/ / Military equipment of Ukraine (photo)

Military equipment of Ukraine (photo)

Ситуация в восточных областях Украины, пройдя, по Apparently, the peak intensity remains critical. Regular troops, units of the National Guard and the remaining volunteer units that the command is trying to lead to unity of command, have difficulty with material support. The military equipment of Ukraine, taking into account the main sources of its receipt, is assessed by experts as outdated, and does not always meet the requirements of modern combat. Sometimes she comes to the ATO zone faulty, and in some cases she is not able to get to the place of military operations. At the same time, the newest ones, including foreign ones, are coming into service.

military equipment of Ukraine

Baseline values

After the collapse of the USSR on the territory of the independentUkraine remained huge reserves of military materiel, equipment, ammunition and equipment. In particular, the largest Odessa military district had a defensive-offensive potential, which allowed its troops in the event of a global conflict to take control of the nearest countries and reach the Middle East. In the first decades, a certain number of combat units were utilized, but, according to objective data, the military equipment of Ukraine in 2014 in numerical terms consisted of:

- tanks in good condition - 683;

- military helicopters - 72 pcs .;

- BMP and BMD - 1965 pcs. plus 262 for airborne troops;

- large-caliber (more than 100 mm) artillery systems (including guns, MLRS, heavy and self-propelled mortars) - 379 pcs. plus - 90 at the airborne troops;

- Airplanes in the composition of the Air Force - 400, including combat aircraft - 160 units;

- transport aircraft - 27 pcs. (Air Force).

This, of course, not all.These figures do not include off-balance units (surplus property) that are outdated and worn out to complete unsuitability, but considered as possible sources of spare parts. Their number is several times higher than the official data.

transfer of military equipment to Ukraine


Начало боевых действий на Донбассе и в Луганской the area was a huge shock for the armed forces of Ukraine. According to President Poroshenko, the military equipment of Ukraine in the first months of the conflict was destroyed by two thirds (from 60 to 65%). Of course, each of the parties during any military conflict traditionally seeks to inflate enemy losses and downplay its own, but experts, who evaluate events realistically, rely on documented data. Such evidence is considered the very military equipment of Ukraine, photos and videos with the numbers of units, the place of their death or capture.

new military equipment of Ukraine

The size of the losses and trophies

During the three weeks of August 2014the facts of the destruction of 385 tanks and armored personnel carriers were recorded, and the militia showed 183 more to the reporters in damaged, maintainable or serviceable condition. For the sake of justice, cases of transfer of armored vehicles from hand to hand, sometimes repeated, were also noted.

The leadership of the Russian Federation has been repeatedly accused of organizing orencouragement of arms supplies to the conflict zone. The fact that the Russian military equipment in Ukraine seems to be (from the point of view of the new Kiev administration) is the fact that the militia of the DPR and the LPR has a large number of volley fire systems. Losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in artillery accounted for half of the entire fleet, including the MLRS ("Hurricanes", "Grads" and "Smerches"). A third of this figure is the enemy's trophies.

A similar picture is also observed in armored vehicles, trucks and auxiliary equipment.

military equipment of Ukraine 2014


Currently, the technical fleet of the Air Force of Ukraineestimated at about 220 units. Losses (confirmed) during the Eastern Ukrainian conflict ranged from 14 to 18 aircraft, including two MiG-29 interceptors, one Su-24 bomber, seven Su-25 attack aircraft, three transport workers (2 An-26 and 1 Il-76) , reconnaissance aircraft An-30 and Su-24 MR. The air defenses of the militia managed to shoot down five Mi-24 and Mi-8 helicopters (a total of ten).

Aviation military equipment of Ukraine in the presenttime practically does not take part in hostilities due to the strong opposition of enemy air assets, mainly relying on man-portable air defense systems. MANPADS also refers to Russia as sources of supplies, although there is no direct evidence of this. At the same time, the Air Force receives samples of modernized aircraft (for example, An-26 equipped with heat traps), however, the evaluation of the effectiveness of these modifications is not yet possible.

military equipment of Ukraine photos


The “Tochka-U” complex remains the mostmodern type of missile weapons APU. This model, adopted by the tactical forces of the Soviet Army in the early seventies and modernized at the end of the same decade, is intended primarily for nuclear strikes. The rocket has good accuracy, but is applicable rather to hidden militant bases (in the mountains, as in Chechnya, or in the desert, as in Syria), but its use is difficult in densely populated areas of Donbass. The explosion of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing more than 160 kg of explosives causes 165 thousand fragments to scatter, killing all life on an area of ​​2-3 hectares. It is simply impossible to avoid innocent victims with such a strike, however, the Tochka-U complex is the most accurate missile military equipment of Ukraine.

transfer of military equipment to Ukraine

Internal sources of replenishment technology

Ukraine in Soviet times was one of the mainforges defense industry. Over the years of independence, the industry’s potential has considerably decreased, but it cannot be called zero. Kharkov plant them. Malysheva fulfilled export contracts and was engaged in the development of the latest generation of tanks intended for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and foreign buyers.

In the combat zone in the East has already appearedNew military equipment of Ukraine, manufactured by order of the ministries of defense of Iraq, Thailand, Congo and other countries. These are the modernized T-64B1M tanks, the newest Bulat (1 pc.), The BTR-4E, BMP-1 and 2 armored personnel carriers, the BREM, the BMM-4C medical evacuators, other types and types of defense complex products (a total of eighty units per three months). The technique is good, but the crews' training leaves much to be desired, and, as a rule, there is no time to fully master the hardware. It is planned to purchase thousands more of different machines, including the Dozor, Spartan and Kuguar BBM, but the question of the source of funding remains open. Also repaired and modernized Soviet technology (BTR-70 and 80).

 Russian military equipment in Ukraine

Foreign sources

Western countries, mostly NATO members,They express moral support to the country, carefully sharing the opinion of the current government that Russian aggression may be taking place. The transfer of military equipment to Ukraine, nevertheless, is proceeding at a slow pace, and so far mainly non-flying defensive-defensive samples are among those. For example, the Navy recently received coast guard boats from the States on which small arms can be installed (it is not, of course, but there is a very good electronic and navigation equipment). These small boats will be able to use not only the military, but also rescuers.

transfer of military equipment to Ukraine

On arms of the Ukrainian army there are also American army Hummer jeeps, but they are few. The APU also received special radars to determine the coordinates of mortar batteries using acoustic signals.

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