/ / The feeling when I did not pay for the Internet ... How to take the promised payment on Yota?

That feeling when you did not pay for the Internet ... How to take the promised payment on Yota?

Operator Yota is an ambitious company thatfirmly holds its position in the market, offering high-tech solutions for the Internet. Today, Yota services are used by more than a million users, since the proposed wireless connection works qualitatively and quickly.

But most users every now and thenthere is a question about such a popular option as a trust payment. Other mobile and Internet operators actively allow customers to pay for services on credit. How to take the promised payment on Yota? We will answer this and some other questions in this article.

how to take the promised payment on yota

A few words about the company

Few know that telecommunicationsthe company Yota appeared long ago - in 2007. Since then, the list of its subscribers has grown actively, and the company has periodically offered innovative data transmission technologies that had no analogues in the country and the world. But in 2015, the main shareholder of Yota suddenly became the company Megafon. Since then, the operator is actively engaged in the distribution of Yota's SIM cards, the tariffs for which are considered very democratic. At the same time, the company does not stop developing devices for the Internet.

How to get the promised payment on Yota?

The company-shareholder of operator Yota - "Megafon" -actively offers its users a "Trust Payment" service. This example is followed by other "sharks" of wireless communication. Indeed, such an option may seem convenient enough if the money on the account suddenly ends, and you need to get on the Internet or call urgently.

How to take the promised payment on Yota?It turns out that the operator did not provide such an opportunity. Many would consider this an oversight or a shortcoming of the company. But in fact, the option of trust payment is not entirely intentional, because this is the policy of the firm. One of the basic rules of the operator is not to allow the user to go into the minus and become a debtor.

yota rates

How to be?

It's no secret that most of theInternet users are perfectly able to use e-commerce tools. In addition, almost all Yota customers have the bulk of the money stored on bank cards or in electronic currencies. If you take into account these facts, then the question of how to take the promised payment on Yota, should disappear by itself.

Virtually all electronic wallets and mobilecustomers maintain cooperation with Yota counterparty and accept payments without commissions. And by tying the bank card of the Savings Bank to the account of the operator, the user gets the opportunity to manage the services of communication by sending commands to the number 900. Thus, paying the Internet here and now is not difficult at all, and it is really not necessary to get into debt.

What does the operator offer instead of trust payment?

There are situations where there is no financial opportunitypay for communication services. The company provided such circumstances and prepared a surprise for customers. Even those users who did not make on time the subscription fee, do not remain completely without communication. Only 64 kb / s, but stable and free for two months!

how to get the promised payment on yota

Another interesting feature from Yota

Sometimes Yota customers, hoping for the favor of the operator, do not leave attempts to get services on credit and contact the technical support service.

Of course, the service specialist will not tell you howtake the promised payment to Yota, but will be able to accept the application as an offer to optimize services. But most importantly, for such situations, there is a site “Yota Idea Factory”, where the client is supposed to click on the “Make an offer” button and leave his idea. All guests of the site can vote for the wishes, and the support service subsequently implements the most popular ones.

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