/ / Judge Giovanni Falcone: the story of a fighter with "Cosa Nostra"

Judge Giovanni Falcone: the story of a fighter with "Cosa Nostra"

Этот человек стал ярким прототипом героя Коррадо Cattani in the famous crime TV series of the 80s (“Sprut”). First of all, Giovanni Falcone and the police commissioner, who was perfectly played by the famous actor Mekele Placido, unites hostility and even hatred for mafia structures. Both are with them unequal struggle for many years, both die at the hands of criminals. Today, Judge Giovanni Falcone is the national hero of Italy, who put his own life and the lives of his loved ones on the altar of the country's liberation from the powerful criminal structure "Cosa Nostra". How did a man who, in his youth, wanted to become a naval sailor, managed to resist the criminal gangs, which were headed by powerful bosses? Consider this question in more detail.

Italy under the rule of the mafia

For a long time, “Cosa Nostra” occupied the dominant position in the hierarchy of the underworld on the Apennine Peninsula.

Giovanni Falcone

В середине 80-х главари мафиозных структур they tried by all means to intervene in the country's politics, and the killing of judges, deputies and high-ranking officials was then almost commonplace. Many people remember the photograph that once adorned the printed publication Spiegel (Germany) - it shows a plate of spaghetti, above which a black revolver towers. It became clear to everyone: the Cosa Nostra mentality was greatly transformed, but still there were heroes who were able to decide on an unequal struggle with criminal clans.

Thunderstorm of the Italian Mafia

Giovanni Falcone - a native of the Sicilian cityPalermo (Italy). He was born on May 18, 1939. His father headed one of the chemical laboratories, and the family did not experience material difficulties. Having received a certificate of maturity, the young man decided to enter the Naval Academy in Livorno, and he succeeded. However, he soon awoke an interest in the study of jurisprudence. In 1964, he took a job in the judiciary. The young man represented the magistrate in a whole series of Italian cities. Then the young Giovanni began to study the textbook of criminology and intensively study the articles of the Criminal Code.

Giovanni Falcone death

His job profile gradually shifted from civil to criminal law.

Position of judge

At the age of 27, Giovanni Falcone becamea judge in the provincial town of Trapani. Here, in the west of Sicily, the connections and authority of Cosa Nostra were stronger than anywhere else. However, the new representative of Themis and did not think to tremble before the mafia clans, most of all he resented the fact that criminal communities create excesses and lawlessness, and ordinary people feel in danger, absolutely not believing that law enforcement structures will be able to protect them. Giovanni Falcone, whose biography is familiar to many Italian detectives today, firmly believed that it is possible to win in the fight against Cosa Nostra, and that the main weapon against the mafia is the coordinated work of the law enforcement agencies. And of course, criminal structures very quickly began to see the enemy in a young judge, they were particularly angry when the trial in Palermo took place: Falcone had severely sentenced 400 members of the mafia.

Giovanni Falcone biography

Naturally, Giovanni was aware of all the vulnerability.his position, which was unenviable, according to many experts. Therefore, serious security measures were taken: the house where the judge lived was protected from all sides, he worked in a bunker, moved around the city only with guards.

"Panther with the memory of an elephant"

Soon he became a legend of Sicily.However, the judge himself has repeatedly stated that one should not exaggerate his merits, since he is an ordinary person who is on guard of state interests. The leaders of the underworld called him the panther with the memory of an elephant, with no doubt that Giovanni Falcone was powerless against the mafia.

Standoff increases

Soon the judge, who began his career in Trapani, is starting to investigate bankruptcy cases. His colleague Rocco Chinnichchi noticed with what persistence and zeal Giovanni was trying to get to the bottom of the truth.

The case of the bankruptcy of the company that banker Michele Sindona sold to one of the ex-members of the Christian Democratic Party falls into the hands of Falcone. All this was just the tip of the iceberg.

Giovanni began to check the work of construction companiesand the activities of officials suspected of bribery for the issuance of licenses. Naturally, after this, threats once again fell down, and he himself was tried to be pulled out into negotiations. But the judge was adamant in his intentions and continued his work.

Giovanni Falcone vs Mafia

В результате ему удалось найти ниточку, которая led to influential mafia leaders. All of them in the amount of 80 people were arrested, and a warrant for such a preventive measure was signed by Judge Gaetano Costa. Of course, Cosa Nostra does not forgive such blows, and soon Kosta is found dead.

Apogee of struggle

However, the cruel reprisals against the judge did not frightenGiovanni. In the early 80s he joined the union of prosecutors and judges, which was engaged in the unwinding of cases involving mafia structures. On such a measure Falcone went after the life of the head of the Palermo police, Boris Giuliano, who collected a large-scale dirt on the bosses of the underworld in Italy, was deprived of life.

In 1982, he was appointed prefect in Palermo.Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, who became famous for exposing the activities of the Red Brigades. However, three months later, with a little more, he was killed on a crowded street, having been shot with a machine gun.

Спустя немного времени преступники жестоко They also deal with Judge Rocco Chinnichi, placing an explosive device in his car, and Falcone becomes the head of the Cosa Nostra unit. The federal center is already rather tired of the atrocities of criminal communities and instructed Giovanni to uncover the high-profile cases in which the hand of the mafia was traced. Particular attention of officials from Rome was focused on the murder of Dalla Chiesa. And Falcone coped with this task. Representatives from the top of mafia structures again returned to prison.

 Giovanni Falcone 1993

Detractors among colleagues

Remarkable is the fact that the enemies of GiovanniFalcone were not only the leaders of the underworld of Italy. His work on the capture and exposure of the leaders of the Mafia tried to stop his work colleagues. In the late 80s, several servants of Themis wrote resignations in protest against the fighter against the mafia. But Falcone knew how easy it was sometimes to bribe a judge, so he wasn’t consoled by vain illusions.


But in the end, the hands of the mafia still gotto your main enemy. In May 1992, Giovanni Falcone was killed. The death of the judge caused a wide public response. Who is the perpetrator of the murder and under what circumstances did it happen? The crime was committed by one Giovanni Bruska, who was a member of one of the criminal gangs in Italy. It was he who pressed the remote control button. He has more than a hundred murders, so he had plenty of experience in criminal matters.

At six in the evening on May 23, 1992, three cars drovefrom the airport towards Palermo. In the second armored car of the carriage, the ex-judge Falcone sat with his wife. The explosion thundered suddenly, shortly before the cars were to turn towards the city of Kapachi. As it turned out, the car was laid 600-pound explosives. After the explosion, the first car in which the bodyguards were placed was thrown up, and it landed a few dozen meters from the road. The second car after the explosion tore the engine. Survived in two cars was not there. The third car suffered, but not critical.

Giovanni Falcone Awards and Recognition

The guilty have suffered deserved punishment

Следствие самым тщательным образом расследовало This is a resonant affair. A huge number of members of Cosa Nostra, who subsequently actively cooperated with law enforcement agencies, were brought to criminal responsibility; many of them had already spent their due dates. Only the perpetrator of the crime - Giovanni Bruska - is in prison for committing a crying murder.

Фальконе помнит вся Италия.He is called the main fighter against the mafia, he is a symbol of saving the country from the monstrous hydra called Cosa Nostra. Traditionally, memorable ceremonies are held in Italy in honor of a man who sometimes alone stood up against a powerful criminal organization.


Today, the Italians cannot underestimate the featperfect Giovanni Falcone. The awards and recognition that this person has been given is another proof of this. After death, the judge was awarded the gold medal "For civil valor."

In the fall of 2006, Time printed edition recognizedFalcone is a true hero. Streets, schools, squares and even one of the administrative districts of the capital are named after a judge in Italy. In Palermo, there is an airport, which is named after the fighter with the mafia.

Movie about the hero

One year after the death of the judge, director GiuseppeFerrara made a film about Giovanni Falcone, based on real events. Moreover, the veracity of the plot is confirmed by testimony and written documents. Paradoxically, but the main role of Giovanni Falcone (the film by D. Ferrer) went to actor Mekele Placido, who already played a fighter against mafia structures in the famous criminal saga "Sprut".

film about Giovanni Falcone

Картина о противостоянии судьи из Палермо и The powerful "Cosa Nostra" begins with the murder of three servants of Themis. In the center of the plot is the unfolding confrontation between the unyielding judge and the leaders of criminal communities, whose representatives have already managed to occupy the chairs of high-ranking officials. In the finale of the film “Giovanni Falcone” (1993), the protagonist is killed along with his wife, but the names of those who ordered the crime remain unsolved. The director's work was done on a qualitative level, which confirms the selection of actors and the realistic nature of the scenes.

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