El Nidiformis - an elegant landscape design. Description, landing, care

Planting your own plot is a taskwhich its owners are very reverent. Long abandoned planting exclusively fruit trees, gardeners turned their close attention to evergreens. They have a huge advantage over others because they decorate the garden and “out of season”. A very interesting representative of conifers is spruce Nidiformis, which has become popular in recent years.

spruce nidiforis

Funny Christmas Tree

First of all, the plant is interesting becauseis a shrub, not a tree, and has a strange, unusual shape: in young years, shoots bend upward, rounding outlines. For this spruce Nidiformis is often called the fir-tree nest.

Over the years, this trend is lost, and the shrub acquires a longline symmetry, while retaining the cushion shape.

Coloring pine needles bright green; curious,that the needles are needle-like, but not prickly. The height is usually two times smaller than the diameter of the crown, the average height is about 70 cm, although individual specimens can reach up to a meter. Spruce Nidiformis grows slowly, but the average lifespan is about 250 years.

В основных характеристиках - теневыносливость и frost resistance. However, the latter quality should not be abused: at long low temperatures the shrub is still frozen out, so it is recommended for areas where the temperature below -20 drops rarely in winter. And shade tolerance is a relative question: if there is little light, the fir-tree Nidiformis loses its bright color, gradually turning yellow and "blurring" in form.

spruce nidiformis care

We Plant Correctly

If you choose spruce Nidiformis, it is planted according to the general rules for all varieties of spruce. They are:

  1. The most successful landing time is the end of April. An alternative may be the end of August.
  2. The landing pit is digging in advance. Its upper diameter should be between 40 and 60 cm, the lower diameter should be between 30 and 40, the depth should be about half a meter.
  3. The bottom is lined with drainage (broken brick or rubble) to a height of 15-20 cm.
  4. The removed soil is mixed with peat, sand and humus, it is desirable to introduce a nitroammofosk.
  5. When planting, one should strive to preserve integrity. Condense the land around the seedlings need without undue zeal.

Посаженная ель Нидиформис хорошо проливается:This will ensure uniform subsidence of the earth in the pristvolnom circle. When planting in autumn, watering stops until spring; at April - they become weekly.

spruce nidiformis landing

El Nidiformis: care and attention

Like most conifers, the fir-nest is enoughundemanding. It does not need a winter cover: even a serious snow blockage of a branch does not break, it tolerates frosts well. But from the spring burns the first two years will have to be protected, creating shading.

В сухие периоды ель Нидиформис нужно поливать, но reasonable: stagnant water will destroy the plant. The survival rate and growth greatly stimulates the mulching of the near-barrel space with mowed grass or bark. In addition to moisture retention without excessive moisture, mulch prevents compaction of the soil, which spruce perceives poorly.

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